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Guild Wars 2

Started by Amalgam, August 19, 2012, 08:35:41 PM

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It's coming out officially on the 28th, but if you pre-order you get a 3 day headstart.

Is anyone else planning on playing?

I've heard there's no plan on having an official RP Server, but a certain playerbase has declared a claim on one of the servers as the unofficial RP Server.

Darkhaven according to one rumor i heard, but according to this site: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1121912-LF-Guildwars-2-Beta-Server

Tarnished Coast will be the US RP Server and Petrified Forest will be the EU RP Server.

I'm in the states, so i guess that means i'll be on Tarnished Coast.


Pikans Square is the rp server for EU now, there is no petrified forest server anymore they removed it during beta(nobody went there).

I'll be playing it from launch on whiteside ridge(EU server) along with a couple of buddies from another forum, i decided to wait till launch because the EU digital price was a joke compared to the actual disc price from amazon and other sites(£49.99 digital compared to £35-40 on amazon and other sites).

Oh and rpg.net plans to use Tarnished coast as their home server for the game so if your a former member of that place or looking for a GLBT welcoming guild look for one called Vagabonds Grifters And Orphans on that server.


hmm... good to know about the update. Too bad they dropped a server, i guess they can always add one back in later if they need to.

Do you know if it is possible to guest people in from one server to another?

I read recently that players can change to whatever server they want, but that was not what i had heard from in game chat.

Nope, not an rpg.net user.

I started out at Darkhaven because it sounded like a cool name, i may just go back there.

Tarnished Coast sounds like another BP spill  :p


I believe they either will allow players to guest on other servers from launch or its planned for an update soon afterwards(arenanet has stated both at one point or another hense the uncertainty), and yes at first players can shift home servers at will(even switching regions if they so choose) but will eventually be limited to one shift per week for a small fee(probably in gems) once population has settled down a few months after launch.

Lol yeah tarnished coast does paint that picture somewhat :)

I think you can keep your beta server once the game goes live so if your happy there no need to change(unless they dropped that server for a different one).

So what race/class do you plan to roll first? im thinking human thief for my first(the ancestor to my gw1 character who's a ranger but i figure 250 years is a long time and not everyone is born to hunt) followed by one of each of the other races afterwards(since you get 5 character slots to start), that way i can try each starter zone and see which one fits best.


Not sure what i'll roll up.

I've played Norn Guard and Warrior, Sylvani Warrior VERY briefly due to the elevator glitch, Human mesmer and engineer, but never got out of the starter area with the Human.

I liked the Norn, but not sure yet if Guard is for me, i liked the warrior, found it to be rather high octane in comparison to most warriors i play in other games, which i liked. Can't really speak to the other two classes.

I'm thinking i may go either Human or Sylvani to start with, and i'll probably stick with whatever i make then because i find i enjoy a game more if i'm not rerunning the same content 3 different ways in the same week trying to level up all my toons. Only way i'll make another toon is if i get someone to play with me who hasn't already played, but GW2 has such a nice mentor down system i may never feel the need to.


I just found out there will be a stress test tomorrow from noon to 4pm pacific time!!!


Wow1 they sure like pikcing strange times dont they :)



I mean, if it's a stress test, shouldn't they pick a time when the MOST people can be active on the servers, not the LEAST? I mean, if they can't do it on the weekend, at least pick a time when people will be off work...


Exactly! especially considering its the log in screens they're after testing this time which arent exactly going to get much of a workout if most of your potential players are unable to help :)

In other new looks like i may not be there on launch day afterall as amazon.co.uk has for some strange reason decided not to ship copies out till the 28th, even though the gaming rules they have in place to stop people playing early(and thus stop them getting told off by game companies) dont apply to mmorpg's(afterall they could ship it to me tmw and i still couldnt play it till the 28th) :(



Amazon.co.uk upgraded my delivery to next day as an apology for the fact they may not be able to meet august 28th delivery due to high demand and limited amounts of the game shipping in each day(they have had higher than expected demand due to being the cheapest place to buy it in the UK), so im not really that fussed about waiting an extra day if it comes to it(gives arenanet time to fix any first day issues).