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Gamers and "gender-inclusive" language

Started by TheShadow, July 08, 2008, 06:26:18 AM

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 Thank you Shewolf.

Nicely done.
Very well put.

- Ed
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...


Quote from: shewolf;224679Jackalope, piss off. Since this forum has search, you can look and see all the cuddly threads I've started. I'd bet there are damn few. I'm sorry you got bad female gamers where you are, but I fucking resent being painted with the same broad (see what I did there?) brush.

Too bad.  I've watched you try an play queen of the forum, and I can't recall ever seeing a post from you that didn't leave me rolling my eyes.  I would definitely count you as a data point in favor of my theory.  When I said "I would not allow 95% of the women I've met through gaming to join my game." you were being accounted for in the 95%.

QuoteI wouldn't game with you. Not because I'm a feminist.

You're right, you wouldn't game with me because I think you're an idiot, and wouldn't invite you to my game.


Also, I don't believe you're not fat.  That your husband doesn't know your measurements indicates that to me.  Men don't bother to learn their wives and girlfriends measurements when they are embarrassing.  Size only doesn't matter when size is a matter of embarrassment.  Cruel, but true.

It's like the way guys with ugly girlfriends insist that looks don't matter.  Of course they insist that.  That doesn't mean it's true!

Also, size 8 is a plus size.  So, yeah.
"What is often referred to as conspiracy theory is simply the normal continuation of normal politics by normal means." - Carl Oglesby



At least I don't go threatening to throw buckets of crap on strangers on the internet. I do have some manners.

And feel free to come to Dragon*Con. I'll be there. As will my husband, and the kids.

QuoteYou're right, you wouldn't game with me because I think you're an idiot, and wouldn't invite you to my game.


Oh, wow. You sure got me there. Cuts to the quick. *yawn*

QuoteAlso, size 8 is a plus size.  So, yeah.

Funny, googling plus sizes gets me nothing smaller than a 10. Maybe a men's size would be easier for you to understand? 29 x 32. Too bad it's a touch baggy in the waist, but I have more shape than men.

Dude, you\'re fruitier than a box of fruitloops dipped in a bowl of Charles Manson. - Mcrow
Quote from: Spike;282846You might be thinking of the longer handled skillets popular today, but I learned on one handed skillets (good for building the forearm and wrist strength!).  Of course, for spicing while you beat,


Quote from: Jackalope;224678You and I obviously have very different idea about what constitutes passive-aggressiveness.  
The major difference is, mine is correct.

QuoteThat's passive-aggressive for several reasons.  First, there's the implicit "I have invisible supporters." in his use of "we."  Who is "we?"  "We" is no-one in particular, "we" is just a mealy-mouthed way of pretending that Kyle speaks for a group of people.  He uses "we" solely to imply that this is an issue of "everyone vs Jackalope."   The goal here is too intimidate me with the threat of social ostracization if I don't tow the line and accept Kyle's opinions as facts.
No, the point is to goad you into screeds like this so you ostracize yourself.

QuoteIt's also passive-aggressive because it's an attack on me that isn't actually directed at me.  It's directed at the space around me.  That's the fucking definition of passive-aggressive, when you attack someone indirectly, so that they are forced to appear aggressive if they counter-attack.
Switch off the Dr. Phil for a while.

QuoteNo, you'll turn into little passive-aggressive pussies who talk out of the corners of your mouths.
Or, we might threaten to show up at your house or place of work and throw dog shit around.

QuoteWhat the fuck.  Why don't you attack something I actually said, instead of this fucking bullshit.  I don't even know what the fuck "women's void stealing my light" is supposed to mean, or what you're referring to
Calm down, Mr Sim, back issues are still selling well.
If you read the above post, you owe me $20 for tutoring fees

\'Let them call me rebel, and welcome, I have no concern for it, but I should suffer the misery of devils, were I to make a whore of my soul.\'
- Thomas Paine
\'Everything doesn\'t need


Quote from: Jackalope;224683Also, size 8 is a plus size.  So, yeah.


You're wrong.

A size 8 is a Misses size.  Misses sizes run from 0 to 20, by even numbers.

A plus size is typically designated by a W following an even size number, which typically start at around 14.

Actually, to correct myself, a size 8 doesn't have to be a Misses size, but could also be a Petite size (for women under 5'4") or a Tall size (for women above 5' 9").


Quote from: Jackalope;224683Also, size 8 is a plus size.  So, yeah.
Truly, your knowledge of women is overwhelming.



.....getting back to the title of the thread:

Best inclusive language I know of for women gamers (or even male gamers):

"Would you like to try it?"

"We have room at the table...and a pre-generated character or 2 to choose from if you want try it . "

 OR Even:

 "C'mon and grab a chair and sit in , its a lot of fun. "

- Ed C.
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...


I like including genders of all types (and physical sexes too...)

Yes that's a semantic argument. All I have time for today *LOL*

More importantly though, I've gamed a lot since 1981. I don't care what parts a player has as long as they contribute to play in some way. I've no more concern for a players physical sex than I do for their hair or eye color. It simply isn't that important.
High Valor REVISED: A fantasy Dark Age RPG. Available NOW!
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Quote from: Jackalope;224683Also, size 8 is a plus size.  So, yeah.
So, women are useless unless they are a size 0, is that what you mean?  The only possible way to consider 8 a 'plus size' is if you compare it to that.

I mean, seriously, this cements the 'don't reproduce' thing without any other intervention, but still.

Oh, and since you seem to think any measure of eloquence is 'passive-aggressive', I will spell it out in small words for you:  I was willing to allow one blowup, since you seemed to be calm and rational over here, but you are a complete douchebag.

I can write off most of Shewolf's opinions as conservative claptrap, but at least she can carry on a gaming conversation.  And some of her 'down home' stories leave you with a bit of Iron Ra nostalgia.  All I get from your stuff is an urge to write an open letter to Seattle apologizing for you, and assuring them you are not representative of the gaming culture, forum denizens, people who wear shoes, men, or humanity in general.

When you get a certain number of people expressing their dislike for you across so many demographics, it stops being their fault.  It's you.

It is seriously baffling that this has to be explained to you at your age.  Unless your age is less than 10.  Which I am assuming it isn't.  If you want to pretend that you don't care what other people think, you can yell that as loud as you want.  But your responses on this very thread belie your claims.
If you read the above post, you owe me $20 for tutoring fees

\'Let them call me rebel, and welcome, I have no concern for it, but I should suffer the misery of devils, were I to make a whore of my soul.\'
- Thomas Paine
\'Everything doesn\'t need


Quote from: Silverlion;224700More importantly though, I've gamed a lot since 1981. I don't care what parts a player has as long as they contribute to play in some way. I've no more concern for a players physical sex than I do for their hair or eye color. It simply isn't that important.
Come on, Tim, clearly not having a penis is a serious flaw in someone's gaming ability.  I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Shewolf showed up to a gaming session with a tin of cookies, and demanded that everyone play a unicorn or a pixie.

Let's keep up with the conversation here, ok?  ;)
If you read the above post, you owe me $20 for tutoring fees

\'Let them call me rebel, and welcome, I have no concern for it, but I should suffer the misery of devils, were I to make a whore of my soul.\'
- Thomas Paine
\'Everything doesn\'t need


Quote from: StormBringer;224702I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Shewolf showed up to a gaming session with a tin of cookies,
Anyone with a tin of cookies is welcome in my gaming sessions.



Quote from: StormBringer;224694The major difference is, mine is correct.

Well fuck, you got me there.  Your proof by bland assertion certainly trumps my actual argument.   "Yours" is a non-argument.  The sad thing is, you might actually be able to convince me of something if you would make an actual fucking argument, but nope.

QuoteNo, the point is to goad you into screeds like this so you ostracize yourself.

Sounds pretty passive-aggressive to me.

Quote from: shewolfAt least I don't go threatening to throw buckets of crap on strangers on the internet. I do have some manners...Oh, wow. You sure got me there. Cuts to the quick. *yawn*

See, this is exactly why I think you're stupid.  You throw out a few completely lame insults, retreading ground already covered by your betters, and then try to act like I'm being the boring and predictable one.

Do you even realize that "I wouldn't play in your game." is the most pathetic and over-used gamer insult like EVER?  It's what every pin-head loser comes up with when they lack the wit to say something original.

And you guys just keep harping on the bucket of dog crap thing.  You know why?  You all wish you were inventive, original and daring enough to seriously fuck with people's heads.  Look at Stormfront's little claim: "No, the point is to goad you into screeds like this so you ostracize yourself."

Clearly people think goading other people into doing things is a worthwhile way of spending time.  So I can only assume that these people who enjoy goading me (which is, I should point out, about as hard as shooting the broadside of a barn, seeing as I'm notoriously short-tempered and long-winded.  You people are serious underachievers.) must be envious of my superior ability to goad people.

After all, all you've managed to do is get me to post my opinions loudly and repeatedly.  Which is like no accomplishment at all, as I do that without being goaded.  I managed to get a bunch of people to hysterically cancel a GT that I didn't even know the location of by playing on fears they generated themself out of their own preening sense of self-importance.

You guys can't even hope to touch that.

RE: 8 = Plus Size  The winner of season 10 of America's Next Top Model, Whitney Thompson (size 8) was touted as their first plus-size model, which is why I said that.  If the fashion mavens who run that show say an 8 is plus size, I don't see how any of you losers who have no connection to that industry could possibly hope to contradict them in a meaningful way.  

Further research though does seem to indicate that Thompson is in fact a size 10.  Oddly, it seems that most of the notable plus-size models do not actually wear plus-size clothing, as most plus size models are apparently between a 10 and 14, and the plus-size clothing starts at 14.
"What is often referred to as conspiracy theory is simply the normal continuation of normal politics by normal means." - Carl Oglesby


Quote from: Jackalope;224715................  You know why?  You all wish you were inventive, original and daring enough to seriously fuck with people's heads.  

Nope, nada,     Just No we don't

 "Seriously fuck with people's heads...?"

 Do you know how childish that sounds?
Most people (even on here) aren't really worried about or concerned with messing with other people's minds. Thats kind of an activity for the small-minded and causes the kind of confusion in situations that most people really don't need.

On average most people try to a decent job at where they work , then go home and hug and kiss their loved obnes have a good meal for dinner...and somewhere during the week try to get in a good game or two if they're gamers.
The really lucky ones have wives  (girlfriends) or family members who are also gamers.

By-the-way, the constant over use of the "F" cussword by you tends to lessen its impact.  

- Ed C.

(and, again folks , compared to this guy I probaly look like a proper gentleman....)
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...


Quote from: Jackalope;224715Sounds pretty passive-aggressive to me.

Yeah, but it's a lot of fun.

I also like how this has become a debate over women's clothing sizes, plus the return of the school-yard insults of 'you're fat'.

Oh my. Weight as an inverse measure of worth. We are quite enlightened.
God in the Machine.

Here's my website. It's defunct, but there's gaming stuff on it. Much of it's missing. Sorry.

I've got a blog. Do you read other people's blogs? I dunno. You can say hi if you want, though, I don't mind company. It's not all gaming, though; you run the risk of running into my RL shit.


Quote from: Koltar;224720On average most people try to a decent job at where they work , then go home and hug and kiss their loved obnes have a good meal for dinner...and somewhere during the week try to get in a good game or two if they're gamers.
The really lucky ones have wives  (girlfriends) or family members who are also gamers.
I swear this post makes me want to throw a bucket of dogshit over you. Mixed with vomit.
The past lives on in your front room
The poor still weak the rich still rule
History lives in the books at home
The books at home

Gang of Four