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The 3rd Party Pathfinder Thread for Good Products

Started by Libertad, January 09, 2014, 02:12:12 AM

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Just as Wizards of the Coast was the big dog of D20 in 2000-2007, so is Paizo in the current era.  Their product schedule is well known and anticipated among online fans.  Their adventures, classes, and material have been discussed, analyzed, and extensively used among gamers.

But just like Wizards of the Coast in its time, they overshadow the 3rd Party Publishers due to the excessive glut of material on sale.

This thread is the winnowing process for these products, separating the wheat from the chaff.  Post the products you think are good, why they're good, and what they offer.

This might not happen, but this is not the thread to hawk your wares.  If you write/publish 3PP books, you can't promote your own stuff.  Only other's people's stuff is allowed.  Additionally, it must be for sale.  Homebrew design and free stuff doesn't count, for you don't lose anything if you "get" the product.

Other than these rules, post away!

Format Template:

Name of Product: Self-Explanatory
Why It's Good: What it brings to the game.
Buy this if... What demographic of gamers will benefit the most from this work?
Link to a place where you can buy it.  Drive-Thru RPG, Paizo.com, and D20pfsrd.com are the major online sellers of Pathfinder products.

Here I'll start off.

1001 Spells
Why It's Good: An impressive array of spells of all levels for all classes.  A great variety of effects, from grafting a tattoo monster onto your skin, transforming into a golem, tearing a rift in reality and inviting in unbridled chaos, and more are just a few of the sample spells.
Buy This If... You can't get enough spells.
Drive-Thru RPG Link
Paizo Link
D20 Pathfinder SRD Link

Cerulean Seas Campaign Setting and Undersea Sourcebook
Why It's Good: A unique and interesting all-aquatic campaign, does a thorough job of converting existing D&D tropes, equipment, and mechanics to a plausible-sounding undersea civilization (ink comes from "milked" squids, fire spells manifest as boiling geysers, etc), and has the best rules I've seen for 3 Dimensional Combat.  Some of the best artwork out there for Pathfinder, pretty to look at.
Buy This If... You enjoy for a new D&D experience under the waves, and for good material for undersea adventures in more traditional campaign settings.
Drive-Thru RPG Link.
Paizo Link.
D20 Pathfinder SRD Link.

Conflict PvP: Tactics & Teams Rulebook
Why It's Good: An extensive system for tournament-style player versus player matches, partially inspired by online MMOs.  Incorporates various types of matches beyond just violent encounters, such as "capture the flag" retrievals, who can gather the most treasure in a time limit, and takes into account caster/noncaster disparity by offering options to help bridge the gap (terrain which launches a person into the air to melee a flying opponent, spells with long casting times are off-limits, etc).
Buy This If... You want to pit your character-building skills against your fellow players in an "arena" environment.
Drive-Thru RPG Link.
Paizo Link (Hardcover Only)
D20 Pathfinder SRD Link

The Ethermancer: An Eldritch Reboot
Why It's Good: The Warlock class updated to Pathfinder.  With more versatility and based upon an "infinite space and cosmos" fluff text as opposed to a demonic/fey one.  Powers cost Ether Points which recharge round by round, adding a more tactical dimension to the class.
Buy This If... You want a cool Warlock equivalent for Pathfinder.
Drive-Thru RPG Link.
D20 Pathfinder SRD Link

Path of War Subscription
Why It's Good: Adopts the Tome of Battle system to Pathfinder, gives martial characters nice things and a diverse grab-bag of tricks, tastes great, less filling.
Buy This If... You're unhappy with martial characters and Linear Warriors in Pathfinder, want to spice up your martial NPCs or PC, you like buying from a company which views game balance as an important goal.
Drive-Thru RPG Link.
Paizo Link.
D20 Pathfinder SRD Link.

Why It's Good: Is a clean, well-formatted and hyperlinked collection of common rules in the Pathfinder RPG to help speed up play.
Buy This If... You feel that combat rounds are taking too long in your games.
Drive-Thru RPG Link.

Tales of the Old Margreve
Why It's Good: Is set in a forest mini-setting inspired by Central/Eastern Europe folklore, a very atmospheric spooky forest setting where the woods themselves are conscious, a series of 10 adventures which do a good job of "reskinning" existing monsters in interesting ways and invoking a very "fairy tale" like atmosphere.  Yes, I plan on reviewing it at some point.
Buy This If... You're a fan of folkloric settings, want a series of challenging adventures to take PCs from 1st to 10th level.
Drive-Thru RPG Link.
Paizo Link.

Tome of Horrors Complete-Pathfinder Edition
Why It's Good: A massive collection of classic monsters from the Old School Editions of Dungeons & Dragons (and more than a few new ones), converted to the Pathfinder Role-Playing Game.
Buy This If... You need to get one product which will set you for life for monsters.
Drive-Thru Link.
Paizo Link, special Print & PDF Bundle.
D20 Pathfinder SRD Link.

Ultimate Psionics (supersedes Psionics Unleashed)
Why it's Good: Combines Dreamscarred Press' existing psionics material into one convenient book, plus some brand-new stuff!  Also tips on reflavoring psionics to fit into the right campaigns (uses a rune magic example).
Buy This If... You want to buy $80 worth of books for the price of $20, love psionics.
Drive-Thru RPG Link
Paizo Link
D20 Pathfinder SRD

Way of the Wicked Adventure Path (consists of 6 separate adventures)
Why It's Good: An adventure path which handles the dilemma of evil PCs well, has a cool premise (PCs work for an Asmodean cult overthrowing a Lawful Good holy nation), and is open-ended in all the right parts and encourages stealthy and non-combative approaches to encounters with "story award" experience.
Buy This If... Your gaming group totally wants to play as the bad guys for once in a manner fun for both player and Dungeon Master.
Drive-Thru RPG Link.
Paizo Link.
D20 Pathfinder SRD Link.


Thanks for this topic. I hate sifting, and hate 3.x/PF even more, so I will appreciate the effort here. Already the Cerulean Seas 3D combat rules & setting and Tales of Old Magreve Eastern Europe flavor & re-skinning caught my eye.
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman

Caesar Slaad

I would heartily second Tales of the Old Margreve. I got it in a pile of stuff I won at a game day raffle and expected something typical of raffle offerings. But I was simply blown away by how good it was.
The Secret Volcano Base: my intermittently updated RPG blog.

Running: Pathfinder Scarred Lands, Mutants & Masterminds, Masks, Starfinder, Bulldogs!
Playing: Sigh. Nothing.
Planning: Some Cyberpunk thing, system TBD.


Kobols Press Midgard stuff all looks great. I hope they support D&D Next.


Quote from: Opaopajr;721987Thanks for this topic. I hate sifting, and hate 3.x/PF even more, so I will appreciate the effort here. Already the Cerulean Seas 3D combat rules & setting and Tales of Old Magreve Eastern Europe flavor & re-skinning caught my eye.

In regards to 3d Combat, it's available for sale separately.  But buying Cerulean Seas is still worth it, though.

Quote from: Caesar Slaad;722069I would heartily second Tales of the Old Margreve. I got it in a pile of stuff I won at a game day raffle and expected something typical of raffle offerings. But I was simply blown away by how good it was.

Quote from: Haffrung;722105Kobols Press Midgard stuff all looks great. I hope they support D&D Next.

I forgot to mention that Margreve is a sourcebook for a larger setting, Midgard.  There is a main campaign setting book, but Margreve was released 2 years before and can be used more or less in other settings.

Also, since every post has a 10 image limit, I'll put Midgard right here:

Midgard Campaign Setting
Why It's Good: A world inspired by Central and Eastern European folklore, puts new twists on standard fantasy settings: Notable for being set on a flat world surrounded by a world-serpent, capricious gods beyond morality who wear masks to disguise their divinity, a clockwork city full of kobolds, a mighty empire where arrogant dragons rule and seek to expand their boundaries for more wealth and power, and a network of ley lines and shadow roads used by the elves in ancient times to power their magic and travel across the world.
Buy This If... You want a well-designed, thematic campaign setting with fantasy elements both old and new which managed to gel well together.
Drive-Thru RPG Link
Paizo Link

Archangel Fascist

I'm pretty interested in Path of War.  Any more info on it?


Quote from: Archangel Fascist;722438I'm pretty interested in Path of War.  Any more info on it?

It's a work in progress book which is being released in PDFs every few weeks.  You can buy it as an ongoing subscription for $15 on Drive-Thru RPG.

Currently there are 2 classes released: the stalker, a stealthy ki-based warrior, and the warlord, a warblade-equivalent who use 'gambits' to take risks in battle to do cool stunts.  There is a third class in the works, the warden.  I don't know much about it yet, though.

Here's the main thread for it on Paizo.

And the main website has updates and playtest packets released ahead of time.

A most interesting note is that one of the martial schools incorporates ranged combat: Solar Wind.  This is noteworthy because the original Tome of Battle really only helped melee-based martial characters.

Like in Tome of Battle, every class has access to maneuvers, special attacks and abilities from a list of disciplines (martial schools revolving around a fighting theme).  Maneuvers are sort of like spells in that a character has knowledge of a certain amount, but can "prepare" some of them ahead of time via weapons drills and training each day.  They can only be used a limited amount of times per combat, but can be refreshed at the end of each encounter.

The schools currently out are:

Broken Blade, developed by warrior-monks who learned to fight without traditional weapons.

Golden Lion, a discipline developed and taught by chieftians, warlords, and great generals over generations to bring a group into a cohesive unit.

Primal Fury, which focuses on the cold anger within a warrior's heart with calculated skill and intellect for a devastating show of force.

Scarlet Throne is a style popular among the aristocracies of the world, who specialize in one-handed weapons with no shield.  When war came these nobles realized that traditional duelist techniques were ill-suited to the battlefield, so they developed the existing talents with more practical mobile fighting to create this aggressive path.

Solar Wind, first mastered by fighters on the windy plains who incorporate ricochet maneuvers and ranged missiles and thrown weapons to deadly effect.

Steel Serpent, practiced in ancient times by assassins and poisoners seeking the best ways to deal a silent kill.  Anatomical knowledge, stealth, trickery, and manipulation of ki combines into a fearsome warrior who can fell even the strongest opponent.

Thrashing Dragon, an acrobatic improvisational style favored by free-spirited warriors.  It's a demanding style which uses one's natural speed and grace to dodge blows.

Veiled Moon, a strange and esoteric art who connect to the Astral and Ethereal Planes through intense meditation and devotion to learning of the spirit world, an art which borders on the magical.  Maneuvers focus around reaching between these planes, from being able to attack ghosts and even turn incorporeal in its most powerful techniques!