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Dragons and Elves and more Oh MY!

Started by Spike, June 07, 2007, 08:32:12 PM

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Oh, cut the internet tough guy crap.



What is to admit? Seriously. I stated up front that I didn't read them, didn't want to read them, had no intention of reading them.

You want me to admit that? Fine. I didn't read them, didn't want to read them, had no intention of reading them.

Wow. I feel so liberated now. Thank you Ancient History. I have learned the error of my ways.
For you the day you found a minor error in a Post by Spike and forced him to admit it, it was the greatest day of your internet life.  For me it was... Tuesday.

For the curious: Apparently, in person, I sound exactly like the Youtube Character The Nostalgia Critic.   I have no words.


Ancient History

Nah. You don't have to admit what you've already stated. It would be nice if you were cognizant of the principle point I've been trying to impress upon you: the fact that you have not read the book invalidates any statement you make because it is uninformed.

Well, that and the fact that you totally deviated from the thread by kvetching about IEs. 'Tis not that I mind your mislike of them-hey, everyone has their opinion-but 'twas a breach of netiquette and, frankly, in poor style when combined with the fact that you were bitching about things you had not read (reference uninformed statements, above).

We won't talk about your words and actions in this thread, I've pretty much been taunting you because I found your rage amusing (among other things, but mostly that).

David R

Crap, I thought this thread was where we could all bitch about our hate for elves & dwarves.

I bet you're a big Lee Marvin fan :D

David R

J Arcane

Quote from: David RCrap, I thought this thread was where we could all bitch about our hate for elves & dwarves.

I bet you're a big Lee Marvin fan :D

David R
I dig elves, but only if their the ultra agile, dancing with swords kinda elves.  Like the kind that stab lots of things, and look damn good doing it.

Dwarves are creepy.  All short and hairy.  And why do they always have Scottish accents, even though their Norse in origin?  WTF is that all about?
Bedroom Wall Press - Games that make you feel like a kid again.

Arcana Rising - An Urban Fantasy Roleplaying Game, powered by Hulks and Horrors.
Hulks and Horrors - A Sci-Fi Roleplaying game of Exploration and Dungeon Adventure
Heaven\'s Shadow - A Roleplaying Game of Faith and Assassination

David R

Quote from: J ArcaneI dig elves, but only if their the ultra agile, dancing with swords kinda elves.  Like the kind that stab lots of things, and look damn good doing it.

Eh? You mean like Wardancers (WFRP)? Bladesingers (D&D)? Me, the only time I can stand elves out of a Middle Earth context is when Brom draws 'em. The fuckers look cruel as though they are tortured by their own innate coolness.

They are kind of like the French you know, fuckers probably got their own word like elan which I suppose is only applicable to them even though they are on the losing end of whatever setting they are based in.

QuoteDwarves are creepy.  All short and hairy.  And why do they always have Scottish accents, even though their Norse in origin?  WTF is that all about?

Dwarves...don't get me started...

David R

J Arcane

QuoteEh? You mean like Wardancers (WFRP)? Bladesingers (D&D)? Me, the only time I can stand elves out of a Middle Earth context is when Brom draws 'em. The fuckers look cruel as though they are tortured by their own innate coolness.

I dunno.  I think the image I have partly exists in my own head, I'm not even realyl sure where I got it.  Just this cruel graceful ruthlessness, two blades in hand, and jsut sort of flowing aroudn a battlefield in a way that's almost like a dance, both beautiful and terrible to be hold.  Where even landing a blow on him just seems to add to his momentum as he turns with the strike and somehow winds up with his blade through your chest.

the closest comparison I can think of is all that ultracoreographed stuff you see in stuff like Equilibrium or Ultraviolet, but more fluid.  Orlando Bloom's character kinda hints at it sometimes, but he's not quite got the menace that I picture.
Bedroom Wall Press - Games that make you feel like a kid again.

Arcana Rising - An Urban Fantasy Roleplaying Game, powered by Hulks and Horrors.
Hulks and Horrors - A Sci-Fi Roleplaying game of Exploration and Dungeon Adventure
Heaven\'s Shadow - A Roleplaying Game of Faith and Assassination

David R

Quote from: J ArcaneI dunno.  I think the image I have partly exists in my own head, I'm not even realyl sure where I got it.  

Okay, I once ran a Midnight campaign - the only other setting where I can stand Elves - where the fighting style of Elves was based on the moves Daniel Day Lewis's Hawkeye displayed in Last of The Mohicans. The idea itself originated from one of my players who created a Jorune character with a similar fighting style. The logic behind this was that the Elves no longer had the "battle field" option and had adopted up close and personal guerrilla tactics for combat.

David R


Quote from: Ancient HistoryNah. You don't have to admit what you've already stated. It would be nice if you were cognizant of the principle point I've been trying to impress upon you: the fact that you have not read the book invalidates any statement you make because it is uninformed.

Well, that and the fact that you totally deviated from the thread by kvetching about IEs. 'Tis not that I mind your mislike of them-hey, everyone has their opinion-but 'twas a breach of netiquette and, frankly, in poor style when combined with the fact that you were bitching about things you had not read (reference uninformed statements, above).

We won't talk about your words and actions in this thread, I've pretty much been taunting you because I found your rage amusing (among other things, but mostly that).

The problem here, AH, is that I wasn't making any real detailed points about the elven nations.  I was, again, making points about the state of real world places. Places I happen to have been.

I made one tiny conjecture about the economics, or utter lack of economics of the situation as regards to a real world parrallel.

Now, if I had been expounding in detail about any of that, well... then you might have had a point. Sadly, you never did, as evidenced by the cop out argument 'I was only pushing your buttons' that you so casually dropped.
For you the day you found a minor error in a Post by Spike and forced him to admit it, it was the greatest day of your internet life.  For me it was... Tuesday.

For the curious: Apparently, in person, I sound exactly like the Youtube Character The Nostalgia Critic.   I have no words.


Ancient History

You did that, and I've never bothered you about that. However, there was:
QuoteHaving avoided the two Tir books like the plague, I can't speak as to what the designers said about the economics of the nations, but I suspect they are composed of handwavium. Maybe Dragons Did It.
This is an example of you talking out of your ass.

Of course, let us not forget your total and complete deviation from the subject that followed:
QuoteYou might guess at the cause of my disdain for those books when I tell you that I think all powerful Great Dragons and millenia old 'Immortal Elves' are, to me, the actual Worst.Thing.Evah! for Shadowrun. The stink off that proverbial pile of dung was powerful enough to keep me from game stores while those books were still fresh.

So to speak.

You might think a bit differently, but that's your call.

I like elves, sure. Favorite non-human race to play and all that, but the cooler-than-thou ubernation attitude many people had about the TT in the early days, the magically impenetrable borders and oodles of 'mystic secret coolness' just irritates the bejeebus out of me.

I swear I've had GM's that would go

'Oh, you planning a border crossing in Tir? Well, as you guys bring up the notion, Tir commando's break down your door and brainwash you all. No, don't roll, these guys are too Uber for you to beat, you are all stunned/dead/whatevered... on, oh... initiative count 80 or so...'

Yeah. I'll bite on Shasta before I give any respect at all to these 'Major Elven nations'. that cropped up like fleas.

Which was then followed by you starting this thread, and my reply which torqued you off into a personal attack. Which in fact led you to make the statement:
QuoteSadly, unlike you, I have neither the time, nor inclination to read up on all that shit, which to ME is absolute shit, just to not get your goat when I call it... well... Shit.

I don't need to step in the cow pie to know I don't want it on my shoe. I don't need to read every last wankish uberelf fangeek developer wet dream to know I don't want it in my game.
Which again supports my allegation that if you want your opinion to count for something, it must be an informed opinion. You have chosen to remain ignorant.

That about sums up the story so far.

[/edit] Also, a friend of mine wants you to point out on the doll where the IEs touched you.