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Are Orcs Racist?

Started by Brad, July 02, 2015, 05:26:35 PM

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Quote from: Axiomatic;839640Congratulations on being the only person in the thread to do so.

I've read the thread. It started off much the same old thing (as I said) but it does get better.
Remember when Illinois Nazis where a joke in the Blue Brothers movie?

Democracy, meh? (538)

 "The salient fact of American politics is that there are fifty to seventy million voters each of whom will volunteer to live, with his family, in a cardboard box under an overpass, and cook sparrows on an old curtain rod, if someone would only guarantee that the black, gay, Hispanic, liberal, whatever, in the next box over doesn't even have a curtain rod, or a sparrow to put on it."

Shipyard Locked

Quote from: TristramEvans;839737http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3698899&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=59

Beware the stupidity and cowardice. Not even laugh-worthy.

Aww shucks, you're right. That wasn't the fun I hoped it would be. :(

Try harder goons, you have a reputation to maintain!


Quote from: Axiomatic;839640Congratulations on being the only person in the thread to do so.

I read it. Congrats on being a dick. Next.

Yet another of the same ol same ol over there and elsewhere. The loonies post, the sane people, post the admin ban the sane people, (well ok that part might not have happened, yet) more sane people post, loonies rally, ad nausium.

But compared to many other threads, that one is pretty darn tame. And short so far.

Quotethey have some really unfortunate vibes of negative stereotypes of Pacific Islanders as violent xenophobic savages.
There is nothing in Shou society or culture that is related to Pacific Islander society or culture.

Their only commonality is that they live on a island.

I particularly like this very early reply. There are more good replies in the thread.

One Horse Town

Quote from: TristramEvans;839737http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3698899&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=59

Beware the stupidity and cowardice. Not even laugh-worthy.

Ha! Isn't the guy who posted that the same guy who rage-quit freelancing for the new Exalted edition? I seem to recall a resemblance in user-name when i followed a link Nexus put up in the Exalted thread here.

Guess he found that writing game material took too much time from his shit-posting about opinions he doesn't like, made by people he doesn't like, on boards he doesn't like. :rotfl:

This thread does suck donkey balls though. I agree about that.


Quote from: One Horse Town;839806Ha! Isn't the guy who posted that the same guy who rage-quit freelancing for the new Exalted edition? I seem to recall a resemblance in user-name when i followed a link Nexus put up in the Exalted thread here.

Guess he found that writing game material took too much time from his shit-posting about opinions he doesn't like, made by people he doesn't like, on boards he doesn't like. :rotfl:

This thread does suck donkey balls though. I agree about that.

I wonder what the average age of a poster is there. I have a feeling that it's a lot of folks that grew up playing D&D 4E or late 3.x edition, went to college in 2010 and decided everything is a problem.


Quote from: Ulairi;839836I wonder what the average age of a poster is there. I have a feeling that it's a lot of folks that grew up playing D&D 4E or late 3.x edition, went to college in 2010 and decided everything is a problem.

Down to a single one they lost their collective minds when 5e was announced and even created fake "leaks" of outrageous rules to try and shit up early playtest discussion traffic, so I'd say you were pretty close to right.

Mcbobbo sums it up nicely.

Astrophysicists are reassessing Einsteinian relativity because the 28 billion l

Warboss Squee

Well, good to see Plague of Hats is still a massive douche.  Shine on you fucking manchild.


If you're worried about the pretend race being racist, or the pretend culture is "Appropriating" anything, or the pretend violence has horrible real world implications...

You should probably get out of this hobby and never come back.

I never thought I'd see the day where Progressive's became the establishment rallying against Dungeons and Dragons like the 80's right wing conservatives did..

It's just, instead of leading to "Satan" now it leads to "Sexism" and "Racism".

Meet the new Boss, same as the old Boss.
1. Some of you culture warriors are so committed to the bit you'll throw out any nuance or common sense in fear it's 'giving in' to the other side.

2. I'm a married homeowner with a career and a child. I won life. You can't insult me.

3. I work in a Prison, your tough guy act is boring.


Quote from: Orphan81;839928If you're worried about the pretend race being racist, or the pretend culture is "Appropriating" anything, or the pretend violence has horrible real world implications...

You should probably get out of this hobby and never come back.

I think the Pundit is right and many of the people with such concerns don't regularly play.  Many have likely left the RPG hobby and are enjoying their current hobby of being very concerned about books they'll never buy or use.  I imagine they'll buy some books that they consider acceptable and sufficiently thematic and interesting looking that they can effectively function as a coffee table book.  Actually play or run RPGs?  Maybe once a year at a sufficiently progressive small RPG convention or maybe via Skype every once in a blue moon, if at all.


Quote from: NathanIW;839936I think the Pundit is right and many of the people with such concerns don't regularly play.  Many have likely left the RPG hobby and are enjoying their current hobby of being very concerned about books they'll never buy or use.  I imagine they'll buy some books that they consider acceptable and sufficiently thematic and interesting looking that they can effectively function as a coffee table book.  Actually play or run RPGs?  Maybe once a year at a sufficiently progressive small RPG convention or maybe via Skype every once in a blue moon, if at all.

I'm starting to think this is true myself. I have a campaign going on at all times, sometimes 2 of them. I'm constantly writing material for my games or planning future one's I want to run...

I never see these guys talking about their current campaigns, of what's going on with them, or even if their in the midst of playing something..

Combine that with the sheer amount of posts they have on their respective forums and you get this picture of someone whose just spending all their time bitching online and trying to look smugly superior for being offended at Orcs while others are not.
1. Some of you culture warriors are so committed to the bit you'll throw out any nuance or common sense in fear it's 'giving in' to the other side.

2. I'm a married homeowner with a career and a child. I won life. You can't insult me.

3. I work in a Prison, your tough guy act is boring.


Quote from: Omega;839248Since when was tribalism racist?

Er, well it probably is the basis of most racism just write large.


Quote from: Orphan81;839928If you're worried about the pretend race being racist, or the pretend culture is "Appropriating" anything, or the pretend violence has horrible real world implications...

You should probably get out of this hobby and never come back.

That's a bit harsh.

Some people don't want to play in certain settings because of the content.

That's fine - People can always choose the setting they play in and how they play.

If someone doesn't want to play in a setting with racist/sexist/homophobic/prejudiced content, then they shouldn't have to. They can choose to play in a different setting. That is far better than leaving the hobby altogether.
Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism  since 1982.

Merrie England (Medieval RPG): http://merrieengland.soltakss.com/index.html
Alternate Earth: http://alternateearthrq.soltakss.com/index.html


I also read the thread, and it's actually a good thread.
Better than this one.


and I totally agree with my esteemed colleague above:

QuoteSome people don't want to play in certain settings because of the content.

That's fine - People can always choose the setting they play in and how they play.

If someone doesn't want to play in a setting with racist/sexist/homophobic/prejudiced content, then they shouldn't have to. They can choose to play in a different setting. That is far better than leaving the hobby altogether.


Quote from: NathanIW;839936I think the Pundit is right and many of the people with such concerns don't regularly play.  Many have likely left the RPG hobby and are enjoying their current hobby of being very concerned about books they'll never buy or use.  I imagine they'll buy some books that they consider acceptable and sufficiently thematic and interesting looking that they can effectively function as a coffee table book.  Actually play or run RPGs?  Maybe once a year at a sufficiently progressive small RPG convention or maybe via Skype every once in a blue moon, if at all.

We see it too in boardgaming. People who act like snobs and hate on some game essentially "because someone told me to." not because they actually played the game. Seen this sort of behavior for just about anything since at least the 90s, provably 80s.


Quote from: soltakss;840118That's a bit harsh.

As harsh as say, attacking entire RPG publishing companies on their portrayal of fictitious beings, or their game's portrayal of overt analog cultures as being racist? I think it's not harsh at all. I think its common sense.

Quote from: soltakss;840118Some people don't want to play in certain settings because of the content.

Sure. Some people don't. So in keeping with the point of the thread (and several of its corollary threads from TBP) - is it necessary to make hyperbolic claims that do not exist about the nature of a game for it's own sake? Why not take it to some other logical extreme - are Orcs a manifestation of "rape-culture"? Or are the assumptions of your views on D&D that all half-orcs are the product of consensual sex?

Here's a better way of dealing with it: If it suits the needs of your game, rock on. If it doesn't - don't consume the material and let it trouble your little soul.

Quote from: soltakss;840118That's fine - People can always choose the setting they play in and how they play.

then why even post this response? See below...

Quote from: soltakss;840118If someone doesn't want to play in a setting with racist/sexist/homophobic/prejudiced content, then they shouldn't have to. They can choose to play in a different setting. That is far better than leaving the hobby altogether.

Two things  - 1) This quote flies in the face of your previous one. One of them requires no statement whatsoever. I'd argue that both are stipulated writ-large for *all gaming*. Unless you're a hostage of a gaming terrorist with a gun held up to your head and you're being forced to play their racist/sexist/homophobic/prejudiced game.

2) The spurious logic used to even fuel this notion of Orcs-as-racists (as pointed out - they are as a conceit of their nature in-game) - and people being too sensitive to "handle it", probably means that any pastime which requires acceptance of any distinction will fall into the same idiotic fallacious logic-pattern.

There's always kneedle-point. I hear that's not very racist.