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Mass Effect

Started by Saskwach, December 10, 2007, 11:28:56 AM

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Played it, liked it, annoyed at the dialogue trees and Renegade/Paragon system.
I didn't like how the options were often different to what Shepard said and you can't really expect a computer game to know what your motives were for a thing but often the R/P system just annoyed me. It seemed to judge my choices in the wrong way. I tried out a very utilitarian, get the job done, greatest good for greatest many kind of Shepard which left me with a character the game classed as mainly Paragon but with definite grey. On average this is fair but there were some odd moments. For example, (HUGE end-game spoiler, be aware) when you can choose to attack Sovereign or defend the Council I chose Sovereign reasoning 3 leaders are replacable but a Reaper on the loose is pretty dangerous. This was classed as Renegade because apparently it's selfish and humanocentric to concentrate on the greater good the Council kept harping on about all the time.
ANYWAY, the point I'm trying to get to while editorialising as I do is the setting was great and has a lot of nice ideas left open I'd like to plumb in an RPG without the dialogue trees and P/R system. Being fairly new to role-playing and extremely new to running games I was wondering what RPG would be best to play with the Mass Effect system without much rules tinkering on my part, and any supplements that would be useful as well.
Obviously there's Traveller and Starcluster and others but what I'm asking here is for a good sales pitch for these games I have never played with and assurances that they will fit Mass Effect well. Oh, and if it helps it's more the setting than the campaign that I want to play.