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(Gasp!) A candidate that actually debates political philosophy

Started by JongWK, April 24, 2007, 07:58:46 PM

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Quote from: KoltarI know a guy like that locally . (Clinton-like with women) I never introduce any women I date to him  - till I've been dating them at least a month.

- Ed C.
At which point you're tired of them and don't mind when they leave you for him? :D


My hubby had a good friend like that...he told him to stop coming around. We'd been married 5 years at that point, and I had decided the guy wasn't going to hit on me (darnit...he is hot, like Dean Winchester lookalike hot).

O_o thread drift anyone?

Ummm...Thompson For President! *runs out of the thread*

Dude, you\'re fruitier than a box of fruitloops dipped in a bowl of Charles Manson. - Mcrow
Quote from: Spike;282846You might be thinking of the longer handled skillets popular today, but I learned on one handed skillets (good for building the forearm and wrist strength!).  Of course, for spicing while you beat,


Saw this guy on some late night show just now. He got put on the spot about Lieberman's call for war with Iran.

Wait for it...

He didn't fuck it up. I was friggin' shocked. Acknowledged a problem and proposed a couple of solutions (economics and propaganda). Answered the question. Avoided specifics. Guy's a pro. Likeable too.

Liberal myself, but I can see where some of the liberal candidates are just... scary. Hillary especially.


I missed the Leno episode last night. I was rearranging the Living room, and was moving the TV at the time :(

Now I really wish I'd seen it.

Dude, you\'re fruitier than a box of fruitloops dipped in a bowl of Charles Manson. - Mcrow
Quote from: Spike;282846You might be thinking of the longer handled skillets popular today, but I learned on one handed skillets (good for building the forearm and wrist strength!).  Of course, for spicing while you beat,


Yeah, I'm glad of the fairly even split of politics here, too.  Tangency over at TBP scared me sometimes, since I'm mostly a rightie, and a baptist rightie at that.  I still post there a lot, but I don't participate in political discussions.

It pleases me to no end that it seems those discussions can be carried out here with relatively few hackles raised.  I don't mind hearing other people's take on things, I enjoy it, in fact.  But I don't want it shoved down my throat.

At this point, so long as ole' Fred does actually run, I think there's little doubt he'll take it.  I like Huckabee too, but he doesn't have the presence that Fred does.  Though I suppose Romny and Giuliani can't be counted out.  The primaries will be interesting, anyway.  Fred was on Leno, huh?  Gonna have to find that clip.
"I never learned anything from a man who agreed with me" - Robert A. Heinlein


"I never learned anything from a man who agreed with me" - Robert A. Heinlein


Thanks Rooks! I didn't fancy staying up to 3 AM just to watch it. YouTube is such a time-sink, I was afraid to look for it.

FUCK NBC! They made youtube take it down. It's the liberal bias! :D  ;)

Dude, you\'re fruitier than a box of fruitloops dipped in a bowl of Charles Manson. - Mcrow
Quote from: Spike;282846You might be thinking of the longer handled skillets popular today, but I learned on one handed skillets (good for building the forearm and wrist strength!).  Of course, for spicing while you beat,




Quote from: shewolfThanks Rooks! I didn't fancy staying up to 3 AM just to watch it. YouTube is such a time-sink, I was afraid to look for it.

FUCK NBC! They made youtube take it down. It's the liberal bias! :D  ;)


I mean, really?  Guys, you broadcast Leno for free, anyway.  Take the thorn bush out of your ass.
"I never learned anything from a man who agreed with me" - Robert A. Heinlein


Quote from: ElectroKittyI thought liberals were against copyrights???
They are, UNLESS it affects their wallets!

That's the beauty of it...see, right wingers are supposed to be money-worshipping assholes, but the libs, see, they are worse!

The above was tongue in cheek. I am not a total wacko. I'm close, but not that far. If you can't laugh at it, then your funny detector is broken, and men in suits and dark shades will be right there to fix it for you. Please do not move, citizen.

QuoteI mean, really? Guys, you broadcast Leno for free, anyway. Take the thorn bush out of your ass.

Well, they advertise during the show, which is where the money comes from. No advertisers, no money. If you can watch it on the 'net, they get no money. So it's free with shipping and handling. *shrug* I see the point, but I don't like it, either

Dude, you\'re fruitier than a box of fruitloops dipped in a bowl of Charles Manson. - Mcrow
Quote from: Spike;282846You might be thinking of the longer handled skillets popular today, but I learned on one handed skillets (good for building the forearm and wrist strength!).  Of course, for spicing while you beat,


Quote from: shewolfWell, they advertise during the show, which is where the money comes from. No advertisers, no money. If you can watch it on the 'net, they get no money. So it's free with shipping and handling. *shrug* I see the point, but I don't like it, either

True enough.  But they still have a treetrunk crammed mightily up their ass.
"I never learned anything from a man who agreed with me" - Robert A. Heinlein


Quote from: shewolfWell, they advertise during the show, which is where the money comes from. No advertisers, no money. If you can watch it on the 'net, they get no money. So it's free with shipping and handling. *shrug* I see the point, but I don't like it, either

It ain't too difficult to embed advertising into the show and still post it online.


Well, Fred Thompson is finally in the race!!

 As he pointed out on Leno earlier tonight - Just after Labor Day has been the traditional time to start a run for presidency.
He can't help it if the other guys started early.

- Ed C.

(yeah, I KNOW its technically a thread  Necro....but this race started earlier than it should have.....)
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...

John Morrow

Didn't read through this thread the first time around...

Quote from: shewolfThat's what my dad said about Clinton - you could go have abeer with the guy, but you didn't bring him home to meet the wife.

While Bill Clinton was President, there were some stories in the press about women who thought he was hot.  I asked my wife if she thought Bill Clinton was attractive, to see if maybe I was missing something.  The look on her face was priceless.
Robin Laws\' Game Styles Quiz Results:
Method Actor 100%, Butt-Kicker 75%, Tactician 42%, Storyteller 33%, Power Gamer 33%, Casual Gamer 33%, Specialist 17%

John Morrow

Quote from: KoltarWell, Fred Thompson is finally in the race!!

I'm pleased.  Of the GOP candidates, he's probably got the best shot of winning the general election.
Robin Laws\' Game Styles Quiz Results:
Method Actor 100%, Butt-Kicker 75%, Tactician 42%, Storyteller 33%, Power Gamer 33%, Casual Gamer 33%, Specialist 17%