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Drugs and Gaming.

Started by Serious Paul, August 23, 2007, 08:06:46 AM

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Serious Paul

As some of you may imagine I frown pretty heavily upon the  usage of drugs in my games by players-mainly for liability reasons, I try to keep my morality and my job out of my home life-and over the years we've come across a handful of players who feel the need to mix the two.

Now in our group the rules are simple-respect the home of the person we're playing at. Since we generally play at my place that means drinking is okay, as long as you're not driving, and drugs are right out. (My home is subject to search upon the reasonable suspicion of any drug use or a host of other reasons contractually, so I am not going to take the risk.) Most of the other players have the exact same rules, so it works for us.

However over the years I've encountered some people who have varying opinions on this issue. I have no moral issues against drugs, and I feel each person should be able to do whatever they'd like as long as it doesn't affect others, however the law isn't made by me, and around these parts drug laws are some pretty serious shit. So in the interest of my fiscal safety primarily I don't allow drugs on the premises or usage. (I've had a few players show up blasted, but as I'm off duty it's none of my business.)

What are your opinions on drug use and gaming? (I think I'm going to start refering to gaming as the sweet science.)


I'm totally against laws restricting recreational drug use, and don't use any myself except for a very occasional (and very good - why drink a single beer unless it's going to be really good?) beer or single malt. I consider it evolution in action, really. Laws protecting people from doing stupid things to themselves are repugnant to me. OTOH, when people set foot inside our home, they fall under my own personal ban, which goes something like "I don't care what you do elsewhere, you don't do it here. Your right to be an idiot ends on my property." Since we always game at my house, that's that. I also heavily discourage drinking while playing. I find it makes people stupid.

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I don't mind a couple of beers at the game but that's about it. Aside from the liability issue, I want people at the table who can pay attention, not some idiot who can't remember what's going and thinks they're 10 times funnier than they are. Doesn't matter if it's legal if it's disruptive.


My games are stupid enough without alcohol.  And I allow no illicit substances in the house because I fear The Man.
Jeff Rients
My gameblog


The occasional glass of mead or ale might be allowed at the gaming table. Just for atmosphere, you understand ;)

Nothing harder usually gets brought to the table, and no one really indulges heavily. No harm in a pint, I think. Or if anyone in the group has had some good news, a bottle of bubbly might find its way to the table.

Nothing else allowed. Or indeed ever brought.


No drinking before or during play, thanks. I've had too many bad experiences to tolerate the chance of a session being ruined by someone who doesn't know their limits.

Illicit drugs are also a big no-no, for the same reason. If you want to get stoned then do it with people who appreciate you being like that. I really don't want to wait 15 minutes as you decide what your character will do on his turn.

The Evil DM

when I was young and single drugs and alcohol were not allowed at the game just as a matter of courtesy to the guy who was running it and the other players who wanted to game. If you got wasted afterwards thats on you.  My crowd were mostly drinkers and  never had anything stronger than the occasional joint.

Once I became married with children all that changed. while I wouldnt mind a beer or two with the chips and salsa. thats about it. Drugs of any type are right out.  luckily it's never been an issue.

when I was in my 20's my apartment was like a dorm room. with people coming and going at all hours.  Now all visitors to my house for a game are screened- per the orders of "She who must be obeyed".
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I'll have a beer or two just to loosen me up; most of my other players don't drink at all for various reasons.  Other stuff has been present in some games, but I don't think it ever benefitted the game or the group; I prefer to run without using them these days.
For fuck\'s sake, these are games, people.

And no one gives a fuck about your ignore list.

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I encourage beer during the game, but that's about it.  I like sitting around drinking a few beers with friends, and if we're gaming at the time, all the better!  Nobody has more than 2-3 over the course of 3-4 hours.

I only once had a player where I needed to tell him to cut it out.  He'd bring a 6-pack and finish it off within the first 30-45 minutes on his own.  Then he'd act like even more of an ass than normal.  I addressed it, and it wasn't a big problem from then on out.

I didn't invite him back after that campaign, apart from once when I was running a one-shot and figured I'd give him another chance.  So he showed up with a 40 and downed it in about 5 minutes and - once again - was more of an ass than usual.

Not making that mistake again. :)



obryn, that's how we do it generally.  We all mostly drink some beers while we play, but we don't overdo it, and all of us know our limits.

I'm against all illiegal drugs, because they're illegal.  I'm past the point where doing illegal things to "fight the man" seems cool.  I've ha d a few friends and family members go to jail because of drugs, so I stay way the hell away from them if I can.
-JFC Wolz
Co-host of 2 Gms, 1 Mic


Well, the illegal is right out, and my group is compsed mostly of teetotallers, but the one time we let someone drink and game they usually pollished off most of a 750 mL of vodka and were fucking useless in less than a couple hours. It was fucking annoying

So at my table you better not get drunk on a  regular basis.
Running: Dogs of WAR - Beer & Pretzels & Bullets
Planning to Run: Godbound or Stars Without Number
Playing: Star Wars D20 Rev.

A lack of moderation doesn\'t mean saying every asshole thing that pops into your head.


I have nothing against having a moderate amount of alcohal but oddly enough, no one has really brought any into the game.  I think it's because it takes a certain amount of effort for everyone to show and when we do get together, it's to game, not to drink.  As far as other substances, none of us partake in them, so that's not an issue.  I would not allow them into playing the game because of the liability issues and distractions.
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Zachary The First

Illegal=bad for our gaming.  That includes for us drinking in close circles when there's minors about.  

Otherwise, social drinking is fine, but we've had issues in past gaming groups with people getting plastered and starting fights IRL, so it's something we watch closely.
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I'll probably offend some people here, but- We play at one of two places, and the rules are the same in both. Light booze/thc are okay. Drinking has pretty much faded away in the last few years, as almost all of us have laid off completely (for me it was in 1992). Pot is always about, but as some of us are adults with families, the quantitities are very small- never even close to any amount that would get you more than a ticket and a small fine here- not that i or anyone in my group has actually ever had anything like this happen. We are all careful people. And I look like an accountant. I'm not in the kind or world that drug tests, and turthfully in my line of work a ticket for weed won't really do much to your job prospects or opportunities, though, so my risk factor is much smaller. It's not any kind of fight against the man though, not anymore than when I break the speed limit, anyway.
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Metal Earth

Cosmic Tales- Webcomic


When I host the game, drugs are out, but the occasional drink is okay. Drunks aren't invited back because they disrupt the game in general. When other guys host, they might smoke weed or allow the occasional drink or two.
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