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Campaign Ideas...

Started by David R, November 23, 2006, 03:24:10 AM

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David R

...where the pcs live fast, die young and roll up new ones from a limited pool of characters .

Title : Body Count

Genre : Harlan Ellison /Survival horror

Tagline : One shot is all you get...

You willl become one of them .One day soon, you'll find a revolver with a list of names on it and instructions. One bullet only for each name or there will be consequences. One day time limit for each name. Happy Hunting. You miss a target or spend more than one bullet on a quarry, one part of your body becomes numb and useless. Perhaps you go blind in one eye. Than maybe you fuck up again, and your left leg becomes paralysed. Maybe you should cooperate with your fellow players. Maybe the cops will find you before your next kill. Maybe the prey has friends. A lot of maybes and only one day till your next kill.

Title : Comitatus (Comitatenes)

Genre: Historical fantasy :D

Tagline : Our deeds are immortal

A group of Roman legionaires sail through a storm and find themselves marooned in a generic fantasy setting. They are human, they are few, they have no magic but they are led by a cunning military genius. This land is ours.This is our time. Our Empire begins now....

Your turn :D

David R


Title: After the beginning.

Genre: Super sci-fi post-singularity ala Verner Vinge's Marooned in Realtime.

Tagline: Everyone else has ascended to a technological heaven and left you behind, well, almost everyone else.

You thought it would be fun. Go camping for a week, go roughing it. Fun, except when you got back everyone was gone. AI went sentient, invented all sorts of weird, wonderful, and dangerous tech, the world went crazy, then everybody left. Some of the new tech can create miracles, just be careful what you ask for, it powers itself by turning matter into energy and it courses through your veins. Ask for to much or ask incorrectly and it'll consume you, literally. Physically and psychologically. Oh, and uh, not everyone left, they're just not all, strictly speaking, 'human'.


I can only contribute a title:

Byzantium 1939
If there can\'t be a TPK against the will of the players it\'s not an RPG.- Pierce Inverarity


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Make it a GIANT floating mountain/city of a yellow blimp crossing the ocean between continents.... only to find that the curse of atlantis has befallen ALL of the continents.

Sort of a swashbuckling, steampunk, dark gods, Conan end of the world campaign. OK maybe a short campaign.