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Joker Movie

Started by Trond, October 27, 2019, 06:15:22 PM

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Quote from: Omega;1112387I liked John Carter too. It just wasnt very true to the books and took way way way too many liberties and changes.

John Carter looked great, but sucked. None of the characters were really recognizable.


Quote from: Lurkndog;1116634John Carter looked great, but sucked. None of the characters were really recognizable.

Especially Carter who was so utterly out of character.


Quote from: Omega;1117189Especially Carter who was so utterly out of character.

It's kind of a competition with me as to which character was mishandled the worst.

Dejah Thoris, the female romantic lead and Princess of Mars, who got turned into some kind of career-woman coworker, and upstages John Carter in a swordfight.

Tars Tarkas, the gloomy noble savage from a doomed race, who became comic relief.

John Carter, deadliest swordsman on Mars, now turned into Dudebro McBouncealot.

The actual villain from the book, who gets pushed aside to make way for the illuminati space elves.

The script was just unrecognizable.

It's sad, because it's clear that a lot of people working on the movie really loved the books. But man, it did not turn out well.


Quote from: Omega;1117189Especially Carter who was so utterly out of character.

Considering modern times, did you expect Disney to emphasize the "gentleman of Virginia" former Confederate, near sociopath (his first response to pretty much any adversity is to settle it with violence) side of JC? He's really a man from a different era, and one that makes much of Disney's base uncomfortable.


Next up. Disney remake of The Thing/Who Goes there?. The alien will turn out to be just misunderstood because "she" is genderfluid and ostracized by the evel mans!

Mordred Pendragon

Quote from: Omega;1116370Yes and Ghost in the Shell was Rapeime in name only.

Now go back to your troll cave.

I'm not trolling, I'm just telling you what the creators of the film were aiming for according to their own statements.

Also, the 2017 Ghost In The Shell movie was a quick cash-in no different from Disney's Marvel and Star Wars fare or the weak shit that Joss Whedon cranks out.

Joker is a piece of Scorsese-esque art. It is the pure antithesis of the collective celluloid abortion that is the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Sic Semper Tyrannis

Shrieking Banshee

Quote from: Doc Sammy;1117706Joker is a piece of Scorsese-esque art. It is the pure antithesis of the collective celluloid abortion that is the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The first time I heard anybody dislike the marvel series....Not that I super like them. I feel like the series had run its course at the first Avengers. After that its mainly been the same stuff with a few details changed around.

I started watching Doctor Strange on a plane, and I turned it off after 15 minutes because I felt like I was watching drywall.

Mordred Pendragon

Quote from: Shrieking Banshee;1117716The first time I heard anybody dislike the marvel series....Not that I super like them. I feel like the series had run its course at the first Avengers. After that its mainly been the same stuff with a few details changed around.

I started watching Doctor Strange on a plane, and I turned it off after 15 minutes because I felt like I was watching drywall.

Eh, I've never liked the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The very first Iron Man was okay, but everything after that was pure trash in my opinion.

Although, I'm also the kind of person who considers Joss Whedon to be an overrated hack and a one hit wonder. I liked Buffy, but that's pretty much it.
Sic Semper Tyrannis

Shrieking Banshee

Quote from: Doc Sammy;1117722The very first Iron Man was okay, but everything after that was pure trash in my opinion.

Although, I'm also the kind of person who considers Joss Whedon to be an overrated hack and a one hit wonder. I liked Buffy, but that's pretty much it.

I don't even like Buffy. I don't consider the rest pure trash as much as generic mush. I want the whole thing dead already so some new fad can happen. At least action movies from the 80s where not dominated by 1 brand and cinematography style.

Mordred Pendragon

Quote from: Shrieking Banshee;1117723I don't even like Buffy. I don't consider the rest pure trash as much as generic mush. I want the whole thing dead already so some new fad can happen. At least action movies from the 80s where not dominated by 1 brand and cinematography style.

Amen to that.

I do like Buffy, but even then, I accept it as a one-hit wonder and not a television masterpiece.
Sic Semper Tyrannis


I saw JOKER and ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD at the El Cheapo double feature.

Double meh.

I don't get the hype for either movie. Neither was bad, but neither are worth a second viewing.

Joker was Taxi Driver 2020 if Travis Bickle totally lost it.


Pretty much. Joker was just some "guy goes nuts" movie with the title Joker slapped on.


Quote from: insubordinate polyhedral;1116295I really liked it too. Maybe this is the cynical art-movie take you were thinking of, but it seemed very Christian to me thematically. Batman's got some Christ parallels and this to me seemed like a yin-Christ portrayal of Joker to Batman's yang-Christ. "As you do to the least among you, so you do unto me" and all that.
Not an enjoyable movie to watch, exactly, but excellent.

Yeah pretty much that regarding the definition of what I was trying to say.

It was a very thoughtful movie for me to watch and once I realised it wasn't at all a Superhero movie really, I appreciated it even more.
With the ending, it's hard to know if he really killed the counseller or if it was all in his mind and he'd totally snapped and was lost in his imaginary world.

Quote from: insubordinate polyhedral;1116295Going in, the movie theater checked my tiny purse for concealed weapons. lol.

Hah yeah that's funny! I had a daypack on my back and it wasn't checked at all, but here in Australia/Queensland security for such things isn't an issue.


Quote from: Doc Sammy;1117706Also, the 2017 Ghost In The Shell movie was a quick cash-in no different from Disney's Marvel and Star Wars fare or the weak shit that Joss Whedon cranks out.

Bullshit, Ghost in the Shell was a cracking good cyberpunk movie with Weta Workshop best-in-class design work and effects. And the changes they made to the storyline were an improvement over the manga, which is great, but tends to meander a bit in the later parts of the first volume. 2017 GITS tightens the storyline up considerably, and actually gives the story some closure instead of just ending.


Then you must have watches a totally different GitS movie because the live action US one was a mess.