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[Kickstarter] The Crestfallen RPG live on Kickstarter!

Started by oldskoolmosher, May 12, 2015, 03:32:14 AM

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This week is the launch of a series of articles about the bad guys of Crestfallen, although there are two sides to every story - perhaps the People of Bronze are the real bad guys!

Good antagonists are vital to an rpg, and we hope you like ours. By the end of this series it should be apparent that there is a strong political element to Crestfallen - the struggle between the Weavers and the Frost Cults. This battle weaves a complex web of allies and enemies across both sides of the Veil.

Our first article focuses on Annwn - the insane Iron goddess trapped in The Ice:



We are so close to hitting the first stretch goal I can almost taste it!
While you are waiting for this momentous event, here is another article in our ongoing "antagonists of Crestfallen" series - the Frost Cults:



Our first stretch goal has been unlocked! check out the Kickstarter page for the next one:



With seven days remaining and a stack of stretch goals there is everything to play for. If you can spare the time please, please, please mention Crestfallen to your friends, colleagues, online forums & social media, your neighbour, your neighbours dog (dogs love rpg's), hell, everyone you know!

Crestfallen Preview

The fantastic people over at RPG Alchemy have taken the time to write a preview of Crestfallen, check it out:



Follow the link for our latest antagonists of Crestfallen article: Dalkhu



Just a quick update today, the White Rose Games website has the last of this weeks articles - the ongoing antagonists of Crestfallen series.

This time round we focus on Demons, allegedly fragments of Annwn's tortured psyche:


I wish you all a fun and relaxing weekend, see you next week for the final push!


Greetings all, I hope you are enjoying your weekend wherever you may be.

I wasn't going to post an update until Monday, but I feel a compulsion to share the excellent work of Phil Nicholls - who will be providing one of the Crestfallen stretch goals.

Please follow the link for a piece on the Horse Clans:

101 Uses for a Dead Auroch!


It's fantastic, and well worth a read!


Want to see the Crestfallen rpg roadmap for the next few months? Check it out here! http://bit.ly/1I4hnVK


Find out about the long term plans for Crestfallen, in part two of our roadmap here:



33 hours remaining on the Crestfallen rpg Kickstarter - we are well into our stretch goals now! http://kck.st/1ATgQke


Wow - the last couple of days have picked up the pace a bit haven't they? Thank you so much for all your support - Crestfallen is a lifetime ambition and I'm honoured you are enabling me to bring it to the wider world.

Every extra pledge will improve the final product - more art and better editing and layout.

We are also very close to Joseph Ridley's stretch goal scenario, I'm sure we can hit it before we break open the celebratory beverages tomorrow night!


I was recently interviewed by Samuel Van Der Wall of RPG Alchemy, it's a fantastic interview that really captures the essence of Crestfallen - I highly recommend that you give it a read:



With just under 10 hours to go we have unlocked a free scenario for everyone! Joe is a member of the Crestfallen playtesting team (as both a player and a GM). He will be adapting and polishing up one of our internal playtest scenarios.

This also means we unveil another stretch goal, and it's a special one!

£3,500 / $5,398 - System agnostic Crestfallen

The big one! I will adapt the book to be system neutral and include it as a bonus PDF for the SPIRIT WARRIOR tier and above, free of charge.

So if you have any gaming friends who have a favourite system they would rather not stray from, let them know!



Just a quick note to say the as well as being available as a .pdf file at DriveThruRPG, Crestfallen is now also available as both B&W and full Colour physical copies on the same page here.