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Baldurs Gate 3 loves degenerates

Started by GeekyBugle, July 08, 2023, 03:27:49 PM

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Not to defend corpos being lazy, but it is a huge undertaking. The devs made it exponentially more complicated by adding so much detail.


Quote from: BoxCrayonTales on July 26, 2023, 07:00:31 PM
Not to defend corpos being lazy, but it is a huge undertaking. The devs made it exponentially more complicated by adding so much detail.

I'm of the mind, that it SHOULD be held as the new standard. Larian themselves is only a Double A studio, and it's produced a game that's more in-depth, more feature complete, more open ended than the vast majority of triple A games out there. The Triple A devs are making excuses... But it's not always their fault either though... The suits at the top are a problem.

Baldur's Gate 3 is going to be awesome.. I played it, I already know it is. I freakin can't wait for the full game. Honestly the entire reason I bought it in early access was because I kept hearing how woke it is, and how unlikable all the companions are. I wanted to see for myself and then kill them (Because you can kill them too and hire Mercenries if you want)... Turns out, it's a tempest in a teapot... Game isn't "woke", and the companions are very Likable.

Beyond the fact the game is just Damn fun.

But beyond all that, it's a FEATURE complete game... No Microtransactions, no day one DLC... very few bugs, polished and ready to play. It's an example of what Games *SHOULD* be...

Larian gets away with it because nobody owns them. They don't have a publisher so they took all the time they wanted, and put in what they wanted for the game... Triple A Devs COULD make games Like Baldur's gate 3, but the current model of game development doesn't allow it at the top. Too much executive meddling, too much trying to squeeze every last dollar from players.
1. Some of you culture warriors are so committed to the bit you'll throw out any nuance or common sense in fear it's 'giving in' to the other side.

2. I'm a married homeowner with a career and a child. I won life. You can't insult me.

3. I work in a Prison, your tough guy act is boring.


Personally, I couldn't care less about the lack of face sliders, as long as the preset faces are decent. Elden Ring was mentioned before. I can't even tell you how much time I wasted in the character menu of that game, only to wind up with a face almost identical to the preset. It seems like most people only use the sliders to make deformed monstrosities, and you shouldn't be looking at your character's face that much in an isometric RPG, anyway.

Quote from: Horace on July 21, 2023, 01:19:10 PM
Most of the NPCs in BG3 are bullying and abusive. They constantly insult and sometimes outright threaten to kill the player (and yet for some reason we're expected to adventure with them). Eventually I had to stop playing because it felt like I was in an abusive relationship.

I noticed that in the early access stuff I saw for BGIII, and as a general trend in game and TV writing over the last decade or so. I'm not sure whether to chalk it up to writers thinking the later friendship will seem stronger if it's contrasted with early dickishness, or whether it's insecure writers that think being prickly and sarcastic is the height of cool.

Quote from: Orphan81 on July 25, 2023, 10:42:06 PM
Edit: Haven't encountered anything about "Every NPC being a Jerk" or anything akin to that. My early Access character was a Goody Two Shoes Paladin... Shadowheart fell in love with my character hard... Gale was like 'you're a total bro' and even Astarion liked my choices most of the time.

I wonder if you're having a better time than others precisely because you played a straight-laced Paladin type. I've often found that games like that respond better to players who take the straightforwardly "good" or "evil" paths, and struggle to deal with players who try to play more complicated archetypes.


Quote from: ForgottenF on July 26, 2023, 08:32:33 PM

I wonder if you're having a better time than others precisely because you played a straight-laced Paladin type. I've often found that games like that respond better to players who take the straightforwardly "good" or "evil" paths, and struggle to deal with players who try to play more complicated archetypes.

I played him mostly like a Jedi... people's occasional threats and insults were beneath him, and he was more dedicated to drawing out the better nature of others... And much like Qui-gon Jinn or Obi-wan, not above using Trickery or slumming it to get things done.

What I really liked though, were the numerous Paladin only dialog choices I got throughout the game. Where being a Paladin really mattered, and I could do things like adjudicate disputes, call something off, or smite someone who was being obviously evil.

Honestly, I think the people claiming everything is to woke or all the characters are jerks went into this looking for that specifically... and when every companion didn't immediately fall upon them wanting to worship their character and do everything they said, took it as a personal slight.

The companions have been written as fully realized characters with their own thoughts, plans, motivations and the like... Hell YOU CAN PLAY THEM, if you want. You can play of the companions in the game as the main character, if You don't want to bother making your own. So that goes a whole lot into them having their own personal motivations and reasons for doing things. They very well might be the character you're choosing to play.

Edit: let me add, the game gives you tons of Opportunities to Intimidate people as well. My Paladin was proficient in Intimidation... and I was able to shut down fights and force adversarial characters to back down by letting them know, The Paladin would end up smiting them six ways from Sunday if they continue with their bullshit.
1. Some of you culture warriors are so committed to the bit you'll throw out any nuance or common sense in fear it's 'giving in' to the other side.

2. I'm a married homeowner with a career and a child. I won life. You can't insult me.

3. I work in a Prison, your tough guy act is boring.


I don't have any fucks to give, so your praise is wasted on me. It doesn't look interesting to me. The 3D models look like plastic because they're trying too hard to be photorealistic. The writing is typical modern garbage. The fantasy genre has been driven into the ground and holds no interest for me. Especially not the nonsensical self-iterative worldbuilding of Forgotten Realms.

You can team up with goblins to destroy the druid grove? You can fuck animals and corpses? Big fucking whoop.

At the end of the day, it's just more interchangeable garbage in the sea of cookie cutter Tolkienesque fantasy titles. If it was a Planescape Spelljammer Eberron game, then I might be inclined to give two shits about it. But I'm way too jaded and dead inside to give a fuck about more uninspired soulless fantasy genre claptrap.


Quote from: BoxCrayonTales on July 26, 2023, 11:41:05 PM
I don't have any fucks to give, so your praise is wasted on me. It doesn't look interesting to me. The 3D models look like plastic because they're trying too hard to be photorealistic. The writing is typical modern garbage. The fantasy genre has been driven into the ground and holds no interest for me. Especially not the nonsensical self-iterative worldbuilding of Forgotten Realms.

You can team up with goblins to destroy the druid grove? You can fuck animals and corpses? Big fucking whoop.

At the end of the day, it's just more interchangeable garbage in the sea of cookie cutter Tolkienesque fantasy titles. If it was a Planescape Spelljammer Eberron game, then I might be inclined to give two shits about it. But I'm way too jaded and dead inside to give a fuck about more uninspired soulless fantasy genre claptrap.

Sure Jan.
1. Some of you culture warriors are so committed to the bit you'll throw out any nuance or common sense in fear it's 'giving in' to the other side.

2. I'm a married homeowner with a career and a child. I won life. You can't insult me.

3. I work in a Prison, your tough guy act is boring.

Thorn Drumheller

The good new is Larian hired intimacy coordinators so none of the actors felt uncomfortable........so.....you know.....well done Larian. /s

Member in good standing of COSM.


Quote from: Thorn Drumheller on July 27, 2023, 02:54:04 PM
The good new is Larian hired intimacy coordinators so none of the actors felt uncomfortable........so.....you know.....well done Larian. /s


When you have people motion-captured performing fake sex and romance with one another for your videogame, it's probably not a bad idea.

There were romance scenes in Baldur's Gate 1 and 2... But we've come a long way graphically from then, with every character being voiced and the cinematics being motion captured.
1. Some of you culture warriors are so committed to the bit you'll throw out any nuance or common sense in fear it's 'giving in' to the other side.

2. I'm a married homeowner with a career and a child. I won life. You can't insult me.

3. I work in a Prison, your tough guy act is boring.

Anon Adderlan

Quote from: ForgottenF on July 26, 2023, 08:32:33 PM
Personally, I couldn't care less about the lack of face sliders, as long as the preset faces are decent. Elden Ring was mentioned before. I can't even tell you how much time I wasted in the character menu of that game, only to wind up with a face almost identical to the preset. It seems like most people only use the sliders to make deformed monstrosities, and you shouldn't be looking at your character's face that much in an isometric RPG, anyway.

I think that's even more relevant to genitals, yet here we are.

Grognard GM

Quote from: Orphan81 on July 27, 2023, 04:44:01 PM
Quote from: Thorn Drumheller on July 27, 2023, 02:54:04 PM
The good new is Larian hired intimacy coordinators so none of the actors felt uncomfortable........so.....you know.....well done Larian. /s


When you have people motion-captured performing fake sex and romance with one another for your videogame, it's probably not a bad idea.

There were romance scenes in Baldur's Gate 1 and 2... But we've come a long way graphically from then, with every character being voiced and the cinematics being motion captured.

I mean actors have been doing that for 100 years, without the benefit of 'intimacy coordinators,' because they know it's make believe, but sure, got to avoid that PTSD lawsuit.
I'm a middle aged guy with a lot of free time, looking for similar, to form a group for regular gaming. You should be chill, non-woke, and have time on your hands.

See below:



Quote from: BoxCrayonTales on July 26, 2023, 11:41:05 PM
I don't have any fucks to give, so your praise is wasted on me. It doesn't look interesting to me. The 3D models look like plastic because they're trying too hard to be photorealistic. The writing is typical modern garbage. The fantasy genre has been driven into the ground and holds no interest for me. Especially not the nonsensical self-iterative worldbuilding of Forgotten Realms.

You can team up with goblins to destroy the druid grove? You can fuck animals and corpses? Big fucking whoop.

At the end of the day, it's just more interchangeable garbage in the sea of cookie cutter Tolkienesque fantasy titles. If it was a Planescape Spelljammer Eberron game, then I might be inclined to give two shits about it. But I'm way too jaded and dead inside to give a fuck about more uninspired soulless fantasy genre claptrap.

You have already finished it??
For every idiot who denounces Ayn Rand as "intellectualism" there is an excellent DM who creates a "Bioshock" adventure.


* game has optional bear sex scene... right wing puritans most affected*

Geez! Imagine if everyone decided to boycott the game based on a single, insignificant, OPTIONAL, choice.
"OMG! You can intimidate people because your personal god demands it? Reeeeee!"
"OMG! You can evict a group of tiefling squatters from a land they don't belong in? Reeeeee!"

Why not focus on the choices in the game that SUPPORT your worldview? I guess everyone just loves being the victim...


Quote from: Effete on August 04, 2023, 07:45:02 PM
* game has optional bear sex scene... right wing puritans most affected*

Geez! Imagine if everyone decided to boycott the game based on a single, insignificant, OPTIONAL, choice.
"OMG! You can intimidate people because your personal god demands it? Reeeeee!"
"OMG! You can evict a group of tiefling squatters from a land they don't belong in? Reeeeee!"

Why not focus on the choices in the game that SUPPORT your worldview? I guess everyone just loves being the victim...

Yeah, we need to STFU and let the likes of Fraudnita Sarkesian change our hobbies without ever raising a concern or criticism...

How about no?
Quote from: Rhedyn

Here is why this forum tends to be so stupid. Many people here think Joe Biden is "The Left", when he is actually Far Right and every US republican is just an idiot.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

― George Orwell


Quote from: GeekyBugle on August 04, 2023, 08:10:00 PM
Quote from: Effete on August 04, 2023, 07:45:02 PM
* game has optional bear sex scene... right wing puritans most affected*

Geez! Imagine if everyone decided to boycott the game based on a single, insignificant, OPTIONAL, choice.
"OMG! You can intimidate people because your personal god demands it? Reeeeee!"
"OMG! You can evict a group of tiefling squatters from a land they don't belong in? Reeeeee!"

Why not focus on the choices in the game that SUPPORT your worldview? I guess everyone just loves being the victim...

Yeah, we need to STFU and let the likes of Fraudnita Sarkesian change our hobbies without ever raising a concern or criticism...

How about no?

Agreed. D&D's Satanic Panic back again for the win!
For every idiot who denounces Ayn Rand as "intellectualism" there is an excellent DM who creates a "Bioshock" adventure.


Quote from: Reckall on August 04, 2023, 08:13:24 PM
Quote from: GeekyBugle on August 04, 2023, 08:10:00 PM
Quote from: Effete on August 04, 2023, 07:45:02 PM
* game has optional bear sex scene... right wing puritans most affected*

Geez! Imagine if everyone decided to boycott the game based on a single, insignificant, OPTIONAL, choice.
"OMG! You can intimidate people because your personal god demands it? Reeeeee!"
"OMG! You can evict a group of tiefling squatters from a land they don't belong in? Reeeeee!"

Why not focus on the choices in the game that SUPPORT your worldview? I guess everyone just loves being the victim...

Yeah, we need to STFU and let the likes of Fraudnita Sarkesian change our hobbies without ever raising a concern or criticism...

How about no?

Agreed. D&D's Satanic Panic back again for the win!

Because not buying a shitty game and criticizing it is the same as the satanic panic... Dude, where have you been? We've been on a moral panic for the last 10 years at least, it's just that it's the left making the claims and censoring shit.

Quote from: Rhedyn

Here is why this forum tends to be so stupid. Many people here think Joe Biden is "The Left", when he is actually Far Right and every US republican is just an idiot.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

― George Orwell