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Muslim Massacre - the Game of Modern Religious Genocide

Started by droog, September 10, 2008, 05:32:19 AM

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You just have to encourage them, don't you, droog?
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Laughter is the best medicine, dude.

Those little bastards sure do swarm on you. And there were suicide bombers!
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If we're going to celebrate religious war let's go balls deep. No poncing about with easy targets here. Suicide bombers in a hijab? Get real. Been there. Done that. I want some real motherhumping tension and at least a little bit of intolerant imagination in my arcade shooters. Where's the Mormon Massacre? or the Mahayana Buddhist Massacre? even a fucking Amish Massacre would be nice. Maybe even get real subtle and play Papist Massacre or Pentecostal Massacre. Better yet, let's stop mincing around...

We should just put 'em all , every religion from Animists to Zoroastrians in one hellacious 1st-person shooter (with Multiplayer Team play for the true haters). We could call it New Jihad City.  Choose a character from any one of the world's religions, and head out with a belt full of explosives and a sniper rifle looking to find your own particular brand of heretic. Got a beef with that Indian guy in the next cubicle? Secretly despise the way those Quaker pussies always take the easy way out? Can't help yourself from hating on those Rasta potheads? NJC...let's game it out, bitches!
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You can also come up with something that is not only original and creative and artistic, but also maybe even decent, or moral if I can use words like that, or something that\'s like basically good -Lester Bangs


I swear, we need to start getting kids to repeat, "Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should," over and over and over again in kindergarten...

"Thus tens of children were left holding the bag. And it was a bag bereft of both Hellscream and allowance money."

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Quote from: SeanchaiI swear, we need to start getting kids to repeat, "Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should," over and over and over again in kindergarten...

And the children would say: "So, we shouldn't do it... who cares, let's do it anyway!"

BTW: How do I kill Laden...?
You ARE the enemy. You are not from "our ranks". You never were. You and the filth that are like you have never had any sincere interest in doing right by this hobby. You\'re here to aggrandize your own undeserved egos, and you don\'t give a fuck if you destroy gaming to do it.
-RPGPundit, ranting about my awesome self


Cartman did it better on South Park - and saluted old Warner Brothers cartoons at the same time.

- Ed C.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...


The game is oddly entertaining. Genius intro, cool music, and, well, it's clever as an internet troll. Several British newspapers seem to be up in arms about it.
Now with a Zine!
ⓘ This post is disputed by official sources


About time someone posted this game here. :D

Given that the game's author is the guy who does Electric Retard (NSFW) don't expect an actual message here.

Quote from: sigvatrWho says I was trying to make you feel like what you were doing is wrong?

For me, the idea behind the gameplay was to take otherwise hurtful and politically incorrect stereotypes and transform them into interesting gameplay elements.

The combination of suicide bombers, militants, crowds of angry muslims and mortar crews firing into their own men are all based on stories in the media about the conflicts in the Middle East.

Personally, I thought a lot of the stories we read in the media about what happens over in that part of the world could be interpreted as fun enemies to kill in games.
(from http://tigsource.com/articles/2008/08/19/muslim-massacre)

I personally quite like the game. Even if you do find it offensive I've found it to be a very short time playing before just trying to survive ingame takes over and they're not "hurtful stereotypes about Muslims" so much as "enemy pixels on the screen to shoot or avoid" and the whole thing is just a hectic, tightly balanced arena shooter.

Incidentally, discussing this game on Tangency got me banned so :D:D:D


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Quote from: Vaecrius;247777Incidentally, discussing this game on Tangency got me banned so :D:D:D
Link, please. :popcorn:
Now with a Zine!
ⓘ This post is disputed by official sources


Hate to disappoint, but it's just a one-day suspension from Tangency for calling a turd a turd, albeit after repeated warnings for past incidents of douchebag-out-calling. Was a bit of a last straw though.**

Summary for those who can't see it: Six pages in and I'm still the only person on the entire forum to even mention anything that actually happens in the game, so I encourage everyone to download and play the game. After this another poster (who I have nothing against) says he's shocked and saddened that any of us even ran the thing. I point out that that people need to play the game to criticize it properly instead of wallowing in kneejerk moral outrage* based on very superficial information. Some other guy responds by saying that the first guy is a Muslim.

Ignoring Douchebag's immediate "ooohh BURN!!!11" response, I respond that playing the game is not equal to endorsing the message or trivializing the concerns it raises. (In retrospect I could have made this a bit more explicit - I actually got scooped by someone who articulated the point a bit more clearly.)

Douchebag (who has clearly demonstrated himself to be a smart, educated guy but the kind who dimisses anything he doesn't agree with with inane one-liner snark that I've called him on before) then completely ignores the point and just flatly asserts that there is simply no need to know some things and, having never played the game, the game clearly has no merit whatsoever as a game and therefore it need not ever be played.

I thought "You're not the brightest turd in the pile are ya?" at that point was pretty tame as a personal attack compared to any comprehensive explanation. It was the only thing that was quoted in Dan Davenport's** "you're banned" post, at any rate.

Seeing what I'd missed (going through this post was the first time I'd been back on RPGnet since the ban) I see that sporkpimp had taken my place as the lone voice of reason against the modern, sensitive, enlightened "we're too good to pollute ourselves with this immoral filth" majority. Kudos to him - whether he ever played the game himself or not.

*In case anyone goes read: "conservative moral hysteria" - I'm fully aware we get such shit on the liberal side of the fence too. Keep in mind I'm posting to RPGnet. ;)

**I don't recall ever seeing him post in Tangency. If I'd been banned by someone who showed that they actually understood the context I'd go back, but given the various indicia showing that this was a mod blindly applying rules to a tattletale report I feel alienated enough not to go back.***

***In case this post is cited later in some political debate, I'm going to point out that RPGnet is a private entity not a government.

J Arcane

Ahhh, Geza Echs.  The greatest living testament to why RPGnet's moderation doesn't work.
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Quote from: Vaecrius;248073I point out that that people need to play the game to criticize it properly instead of wallowing in kneejerk moral outrage* based on very superficial information.

Wow, that reminds me of something. It'll come to me.....
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Quote from: Fritzs;246559And the children would say: "So, we shouldn't do it... who cares, let's do it anyway!"

BTW: How do I kill Laden...?
Or they'd forget what the syllables mean and it has no effect on them.

Protip for killing Our Bestest Lagomorph: Shoot him until he dies.

Oh, and get out of the way when you see a shadow of a falling plane.