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It's True? Condi?? Not a late April Fool's joke on the GURPS GM?

Started by Koltar, April 07, 2008, 12:02:31 AM

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Okay .....longtime posters on here know about my um...LIKE of a certain Secretary of State.

So tonight I go websurfing and see this on the DRUDGE front page:

A big Picture of Condoleeza Rice mentioning her as Vice President:

Here is the article:


Okay...start the teasing if you want to - but this time it seems more credible than in previous years. Either that or someone has played one heck of a late April Fools Joke on me with my computer and Web Browser.

- Ed C.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

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Acta Est Fabula

Well, if it's true, then it would be a landmark election no matter who wins.  Either a woman or African American or both would be president or vice-president either way.  And if McCain kicks the bucket (he is getting up there in age)...

John Morrow

The biggest problem is that she considers herself mildly pro-choice.  McCain, who already has problems with cultural conservatives, really can't afford that.  She'll also link McCain to the Bush administration at the hip, which he probably also can't afford.  Finally, most black voters will vote Democratic, anyway, and the plurality of women probably will, too, so I'm not sure how many identity voters would change their mind because of that nomination.  

A better choice might be Alaska governor Sarah Palin who is a member Feminists for Life, has a moderate record on gay and lesbian issues, and is 7 months pregnant and will have an infant which could go over well with mothers (she'll be a mother of 5).  Like McCain, she has a son in the military (he joined the Army last year) so both she and McCain could be quite credible supporting military involvement in Iraq, totally blowing the "You wouldn't support the war if you had son's involved in it." argument out of the water (as well as the Sally Fields argument about mothers and wars).  Her biggest problem is that, like Obama, she doesn't have a lot of experience and that would undermine McCain's strongest card against Obama if he gets nominated, though she could be good against Hillary.  Someone to keep an eye on in another 4-12 years.
Robin Laws\' Game Styles Quiz Results:
Method Actor 100%, Butt-Kicker 75%, Tactician 42%, Storyteller 33%, Power Gamer 33%, Casual Gamer 33%, Specialist 17%


Suddenly relevant again....


Sir Mix a Lot compares Condoleeza Rice and Hilary Clinton.

- Ed C.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...


Quote from: John MorrowA better choice might be Alaska governor Sarah Palin who is a member Feminists for Life, has a moderate record on gay and lesbian issues, and is 7 months pregnant and will have an infant which could go over well with mothers (she'll be a mother of 5).

... sounds like someone far too busy to be President.


Quote from: John MorrowThe biggest problem is that she considers herself mildly pro-choice.  McCain, who already has problems with cultural conservatives, really can't afford that.  She'll also link McCain to the Bush administration at the hip, which he probably also can't afford.  Finally, most black voters will vote Democratic, anyway, and the plurality of women probably will, too, so I'm not sure how many identity voters would change their mind because of that nomination.  

Well, Heck - I'm mildly "pro-choice" so that doesn't really bother me.

Honestly - only the hard core gung-ho political junkies are likely to link her with all that stuff that you mention.
 When it comes down to it - McCain probably doesn't have to worry about the Cultural Conservatives at this point - the Republican primaries are over. He's got to aim for the whole country. Just based on name recognition, the looks of the ticket and personalities - Condoleezza Rice as a running mate actually makes sense.

Especially if you trying to get the WHOLE country to take a second look at you .

- Ed C.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...


I've just had the best idea for a sitcom:

Condee and the Klingon (1/2 hour)

After a terrible gaff costs her and McCain the 08 election, Condeleeza Rice retires from politics and ends up living in Ohio with a nerdy but lovable klingon impersonator.  Hijinks ensue.
"The difference between being fascinated with RPGs and being fascinated with the RPG industry is akin to the difference between being fascinated with sex and being fascinated with masturbation. Not that there\'s anything wrong with jerking off, but don\'t fool yourself into thinking you\'re getting laid." —Aos

John Morrow

Quote from: KoltarWell, Heck - I'm mildly "pro-choice" so that doesn't really bother me.

Her position is probably fairly centrist and common, but that's not McCain's problem.  There are a lot of single-issue pro-life voters on the right (more than there are single-issue pro-choice voters on the left) and if they don't think McCain is pro-life enough for them, they'll vote for a third party or stay home.

Quote from: KoltarHonestly - only the hard core gung-ho political junkies are likely to link her with all that stuff that you mention.

The hard core gung-ho political junkies vote.  They write articles.  They call in talk radio shows.  They'll all be made issues by the media and their opponents, left and right.  One of the main Democratic angles is that the country needs change and that voting for McCain is like voting for a third term for Bush.  Having a member of Bush's administration on the ticket would only strengthen that message.  Heck, I'm sure she'd get attacked on not being married, too.

Quote from: KoltarWhen it comes down to it - McCain probably doesn't have to worry about the Cultural Conservatives at this point - the Republican primaries are over.  He's got to aim for the whole country.

No true.  Turnout is important.  If McCain alienates the conservative base and they don't get out and vote for him, he's done.  Think Dole in 1996 or the 2006 congressional races or even Bush 1 in 1992, after he broke his "No new taxes" pledge.  McCain is already well positioned as a centrist who has high personal approval ratings with moderates and even some liberals.  It's his right that's soft.

Quote from: KoltarJust based on name recognition, the looks of the ticket and personalities - Condoleezza Rice as a running mate actually makes sense.

Especially if you trying to get the WHOLE country to take a second look at you .

I personally think Condoleezza Rice would make a good VP pick in terms of ability, too, but I'm not convinced that most people would feel that way.  Her name recognition involves being in the highly unpopular Bush Administration at the heart of many policies (though she was apparently an early champion of the surge that seems to be working) and she's already been demonized by various people because of that.  If she were on a ticket with someone more socially conservative, I think they could have gotten past the abortion issue, but the Bush connection is going to be impossible to shake.

She also would probably need to resign to run and I think I'd rather have her finish up Bush's term as Secretary of State rather than change who is in that position yet again.

Question, Koltar.  How often do you vote?
Robin Laws\' Game Styles Quiz Results:
Method Actor 100%, Butt-Kicker 75%, Tactician 42%, Storyteller 33%, Power Gamer 33%, Casual Gamer 33%, Specialist 17%


Quote from: walkerpI've just had the best idea for a sitcom:

Condee and the Klingon (1/2 hour)

After a terrible gaff costs her and McCain the 08 election, Condeleeza Rice retires from politics and ends up living in Ohio with a nerdy but lovable klingon impersonator.  Hijinks ensue.

Thanks Dude,

 That made me smile and laugh at the same time.

Hey - if you can't laugh about politics - whats the use then?

- Ed C.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...


From what she's said on Hannity, she doesn't want any part of elected politics, and the VP position requires all the bullshit - debates etc. She does want to be Football commisioner, though :)

Dude, you\'re fruitier than a box of fruitloops dipped in a bowl of Charles Manson. - Mcrow
Quote from: Spike;282846You might be thinking of the longer handled skillets popular today, but I learned on one handed skillets (good for building the forearm and wrist strength!).  Of course, for spicing while you beat,