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Sylar to play Spock?

Started by Serious Paul, July 27, 2007, 03:07:04 PM

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Serious Paul


Quote from: Serious PaulThat's kind of interesting.

 Gives a whole new meaning to "Vulcan Mind Meld".

- Ed C.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...

Ian Absentia

Don't you mean, "Intriguing"? :raise:

Any further rumors on who will play any of the other charactes?  Personally, I favor Gary Sinese for "Bones" McCoy.


Serious Paul

I heard Matt Damon turned down an offer for Kirk, but that's unconfirmed.


Yes, Sinese would be a perfect Bones. Same mannerisms, accent, eye-bags. :)

And I think Sylar as Spock is inspired, actually. I never even though about it but as soon as I heard it I saw them side-by-side in my head and went "Yup".
Lan Astaslem

"It's rpg.net The population there would call the Second Coming of Jesus Christ a hate crime." - thedungeondelver


I'll probably be disappointed big time, but I have high hopes for this movie. I hope they get the right actors for the rest of the crew. And yes, Sinise would be great. Even if he's older than Kelly when they filmed TOS, he certainly could do the younger McCoy look. Matt Damon I never was quite sure about. I like the guy, but he doesn't project the smarminess of Kirk. Actually, his buddy Affleck wouldn't be half bad ;)

(And if the movie contains the Triskelion fighting music, I'll cry like a baby)

David R

I think Zachary Quinto (Sylar) as Spock is a good choice. I'd like to see Mark Addy as Scotty.

David R


In completely unrelated casting news: Ray Stevenson (Rome's Titus Pullo) will be the next Punisher.

Serious Paul


Wow that's kind of cool. Wonder what happened to Thomas Jane-I mean he was all enthusiastic about the role. Wonder what changed?

David R

Quote from: Serious PaulWonder what changed?

The movie...it was that crappy. Seriously at least the Dolph Lundgren version had the line "...we were the most powerful crime families in Asia while you were farmboys fucking sheep in the Mediterranean" or something like that.

David R


Nah, Jane liked the first movie (as did I), and he was very, very enthusiastic about a follow-up. But last I heard, there were some major creative differences and he just pulled out. More info from the usual fat film fanatics.

Interesting fact: His current project is a Mutant Chronicles movie. Also including Ron Pearlman. Excited?

David R

Quote from: SosthenesExcited?

Hell yeah :D

(Don't get me wrong, Jane was a good Frank Castle...just that I think the film wasn't very good, IMO)

David R

Serious Paul


Well the first (Remake) certainly wasn't Oscar material, I hope they do the second a little more justice. Or at least just stick with the action!


What I liked about the first one was the focus on low-budget action. No over-the-top computer effects, just decent mano-a-mano slugfests and lots of bullets. This was a movie in the vein of Bronson and Eastwood, not the current crop of Michael Bay action-blockbusters. Tom Jane did a very good job, too, in my opinion the best superhero adaption until Bale's Batman.
They should've kept to the original story, though. The one with the female maffia boss who gets fed to tigers. Much better villain than Travolta...

I'm not really sure about Pullo. I don't think I've seen the actor outside of Rome. He has a decent stubble going on and certainly can be mean. But there always was some kind of naivety in his face, something that doesn't quite fit for the Punisher. Some of that was attached to the role of Titus Pullo, but part of it came from Stevenson's looks.

BTW, I think that Tom Jane would make a great Captain America, if they ever decide to start filming that movie...

Serious Paul


He just doesn't say Captain America to me at all. Face is all wrong to me.