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Peter Cushing, Vampire Hunter, Gamer

Started by TristramEvans, November 02, 2013, 08:02:07 AM

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I wonder if anyone still uses "Little Wars"?


Quote from: TristramEvans;704741I wonder if anyone still uses "Little Wars"?

I have played it back in the 80s. Have an as yet still unpublished review of it laying around.


Furthermore, I consider that  This is Why We Don\'t Like You thread should be closed


The most beautiful peonies I ever saw ... were grown in almost pure cat excrement.



Hand-making the miniature's from thick stock paper...that's the part that gets me. And they use working toy cannnons. Warhammer's got nothing on Cushing's geek cred.


Quote from: TristramEvans;704970Hand-making the miniature's from thick stock paper...that's the part that gets me. And they use working toy cannnons. Warhammer's got nothing on Cushing's geek cred.

If it is what I think it is then the paper miniatures are using something simmilar to whats called cold porcelain now. Or a more solid version of paper mache. I was researching the stuff for a game project a few months ago.


Which means he was a passable sculptor on top of every thing else!


I'm a big fan of Cushing, and will often sit through a terrible Hammer Horror flick just to watch him be awesome.

Sometimes, I think of all the reasons to envy Christopher Lee, that he was best buds with Peter Cushing might be the greatest of them.
"Tony wrecks in the race because he forgot to plug his chest piece thing in. Look, I\'m as guilty as any for letting my cell phone die because I forget to plug it in before I go to bed. And while my phone is an important tool for my daily life, it is not a life-saving device that KEEPS MY HEART FROM EXPLODING. Fuck, Tony. Get your shit together, pal."
Booze, Boobs and Robot Boots: The Tony Stark Saga.


Quote from: Kaz;706531I'm a big fan of Cushing, and will often sit through a terrible Hammer Horror flick just to watch him be awesome.

Sometimes, I think of all the reasons to envy Christopher Lee, that he was best buds with Peter Cushing might be the greatest of them.

Bro. You need to come up here so I can pour you a beer.


I wish they'd let Christopher Lee do his own commentary track for the special edition LOTR DVDs. Here was a guy who actually knew Tolkien, and his stories are fascinating. His commentary on the Criterion Collection Wicker Man was just awesome.

His is one of the very few celebrity biographies I ever bothered to read, and his life is fascinating. He was engaged to an honest to goodness princess, but gave her up because he didn't think an actor would make a suitable husband.

Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, and Vincent Price are three actors that turned the crappiest films into gold for me as a kid.

If I had a billion dollars and was given the chance to make any movie I wanted, Id do TH White's Sword in the Stone with Christopher Lee as Merlin.

Oh yeah, and apparently Lee has a Dark Eldar army.


Lest we forget - Christopher Lee also does heavy metal albums from time to time.
Lan Astaslem

"It's rpg.net The population there would call the Second Coming of Jesus Christ a hate crime." - thedungeondelver


Since Cushing got to play Doctor Who twice. Wonder if he collected the minis from the game?


Quote from: Benoist;706541Bro. You need to come up here so I can pour you a beer.

You're welcome to come down to the Bluegrass anytime.
"Tony wrecks in the race because he forgot to plug his chest piece thing in. Look, I\'m as guilty as any for letting my cell phone die because I forget to plug it in before I go to bed. And while my phone is an important tool for my daily life, it is not a life-saving device that KEEPS MY HEART FROM EXPLODING. Fuck, Tony. Get your shit together, pal."
Booze, Boobs and Robot Boots: The Tony Stark Saga.