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Anyone else prefer an even mix of male & female players?

Started by S'mon, June 06, 2016, 07:50:02 AM

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Quote from: Omega;902163Didnt we have this discussion about 3-4 months ago?

Gender is irrelevant. Ability to play well and not be a problem is what is important.

(This being said while in a group where I am outnumbered 3 to 1. :eek:)

It's not irrelevant if you're intimidated, though.  
I may have posted something previously. This thread was actually prompted by my 'uh oh' feeling recently when it seemed I'd be GMing for 2m 4f, and thinking how I'd probably prefer more like 3m 3f whereas I've previously thought more in terms of recruiting more female players. It did make me feel sympathy for my female GMs, who are typically GMing for mostly or entirely male groups. If I'm feeling intimidated at the thought of a mostly female group, when I've been GMing for women for 15 years tabletop (longer online), I think it must be worse for them, especially the less experienced ones. And I guess that again makes me think more sympathetically of the Contessa project with its all-female groups - but again, I think an even mix is probably best.


Quote from: S'mon;902176I've had the female equivalent of the extreme*-right-wing knife-wielding (in US would be gun-wielding) Survivalist type in my group - she was 'interesting'... nice legs though. :D

If you'd have ended it here, I'd have asked where I needed to send her some roses... but I've actually had a few 'tough girls' in my gaming groups.  While I won't say it's a 'better' experience, if you get someone like this in a militarized game like Delta Green or [Any Warhammer 40k RPG]- the results can be interesting when they guys start roleplaying as 'tough' as the lady.

Quote from: S'mon;902188It's not irrelevant if you're intimidated, though.  
I may have posted something previously. This thread was actually prompted by my 'uh oh' feeling recently when it seemed I'd be GMing for 2m 4f, and thinking how I'd probably prefer more like 3m 3f whereas I've previously thought more in terms of recruiting more female players. It did make me feel sympathy for my female GMs, who are typically GMing for mostly or entirely male groups. If I'm feeling intimidated at the thought of a mostly female group, when I've been GMing for women for 15 years tabletop (longer online), I think it must be worse for them, especially the less experienced ones. And I guess that again makes me think more sympathetically of the Contessa project with its all-female groups - but again, I think an even mix is probably best.

Keep in mind I'm not trying to tear you down here- I'm just more concerned about why you'd play with people who intimidate you?  Do you find open game nights or something? I've played with folks that annoy me after a while (and I part ways), but if someone gives me a bad vibe of any sort I'm not even going to plant my ass in a chair at that table.  

I do think it's kind of strange that these lady-folk we're discussing could be intimidated by one man at the table, when it's mostly women.  That's not a reason to be concerned about the event, that's a cause for concern to those ladies' mental condition... how does a person live like that?  Do they stay indoors, never work, and just put newspapers over their window?

Actually I'm pretty sure most of the ladies for this event didn't give a shit- there's just always that 'one person' that has to find a reason to whine about something cool just to be a contrarian or hear themselves talk.


I would much rather have equal distribution - for most of my years I had it and loved it - but lately, I don't. I am running three weekly groups, and each has one woman.

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Quote from: Crüesader;902194Keep in mind I'm not trying to tear you down here- I'm just more concerned about why you'd play with people who intimidate you?  Do you find open game nights or something?

I GM at a Meetup, generally I don't initially know the other players. The other day I was on my way in to the Sunday game (players 3m 3f) when I got a PM from a person with a gender-neutral name who said they'd just arrived in UK, asking if they could sit in & observe my game. I assume typical D&D nerd, from the PM well-spoken & not obnoxious. I said I'd try to squeeze them in - preferably as a player for the session. So I arrive, and sitting at the table with my regulars is the most incredibly beautiful woman I've ever seen! Yeah I was a bit intimidated - mostly in a good way. :D  Didn't help that we're playing through Shattered Star #2 - the Sinful Dungeon of Lust...


Quote from: S'mon;902040Just wondering, no value judgement (I have one all-male group I like a lot) - I just noticed I like it best when my player groups are something like 2f 2m, 2f 3m, or 3f 3m. I generally like to have at least a couple female players, but I remember I got a bit apprehensive recently when it looked like one game would be 2m 4f and I'd be outnumbered. :D Not sure exactly why I prefer gender-balanced groups; I think maybe male and female players both tend to bring slightly different and complimentary assets to the table. Anyone else find this?

I'm just happy that anyone shows up to the games. Who they are is pretty irrelevant to me.
Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism  since 1982.

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Alternate Earth: http://alternateearthrq.soltakss.com/index.html


Quote from: S'mon;902211I GM at a Meetup, generally I don't initially know the other players. The other day I was on my way in to the Sunday game (players 3m 3f) when I got a PM from a person with a gender-neutral name who said they'd just arrived in UK, asking if they could sit in & observe my game. I assume typical D&D nerd, from the PM well-spoken & not obnoxious. I said I'd try to squeeze them in - preferably as a player for the session. So I arrive, and sitting at the table with my regulars is the most incredibly beautiful woman I've ever seen! Yeah I was a bit intimidated - mostly in a good way. :D  Didn't help that we're playing through Shattered Star #2 - the Sinful Dungeon of Lust...

Many folks would be shocked at how many attractive women play these games, or are at least willing to look into them.  I'm not going to sit and say that I've had hot chicks in bikinis all over my gaming table making lustful eyes at me, but the female players I've gamed with are usually a split between 'pretty and cool' and 'not really pretty, maybe a bit older, but like a big-sister cool'.  There's a few 'average' girls I've played with, but IMHO if she likes cool shit and geeks out, she gets +10 bonus points.

I had a friend many years ago, who was drop-dead gorgeous.  She and I had a brief thing but we remained friends, and she's one that genuinely meant it.  She went through a spell where all she was meeting was horrible douchebag guys that just wanted to go get drunk and meet at the hips, then ignore her for their buddies or whatever football game was on.  She would meet me for coffee and ask what she was doing wrong, and I kind of had to explain to her that if you're not having fun together with your clothes on, then you've just got a committed fuck-buddy pretending to be in a relationship with you.  So she asked about stuff guys do, she came and did some D20 future with me and some friends, and she actually liked it.  She ended up getting into Pathfinder and became kind of a WTF attraction at the FLGS, and ended up working there part-time.  Now she's married to a 40k geek that I used to play with, and he's actually a successful orthopedic surgeon... so, the moral of the story is that geek stuff makes cool attractive women even MORE cool and attractive.

Oh, and she Cosplays.  And despite how hot she is, she does a lot of superhero girls for sick childrens' events.


never played in a group my sister wasn't part of

Quote from: S'mon;902059On average - I've had some pretty boys and some homely girls in my groups. :D

Actually I know one (female) player who's so breath-takingly beautiful, it's genuinely a bit distracting and actually makes GMing harder - a cross I decided I'm willing to bear, but I did wonder for a moment about inviting her back. I decided that discriminating against the too-beautiful was unfair, and anyway I'd get used to it. She did get a lot of attention from the male players (even the one who never normally reacts to that sort of thing), and a slight bit of jealousy from the normally-good-looking female players. :D
oh come on we all know you just like the boner it gave you :P
Quote from: yabaziou;902154Actually, Tristam, according to my personal experience, the average woman player is far more apt to play a woman PC than the average man player.

and im the guy who normaly plays female pcs................................
sjw social just-us warriors

now for a few quotes from my fathers generation
"kill a commie for mommy"

"hey thee i walk through the valley of the shadow of death but i fear no evil because im the meanest son of a bitch in the valley"


Assuming a party of 4+1 DM/GM/ST:

-Just one unattached chick will end up scared off because of creepy unwashed loser syndrome.
-Conversely a female player who is a wife/gf/loveslave of another ({fe}male) player will be totally fine because she's "taken" and that will be respected
-One out lesbian girl will be fine assuming she has no ingrained anti-male hostility
-2f2m is probably ideal assuming the girls can be chatty and gregarious
-3f1m should be fun for broheim



Quote from: kosmos1214;902244and im the guy who normaly plays female pcs................................

Are you as talented as the average RPG guy playing a woman PC ? ^_^

And I am somehow convinced that S'mon only initiated this thread to boast about the foxy woman he happens play RPG with ^_^ (for the record, I do prefer dating beautiful women over playing Tabletop RPG with them ! ^_^).
My Tumblr blog : http://yabaziou.tumblr.com/

Currently reading : 13th Age, Cypher System, Polaris

Currently planning : Project Scourge : the battle for the Soul of Mankind using 13th Age

Currently playing : The Chronicles of the Devouring Lands using D&D 5.


Quote from: yabaziou;902300And I am somehow convinced that S'mon only initiated this thread to boast about the foxy woman he happens play RPG with ^_^ (for the record, I do prefer dating beautiful women over playing Tabletop RPG with them ! ^_^).


I dated a wonderful girl when I was stationed in Okinawa, and like the fool I am- I didn't put a ring on it (probably the best for her).  She was with me at the PX when the little 'Nerd Kiosk' was selling Oriental Adventures and I bought it.  She went through the pictures of creatures and elaborated on the ones that were Japanese folklore, and told me some pretty wild legends.  She was curious to see how the 'game' worked, so the little cluster of nerds we had there brought her in for that campaign, and she played a Shugenja (I think that's what they were called) and loved it.  I'd made a convert.  Awesome ladies are out there willing to get into your hobbies, and my best friend has recently converted his gal over to playing Tyranids in WH40k (and she's an impressive painter).


Quote from: JesterRaiin;902053I guess the only problem would be to play rules-heavy RPGs with larger (6+) all-female (or all-kids) groups that don't know how to play at all. I'm bad at explaining details.
As opposed to a rules-heavy RPG with large all-male groups that don't know how to play at all?  It's not as if possessing a penis confers some genetic knowledge of RPGs denied to women.

Quote from: yabaziou;902300(for the record, I do prefer dating beautiful women over playing Tabletop RPG with them !)
For my part, I don't see that it's mutually exclusive.  With the exception of my very first girlfriend, every woman with whom I've ever been involved (from my two wives to casual flings) have been gamers.

Anyway, in 39 years of this, I've never not had a woman at my table, and ran an all-woman group (that being at Smith College).  With one of them GMing her own homebrew, and three of them going on to become gamewriters, I don't figure they were lacking in technical expertise.

On sheer demographics, my groups have averaged 2/3 m to 1/3 f, although it's been more of an even split the last decade.  My preference is for more women, but it's a mild one.

This was a cool site, until it became an echo chamber for whiners screeching about how the "Evul SJWs are TAKING OVAH!!!" every time any RPG book included a non-"traditional" NPC or concept, or their MAGA peeners got in a twist. You're in luck, drama queens: the Taliban is hiring.


Quote from: yabaziou;902300And I am somehow convinced that S'mon only initiated this thread to boast about the foxy woman he happens play RPG with ^_^ (for the record, I do prefer dating beautiful women over playing Tabletop RPG with them ! ^_^).

That particular foxy woman may or may not be joining one of my groups, but yeah that was a catalyst. :D For some reason that particular campaign is a babe magnet, I already had two good looking female players in the group but they're more cute nerd girls, rather than Hollywood movie star looks.

Ideally I think I'd be both dating & playing Tabletop RPGs with the same beautiful women, though like I said as GM it can make focusing difficult, on a date it'd mean we always had something to talk about. Been dating again recently after separation, and 'let me tell you about my character' type talk doesn't go down so well with girls who've never heard of D&D...


1. Some of you culture warriors are so committed to the bit you'll throw out any nuance or common sense in fear it's 'giving in' to the other side.

2. I'm a married homeowner with a career and a child. I won life. You can't insult me.

3. I work in a Prison, your tough guy act is boring.


Quote from: Ravenswing;902313As opposed to a rules-heavy RPG with large all-male groups that don't know how to play at all?  It's not as if possessing a penis confers some genetic knowledge of RPGs denied to women.

I don't recall any of my buddies minding when they've heard "shut up, [censored], this is how this [censored] rule works, this is how we're gonna play this [censored] shit". Which is what I might have said more than once in times when all reasonable arguments were depleted. :cool:

...you, of course, entertained the idea that it might be about "I prefer all-male group because it allows me to apply certain, specific conflict-managing accessories, rather forbidden in all-female or all-kids groups", rather than "women are too stupid to understand certain rules", right? :D
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