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The Palace of 1,001 Rooms!!! Chapters 3,4 &5

Started by TheGreatShay, February 01, 2021, 02:59:53 PM

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We are back and trekking deeper into The Place of 1,001 Rooms. Headed to that big d1000 roll in the sky!🧝🧙🧞🎲🧠
The goal of this project is to produce The Palace of 1001 Rooms, a very lengthy and detailed, multi-part module usable across Dungeons & Dragons gaming systems and most fantasy RPG systems. We have had two successful kickstarter campaigns backing chapters 1 & 2. We plan to proceed with launch on 2/12/21.
By signing up as a backer, you'll be helping to produce the next three chapters (100+ pages each) as fully illustrated PDF modules for D&D gaming systems. These will be the 3rd, 4th and 5th installments of a 10-part series that encompasses all 1001 rooms of this fabulous and mysterious castle in the clouds. With our stretch goals we hope to bind a hardback limited run of the first five chapters, inching our way toward a two volume set of 1,001 rooms total. Currently, our product is purely digital and can be purchased here:

The Palace of 1001 Rooms — Map Master Battle Maps

DriveThruRPG.com - Mapmaster Battlemaps - The Largest RPG Download Store!

If you would like to see samples of our products from the past you can look here: https://www.kickstarter.com/.../the-palace-of-1001-rooms

The Palace of 1001 Rooms, Chapter Two by Michael Grayson S — Kickstarter


This brings us to the real, fun simplicity of the game; every room corresponds to its own page number and players or the DM roll dice to determine which room they are in. Roll the dice, flip to the same page number, and voila! One of our over-arching goals is to have one big d1000 roll for the entire thing once finished.

This entire module is essentially a giant dungeon crawl, intended to carry a character from 1st level to possible immortality. Every chamber is chock full of gritty detail and intriguing possibilities - a lengthy dive into a very fantastic place filled with monsters, traps, puzzles, a LOT of magic, and even a slowly emerging plot.

The Palace is only partially a part of that world though. Like several other D&D campaign worlds, it is meant to border on other, existing campaign realms. The idea is that it is reachable from any world, so that any DM can introduce it seamlessly into their existing campaign. It's not just there for DM's to plug into though; the palace is suitable to begin a party of low level characters in. It's an out-of-the box instant adventure!
