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Unstable people, stable people, real life and long work hours....

Started by Koltar, March 28, 2008, 09:10:07 AM

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In that other thread, someone compared me to Doiminus Nox and that new guy Jackalope.

Thing is, when I post on here  some parts of personality might get exaggerated  - but most times I've also had a long day at work and I'm venting or relaxing a little while I web-surf.

Nox is/was(?) the type of guy that annoys other gamers in real life if he talks about anything other than gaming.

He is the type of guy that regulars at the store tend to whisper :
 "Oh gawd , not him again."

Jackalope - based on the text record of his threats and a friendly meetup being cancelled is the kind of person that gets banned from a mall like the one I work at. If we saw him walking in the mall's corridor - one of my regular browsers/customers would have to say : "Ed, better call Mall Security . I just saw ______(Jackalope) walking near here in the hall."

I could probably get along with most of you guys at a game table just fine.

Yesterday was a fucked up day at work - we had computer problem with our tech at work. Good side is that my coworker that sometimes has tewnsion with me ? - She and I got along just fine and worked together just great.
If you're wondering the tensions between her and I have nothing to do with gender  - its because our personalities are too similar. We're both used to and prefer to be the ham actor or GM-type in a lot situations. However, she's a good person with the same dometimes lack of sleep and frustrations as the rest of us.

Thing is...she and I are both fairly stable and can hold down a job. (Two in her case)
I'm not so sure the Jackalope person can hold down a regular job.

- Ed C.

(For the record - My hate of the store's computer has now subsided. I was still tempted to throw it across the room. There was enough discipline and self control in me  NOT to.)
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David R

I don't think anyone here thinks you're Nox creepy....but it's all the talk about women, Ed. It's kind of .....

David R

James J Skach

And the hugs...

I always got the sense you (Ed) have pictures of unicorns in your bedrooom...velvet ones...with pixies...nude pixies...

Which is all well and good if you're into that kind of thing. :D
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Quote from: David RI don't think anyone here thinks you're Nox creepy....but it's all the talk about women, Ed. It's kind of .....

Yeah. I don't know about the sex lives, relationships, etc. of my best guy friends. I'm okay not hearing about it the intimate details of the lives of folks on the Internet.

Outside that, you're an okay dude.

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In the main you seem like an honest and decent bloke with great enthusiasm for the hobby.

However, like others have said, it's the inescapable gravitational pull that women exert on your thinking that makes people wary. I don't for one minute think it's a full-blown obsession, but sometimes it definitely reads like that.


You know its funny how people always point to "job" as being a factor of being stable. As if that's the only deciding factor.

I held down jobs for many years (leaving of my own accord for better wages though in a few cases.)

My inability to currently work is do to illness--factors partially beyond my control. No, I'm probably not stable enough to hold a job--yet. That doesn't mean I'm likely to freak out and behave like a complete idiot over a web forum.

Might be something to examine when you start pointing out the limitations of others is realizing that there are more factors in play than employment, as a measure of some persons ill considered, and inappropriate behavior.

There are others: general emotional (and physical) maturity, socialization, possible mental or cognition issues, and others factors.

One of the most unstable people I ever knew was a doctor--who'd worked for years, because of his previous track record few challenged his current state, until he nearly killed someone by prescribing contra-beneficial medications.
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Quote from: KoltarIn that other thread, someone compared me to Doiminus Nox and that new guy Jackalope.

They were unfair.  I wouldn't put you into the creepy or obnoxious categories.  I too struggle slightly with all the posts about backrubs and girls and stuff, but generally you're a good poster IMO.

That said, this isn't Tangency, I do think we should all try to avoid self-affirmation threads.  This is not an emotionally safe environment.  Keep your upper lip stiff and grow a pair is my general advice to anyone who posts here, if some guy compares you to Dominus, ask yourself, what would Jim-Bob do?  Then call the guy a cocksmock.

Ian Absentia

Quote from: BalbinusKeep your upper lip stiff and grow a pair is my general advice to anyone who posts here...
A pair of lips?



You're not the same as Nox, but the female fixation does have a creepy vibe to it.


Quote from: Drewthe inescapable gravitational pull that women exert on your thinking

I suffer from this.  Don't most men?

But it's like breathing. There's not a whole lot of reason to talk about it most of the time.
"The difference between being fascinated with RPGs and being fascinated with the RPG industry is akin to the difference between being fascinated with sex and being fascinated with masturbation. Not that there\'s anything wrong with jerking off, but don\'t fool yourself into thinking you\'re getting laid." —Aos


Quote from: walkerpI suffer from this.  Don't most men?

In this case it's the difference between the pull of the earth and a supermassive black hole. Which is ok in and of itself. Some people are very highly sexed, others are enormously frustrated by the sheer lack of it in their lives. No problem there.  

QuoteBut it's like breathing. There's not a whole lot of reason to talk about it most of the time.

Exactly. This is where Koltar's creepy reputation originates. It's a shame really, because I think he's one of the more decent and honourable people who hang around here. I suppose we all have our quirks.


I don't come around often, but Koltar seems to be a FAR pace off from Nox (who I remember) and Jackalope (who I wish I could forget).


Just got home from work.
(Long frakking day)

Wasn't meant as an affirmation thread...but hey, whatever works.

Just felt that I was much, much more closer to normal guy than the other two individuals that were mentioned.

For that matter , I may have accidentally exaggerated a facet of my personality over the past 8 months or so.

But thats cool.

- Ed C.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...


I say you're a decent sort; always thought so. The Condoleeza Rice fixation is a bit... well, whatever floats your boat.

Besides, we know your name, where you work, what you look like, and the Convention types you hang out with - if you got too out of hand, we could send JimBob after you. :D
Lan Astaslem

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