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Walkerites Target Australia's Children

Started by John Morrow, May 28, 2008, 10:40:09 PM

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Quote from: BalbinusI would note, as a general comment, how quickly planned utopias move to being built on the bodies of those who do not belong in our bright new future.  Could we not maybe build a brave new future on something other than the bodies of our peers?
Again, just to underline this point, I think you are making a leap of logic. Nobody has to die prematurely.  Just cut back on your consumption.  The only people who will choose who does and does not belong are those people themselves.
"The difference between being fascinated with RPGs and being fascinated with the RPG industry is akin to the difference between being fascinated with sex and being fascinated with masturbation. Not that there\'s anything wrong with jerking off, but don\'t fool yourself into thinking you\'re getting laid." —Aos


Ever seen The Ballad of Narayama, walker?
The past lives on in your front room
The poor still weak the rich still rule
History lives in the books at home
The books at home

Gang of Four


No.  Looks interesting.  I'll put it on my list.
"The difference between being fascinated with RPGs and being fascinated with the RPG industry is akin to the difference between being fascinated with sex and being fascinated with masturbation. Not that there\'s anything wrong with jerking off, but don\'t fool yourself into thinking you\'re getting laid." —Aos


Quote from: walkerpYeah, I think you aren't reading the final results correctly, Balbinus.

It was pretty clear actually, it's designed for kids, you couldn't misread it.

My lifestyle is sustainable it appears, which surprised me but I suspect the issue is with the software, either that or I'm morally superior to you all.

Or both, we shouldn't omit the possibility of both.


Hmmm. 18.7 is when I should have died. Ha! Luckily for me, with modern medicine, I outlived my actual life expectancy of 16! I'm now fast approaching 30, so take THAT planet!

Dude, you\'re fruitier than a box of fruitloops dipped in a bowl of Charles Manson. - Mcrow
Quote from: Spike;282846You might be thinking of the longer handled skillets popular today, but I learned on one handed skillets (good for building the forearm and wrist strength!).  Of course, for spicing while you beat,


I should die at age of 52... but why should I care, lets damage the status quo fo biospehere like every else species do (we are just best at it)

Who cares if we make this ugly little rock uninhabitable, we'll be all death at that time!
You ARE the enemy. You are not from "our ranks". You never were. You and the filth that are like you have never had any sincere interest in doing right by this hobby. You\'re here to aggrandize your own undeserved egos, and you don\'t give a fuck if you destroy gaming to do it.
-RPGPundit, ranting about my awesome self


Or on the other hand we could all die now and we'd be dead anyways so who cares if the planet thrives as is for a few more millenia?
"The difference between being fascinated with RPGs and being fascinated with the RPG industry is akin to the difference between being fascinated with sex and being fascinated with masturbation. Not that there\'s anything wrong with jerking off, but don\'t fool yourself into thinking you\'re getting laid." —Aos


Quote from: walkerpI don't really know much about the organ issue.  I'm sure there is some religious argument or something which will make people freak out but obviously all the organs should go towards a pool of potential recipients ranked by need.  Of course this should all be very local as well as it will probably be too costly to fly organs around the world.  Personally, my donor card is checked and I'm in decent shape, though there certainly has been some wear and tear.  

I am an agnostic and would have no religious reservations about farming you for your organs. With the Carbon offset of -75 that I've earned by lifestyle choice, I could ask for your organs specifically.

QuoteYour arguments of elitism don't work here.  

Sure they do. I'm better than a Green Movement neo-hippie and have the right via a lower carbon footprint to kill 25 of them and harvest their organs for my own attempt at immortality.

You are just embarrassed because there are others on this board who through rigorous testing have demonstrated that they are more ecologically friendly than you. Filthy walkerist.

Now shut up and let Dr Frankenstein remove that nice liver of yours...

Kyle Aaron

Which is why I said the thing was stupid.

Phrased in a negative way, and giving absurd results for the extremes of low or high consumption, it can only be mocked. And it's not like the idea of consuming less and having less impact on the Earth is really awesomely popular in the West to begin with.

People can come up with their own rationalisations for gorging themselves and tossing everything away, they don't need stupid shit like this to help them.
The Viking Hat GM
Conflict, the adventure game of modern warfare
Wastrel Wednesdays, livestream with Dungeondelver


"The difference between being fascinated with RPGs and being fascinated with the RPG industry is akin to the difference between being fascinated with sex and being fascinated with masturbation. Not that there\'s anything wrong with jerking off, but don\'t fool yourself into thinking you\'re getting laid." —Aos

Consonant Dude

I'd live longer than walkerp! :P

The only thing that screwed me was sharing my living space. I'm not going to live with annoying fuckwits for the environment or for any other reason for that matter.

I should note that I know a person who does a lot more for the environment than I ever will and she would get screwed totally by this test. So there's definitely different ways to help the cause.  

Also, I thought a lot of elements were missing as far as lifestyle habits.

My Roleplaying Blog.


Wow, that test was actually more loaded than the Government Budget game I played last week. The only thing I really changed (aside from driving a gas miser car, a step up) was that I made one long flight last year. Oddly (very oddly...) the fact that it was for work made it worse than if I'd, say, gone to Disneyland!

Somehow, that one change made me 8.9 years. God forbid I'd had to fly farther.

I guess my real issue is having to fly on business instead of pleasure makes it worse... slap my wrist for wanting to keep my job maybe?
For you the day you found a minor error in a Post by Spike and forced him to admit it, it was the greatest day of your internet life.  For me it was... Tuesday.

For the curious: Apparently, in person, I sound exactly like the Youtube Character The Nostalgia Critic.   I have no words.
