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Even God is against the PS3

Started by JongWK, June 09, 2007, 11:47:09 AM

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"I give the gift of endless imagination."
~~Gary Gygax (1938 - 2008)


It's amazing that more people in alternate universes don't fight aliens in churches with irresponsible games like this on the market.

I mean, really, what is this game saying?  That it's ok to use violence to defend the Earth against ravening alien hordes?  *shakes head*
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the CoE are taking this very seriously by all accounts. They are ocnsidering legal action, thoughi'm not sure what their problem actually is. Churches can't be used in fiction now?

James J Skach

the very idea that people might seek out a church as a place to gather in safety or a haven..and then have to defend it...

I'm with you CW, what is this world coming to?
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The RPG Haven - Talking About RPGs

Black Flag

I can't imagine how they could possibly have a case. But then again, England has some funky laws...
Πρώτιστον μὲν Ἔρωτα θεῶν μητίσατο πάντων...


it's about permission not sought by sony to use the cathedral and it's insides.

other than that i really don't understand why the coe have taken such exception.

though i can speculate.

Black Flag

Quote from: signoftheserpentit's about permission not sought by Sony to use the cathedral and it's insides.
Exactly. What fucked-up laws could possibly cover that?

The exterior of the cathedral is a part of the landscape and in the public view at all times. The interior is presumably likewise open to the public. The likeness of a particular building isn't covered by any copyright laws I'm aware of. Nor could the appearance of the church in a videogame be taken by any intelligent person as suggesting an endorsement of the game by the C of E. In short, I fail to see why their permission would be needed.

It reminds me of my tour of Europe and all the signs in the cathedrals indicating how it's sacrilegious to take photos of the interior. But of course, if you proceed to the cathedral gift shop...
Πρώτιστον μὲν Ἔρωτα θεῶν μητίσατο πάντων...