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Warhold - join to Alpha-testers team!

Started by RavenOne, October 05, 2016, 09:55:02 AM

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Concept-artist Mary agreed to share some details of the work on the city barracks.
- Hi! So, it all starts with a description of the building from the game designer, then I'm doing a few simple sketches to define the basic silhouette and shapes. Talking about our barracks i knew that there must be strong walls and some training ground. You saw my first sketches in the last developer diaries. Now I pick the appropriate references of the building to make it look like alive and avoid serious corrections.

- How often do you make corrections?
- Yes, quite often, but this is a normal part of the job. In the first step it is necessary to find appropriate variant so you are always in search of it. Further work some corrections is also sometimes related, but they make the concept better! I have never had unnecessary or absurd amendments so it is normal way of our work.

- Thank you for the explanation, look forward to the next stage of the story.


Hello dear readers! The holiday spirit gradually captures the planet, but the Warhold's team resisting to it and still working hard! Today our level designer Deniz will tell us about the work on the Town.

- Hello! I'm almost finalizing my work on a draft model of the area where will be market, sawmill, hunter's house and several points for other buildings. Since two buildings need to have access to the forest, I've decided to move them to outside the city walls area and now it is a Suburb area. But it's not as easy as i thought. ! As planned by the game designer player should not spend too much time to move around the city and I should keep it in mind during my work on the region and during calculating routes..

The more serious problem is the size of the area. Because we plan to place there a market, and the area should be fairly large, which again brings me back to the question of the location. Fortunately, I already have an idea how to solve these problems. I am sure that soon I will be able to please you with a screenshot of which is close to the final stage of the model area.
-Thank you, Deniz! We will come back to you after a while, to see the progress!


Dear friends, we continue following developing barracks concept-art. Join us!
- So, my sketches are approved. The next stage is finalization of the concept. Now we have to "try" some details, using rough models in 3D-editor. Yes, do not be surprised, I also work with 3D models. It helps me to save time and concentrate on design. As you can see, even at this stage it becomes clear how the building will look like, but it is not the end. I will have to detail the building completely. Starting from the roof and ending with door handles, it's not a quick process.

- What is the most difficult thing during concept creation?
- Well, there are few problems.. I'll start from the main one, to create a common style for the entire series of concepts: all buildings should look as in one style but in the same time buildings should be unique.. Next problem is to think over that 3d artist could develop it. And, of course it is necessary to make the concept interesting and live, but in the same time reliable and realistic.


Hello dear readers! Christmas Time already here, but Warhold's team is not looking toward the tables full of foods and tangerines! We work hard to do as much as possible in the holidays eve.
In this part of developer diaries, we will not have a traditional interview with one of the team members. Today I will tell you about what each of us is working on in the New Year’s Eve week.

Let's start with our ever-serious programmers. They have already made a few client builds with updated animation and combat system. And now, furiously fixing bugs (you remember about the table and tangerines). I believe they will cope with it!

Our FX specialist Jenni is completely gone in to work on the fog. Looks like some of the heroes may have problems due to poor visibility. Watch your step! =)

Denize, continues work on the Town areas. He has added some materials for buildings, and now they look almost like the real!

Andrew – our 3D environment specialist occupied a very serious and important task! He brings order in the graphic resources chaos. It is necessary to optimize the client as much as possible and use all the engine features.

Game designers enthusiastically make documents for programmers in the same time they’re looking for bugs in the new build. They’re doing this job perfectly!

Our UI designer is seriously busy, in fact he almost finished new web site design.!

Meanwhile, our concept-artist almost finished work on a new barrack. The day after tomorrow, you will hear about details!

The project manager is closely watching for all this rush. He is calm and focused, since he knows that everything is as planned!

Here it is, the pre-holydays work day in Inquake Softworks!

Happy New Year!!


Dear friends!
Warhold’s team wishes you a Happy 2017 Year! We would like to thank each of you for your attention to the project. Your feedback and kind words each day support us and help to achieve the goal!
We are confident that in the next year together, we can open the Warhold’s world for multiple players!
We wish health, success and luck!

Happy New Year!

With love,
Warhold team!


Mary finished work on the barracks concept. Let's find out the details!

- That it is the final stage in the preparation of the concept. I arrange the unique objects that will amplify the pre-prepared parts. Final check and here in front of you ready concept of our barracks.

- Mary, our readers are interested in - where do you draw inspiration? How much do you have to play to make the original concept?
- Curiously but the main source of inspiration are examples of the real buildings. The best one are some of medieval European architecture. Games? Hm, the most impressive game is the Witcher 3 and of course Dark Souls. And also it is good to study the approach of artists in movies, such as "Lord of the Rings" or "The Hobbit."
- Thank you, for lifting the veil of secrecy over your work!


Hello everyone!
Hope you had a good holidays and now ready for great adventures in new year!
Warhold's team successfully completed all planned tasks for the past year and now we are starting to actively testing new features and experiments*. Sometimes our experiments lead to very unexpected results. For example, a character attempt to look back.

Yes, a good back overview, but there is a small problem...huh...

Fortunately, we were able to stop in time programmers and animator ** who tried to repeat the trick in the real world, so the bug will be fixed today.

Stay tuned, soon there will be a lot of interesting news!

* No characters were seriously injured.
** There were no casualties among the developers.


Hello dear friends! Today our dev. dieres is quite unexpected, because we will not talk about the progress of the project, but we are going to ask some important questions about the interesting options that we would like to add to the game!

"Trophies are goods, captured after the victory over the enemy army; a sign, a symbol of victory. "

As you can imagine, Warhold’s world are ceaseless battles for a good place under the sun. Therefore, the trophies can be various. Don’t forget about the town citizens who will not sit idly. All this gives us a huge scope for a variety of trophies.
From the foregoing we have a question - what is “Trophy” for you? How would you use it? Should it bring any benefit, or rather the fact that it will be reminded of the bright event? Should we associate trophies as achievements? Should we use resources as Trophies?

Please feel free to write your opinions and suggestions here. It is very important for us to know your opinion!


Hello, dear friends!
Today we'll show you the progress of the concept art for the town. As you remember, Maria was working on the barracks and promised to share something interesting about the new work. Let's look on it!

- Hello! We are currently finalizing the residential town houses constructor - the tool for designers. Using a Modular Design our designers can make a variety of unique homes for our town without preparing a separate concept for each of them. As you can imagine, it can seriously speed up the work and will be very useful. Look at the example. I think you can easily find duplicated items.

The work is quite complicated, and before we start to implement it, we have to consider the style and look of the entire town. A more serious challenge was to decide what materials to any level of the building should be used. We took into mind the comments of the focus group and tried to avoid serious contrast materials.

However, let us go back to the constructor. We have considered the configuration of houses, architecture and the combination of the buildings, so it does not fall out of the general concept. Our main task - to make the city look like a real town, but in the same time giving a unique and special design to it. Later I will show you how using similar elements huge amount of buildings can be assembled.

See u soon!


Inhale. Exhale. Another deep breath and slow exhale. Heart is beating steady and strong. Consciousness that is not able to keep the whole picture, splits reality as children's mosaic. The smell of burning, human sweat, polished and sharpened iron. Noise of thousands of voices. Wind drives heavy clouds away, dragging the flames of dawn. Yes, the flames. The flames of war. The blood is going to flow here soon.

The army is preparing for battle. Each warrior knows the stakes: Family, Life and Freedom of the people left behind.
So I can only stand and watch. My time has not yet come. No one dares to disturb me in a moment of contemplation. I feel people that is near me as a part of myself.

The whole mass of the armor-clad infantry will fall into a single formation very soon. Trebuchets will sent a deadly cargo to enemies, and then again and again. And then our time will come. Obeyed to my word, formation is making joined-step, then another and another. And soon Khadah will regret that he tried to enslave us again.
So it must be and it will be! Nothing can stop people in thirst to live free and die free.


Hello, friends! We continue the story of town buildings constructor creation. In last diary Maria finished her story on the issue of unique buildings and the constructor features. Let's find out how did they solve the problem.

- So, it all starts with the preparation of the general view of a group of different buildings. The team is looking for options and evaluate the pros and cons. After the general opinion formed and bugs fixed, team fall into the "breaking" of buildings to the "components". The work begins with larger objects, for example, roofs and walls, then goes to medium-sized objects - balconies, doors, windows, outbuildings. The final stage of the selection of small objects - hinges, locks, parts of columns.

At the final stage, we draw each object in detail. To speed up the work, we start with a large object, and end up by small, because they require more time and effort. An important point - 3D artist should be able to see each object, drawn from various angles and readable proportions.

Through an integrated approach, where each item has a realistic size, its location is regulated by the logic and style, our city becomes alive and realistic.

We hope you had fun and you learned something new about the creation of computer games.

See you soon on our diary!


Hello friends! We are pleased to introduce Denis to you. He is our character concept-artist. Now he is engaged in bringing to the ideal of one of our characters. Let's find out the details!
- Hello! Yes, I am currently working on improving the design of the Marauder. Since old concept turned out to be like another character and was too stretched and did not create the impression of a warrior who can be in the thick of the battle. It is totally unacceptable for us.

My task is to think over the final design and the logic of armor. Knowing that a character will be on the point of attack, I was looking for the shape and weight that are visually make it longer and wider. Since the character has an interesting game mechanics and we will use complex animation,I tried to highlight some kind of insect feeling in concepts. In the same time I have to avoid situation when character looked like a daemon or our other character - Obsessed .
- The difficulties that I have encountered? Make a fusion between realism and fantasy in our art style. That is why we had to abandon the large, single parts, which would make our character look cartoonish. Another nuance of my work is the close interaction with animator - the analysis and discussion of the issues that directly affect the character in the game. Like, "Can character normally move in this armor?" "Will he be able to swing by a sword in this shoulder pad" And many other important details.

All I'm doing is the foundation for 3D-artists and animators. A foundation must be strong!

The game provides character progress system. That is why I need to think about and make concepts for each stages of character’s progress. Starting from the simple clothes to high-level armor. It should be understood that work on concept is long and complicated process. And it is obvious that we will have to make some changes after 3d model will be developed.

What are my ambitions in work? Create a character model, which will have high quality,look good in the game, and fully comply with their class!

Stay tuned, we'll have more interesting things about the work of our team on the Warhold project soon!


Welcome to the seventeenth part of our diaries. It's high time to speak about the town district’s work. Last time you saw a workpiece, and learned about our plans. Let's see what changed in the the area.

After the workpiece was done Deniz started detailing our district. Basic decorations and game buildings were installed on it. And much has been done to set up the terrain! Deniz added several varieties of ground, mud (we can’t go anywhere without it, right?), gravel, stones and rocks. Trees, bushes and ground cover were added afterwards. Now area looks very plausible, doesn’t it ?!

Since our town will have day and night dynamic cycle, the we have set up three test lightning modes: day, night and sunset. You can see it on the screenshots.

Our district will get a lot of small details that are important to the game's atmosphere in the next detalization stage. There will also be a work on the background preparation of the - a fields outside the city walls, rivers, mountains and waterfalls.

Stay with us, you will find a lot of interesting things!


Hello! Today we are going to speak about work of our 3D-artist - Stanislaw(Stas).
Stas has several important tasks right now. The first task is NPC’s creation (farmers, traders, craftsman, etc.), which in the near future will inhabit the world of Warhold. Some of them you can see on the screenshots right now.

The second task is to improve the appearance of the Marauder. Three artists are working on this task right now (concept-artist, animator and 3D-artist), to bring new and better animations to ingame character. During the work, special attention is paid on the quality of armor elements. It is important that those elements shouldn’t interfere with the character in performing complex movements. Right now the new 3D-model passes a stage of construction of low-poly block elements. Take a look at the screenshots. You can see that this character is going to be very popular amongst the players who prefer an aggressive fighting style!

The next step is working on the Marauder – making more highpoly details and preparation textures to model.

More good news - coming soon!


Hello, dear friends! Today we would like to show you the final version of the concept of enhanced armor for a sniper. We've spent a lot of time in search of a perfect mix of materials and now pleased to introduce it to you!

Very soon, we will show the work progress on 3d version of this new armor. And we would like to discuss a very important question with you. We are well aware that all the players want to emphasize their individuality through the character's costume. The development team is ready to consider the possibility of creating additional armor, but with a different set of materials and color scheme.
Below are four options for armor.

Please vote for your favorite variant.