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Consumers Guide to TTRPGs

Started by Ocule, November 19, 2022, 01:45:23 PM

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The writer of the game is the main moderator. PLUS they (same ppl as the NSR, FKR Collective and Rainbow OSR) kept kicking me off and I know they're not just liberal but many were actual antifa leftist commie types as I lurked on their Discords just for the game content and caused not trouble with them. I simply stated during a political debate about abortion that using birth control would prevent a pregnancy so there would not be an abortion debate. I was accused of taking away the reproductive rights of women? I then realized their view was to abort every thing that can maybe? Then someone on their Discord(s) decided that all my modules were suddenly racist, mysogonist and icky so I should be PERMABNANNED! A few of them follow me around getting me banned and putting me on their list and such...

Cathode Ray

i think that the above example, of fascistic harassing its own potential customers to this extent for mainstream views, is criteria for the red list.
Creator of Radical High, a 1980s RPG.
DM/PM me if you're interested.


What's sad is the NSR had some really innovative ideas but as a wise man once said "Don't buy from people who hate you!" and that's wise advice.   


Quote from: Cathode Ray on September 22, 2023, 10:26:36 PM
i think that the above example, of fascistic harassing its own potential customers to this extent for mainstream views, is criteria for the red list.



Hey, since you probably didn't see my comment, I had several suggestions for the green list:


Also, I have mentioned Gabor Lux (First Hungarian d20 Society) as another potential green list addition.

Another thing is that maybe we should move Noble Knight Games to the yellow or red list based on what Venger said about them. Or at least we should mention Venger's accusations as an addendum on their green list entry:



Anything by Paige Lietman should be on the Red. When I was still somewhat interested by 5E, she was a moderator on one of the FB D&D Pages, I dared to say my race was gamer. I discovered  that, as a white guy, I needed to make sure and admit I only deserve to lick the floors of overflowing toilets and must bow and admit my whiteness was lowness or something. I was like really attacked by the entire page. Let's just say her followers are so far up her huge budungas, their legs are hanging out.


How about Grey Ghost Press and Big Dice Games? I can't even seem to find the latter's website. But GGP seems like pretty normal people.

Cathode Ray

Quote from: Hopladamus on October 15, 2023, 02:54:51 PM
Hey, since you probably didn't see my comment, I had several suggestions for the green list:


Another thing is that maybe we should move Noble Knight Games to the yellow or red list based on what Venger said about them. Or at least we should mention Venger's accusations as an addendum on their green list entry:


I don't think Venger's story qualifies Noble Knight games for red or yellow list. Miserable business practices, yes, greedy, yes, but that's not "wokeness".
Creator of Radical High, a 1980s RPG.
DM/PM me if you're interested.


Quote from: KrisSnow on May 18, 2023, 07:45:55 PM
I've given up on buying anything from Itch.io these days, after seeing again and again how they prominently (large front-page ad) promote one leftist bundle after another. When you're specifically trying to change the politics of my state with what's supposed to be a gaming site, I don't want to funnel any money to your site.

It seems like you are against them selling things that their customers want to buy. No one is silencing you. It seems like you just want to cancel them because of their politics.


Quote from: pawsplay on November 25, 2023, 11:54:52 PM
Quote from: KrisSnow on May 18, 2023, 07:45:55 PM
I've given up on buying anything from Itch.io these days, after seeing again and again how they prominently (large front-page ad) promote one leftist bundle after another. When you're specifically trying to change the politics of my state with what's supposed to be a gaming site, I don't want to funnel any money to your site.

It seems like you are against them selling things that their customers want to buy. No one is silencing you. It seems like you just want to cancel them because of their politics.

Yeah, I agree. I am not sure what the politics are of the people who run things at Itch.io. They do not censor like DriveThruRPG -- they pretty much allow anything. You can post what you like. I have a few games posted that I am pretty sure would be banned on DriveThruRPG for violation of thoughtcrimes, but are fine on Itch.io.

So if you are going boycott Itch.io for allowing stuff you don't like, are you going to boycott DriveThruRPG which openly bans people who post things they don't agree with?


Quote from: Eldrad on November 07, 2023, 01:14:15 PM
Anything by Paige Lietman should be on the Red. When I was still somewhat interested by 5E, she was a moderator on one of the FB D&D Pages, I dared to say my race was gamer. I discovered  that, as a white guy, I needed to make sure and admit I only deserve to lick the floors of overflowing toilets and must bow and admit my whiteness was lowness or something. I was like really attacked by the entire page. Let's just say her followers are so far up her huge budungas, their legs are hanging out.

I just googled images of her.

All the evidence I needed.

I also think the Red list should be changed to Purple.


So the new Arkham 7th edition has been released.  As expected we have race and gender swapped characters the best of which is a white male blonde German psychic being replaced with a black female psychic. Isn't there a term for that and also the theme of a recent movie? There are multiple sections ranting about diversity yet  supposedly MU still has  90% white male students while the image of the school band show majority poc.   There is a great section where they decry that in the 1920s Harvard, Cornell, Columbia, and Yale, among others, operated a discriminatory and racist "Jewish quota" designed to limit or deny access for Jewish students.  Of course not a mention of the admission policies and rampant antisemitism that those very same schools have now. I wonder why that is.
'Don't join us. Work hard, get good degrees, join the Establishment and serve our cause from within.' Harry Pollitt - Communist Party GB

"Don't worry about the election, Trump's not gonna win. I made f*cking sure of that!" Eric Coomer -  Dominion Voting Systems Officer of Strategy and Security

Cathode Ray

Although they're not publishers, CRIT Awards deserves an entry on this list.
It's been discussed on this forum, at this thread:
Creator of Radical High, a 1980s RPG.
DM/PM me if you're interested.




SO when do we add BASTIONLAND Press to the Red category? Who is updating the list?