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Do you have a dog?

Started by Vellorian, March 11, 2008, 10:56:48 PM

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Quote from: walkerpI'd also love to have a goat.  Goats are really awesome.  They get into all kinds of shit and can eat anything.

Even your RPG collection? :haw:
"I give the gift of endless imagination."
~~Gary Gygax (1938 - 2008)



Got a Sheltie which is Collie sized and sometimes as dumb as a box of hair.

But, the Mrs. loves Shelties...
I start from his boots and work my way up. It takes a good half a roll to encompass his jolly round belly alone. Soon, Father Christmas is completely wrapped in clingfilm. It is not quite so good as wrapping Roy but it is enjoyable nonetheless and is certainly a feather in my cap.


I've got a cat.  A big fat one.  Tabby on the back, white on the bottom.  Green eyes.

She has come to the conclusion that anything on the porch that she cannot smell, or that is a confirmed Stranger is clearly in league with Cthullu and must therefor be destroyed.

Oddly anything coming into the Garage door, while unappreciated, is not necessarily evil and therefor deserves a chance.
AKA Anubis-scales.

Ian Absentia

Quote from: Silverlion
May I just say what a delightfully inexplicable and retarded photo this is? :haw:



Quote from: JongWKEven your RPG collection? :haw:

Okay, yes, that could change my feelings about my goat quite fast!
"The difference between being fascinated with RPGs and being fascinated with the RPG industry is akin to the difference between being fascinated with sex and being fascinated with masturbation. Not that there\'s anything wrong with jerking off, but don\'t fool yourself into thinking you\'re getting laid." —Aos


Nope, no dog.

 I live with three cats. Neither of us has the other.
They actually keep up their end of the bargain by killing rodents and other pests that get near the house.

Only dogs I get along with are older mellow ones that just want to be petted.

Unfortunately I've met too many dogs who seemed to have been purchased as a replacement for their owner's lack of testosterone or machismo.

NO , I'm not going to post pictures of cats.

- Ed
The return of \'You can\'t take the Sky From me!\'

This is what a really cool FANTASY RPG should be like :

Still here, still alive, at least Seven years now...


Harold was the best old dog ever.

He was a Dobie of indeterminate age. He was the Dog Out Of Time, the Keeper of the Couch and Carpet.

He was my teacher's aide when I worked up at the boys' ranch. He was a big, wierd dog in the classroom, but he was universally a calming influence on both the kids and me. He got me to quit smoking. He diagnosed a kid with petit mal seizures that all the rest of us were missing. I can't bring dogs to my new workplace. I hate working indoors.

He died a couple years ago. Finished his work here and moved on. I still don't want to get another dog. Harrold had been passed around until he wound up at work, homeless. He started following me around, then decided to come home with me, then decided he lived there. He was the best.

Employment Counselor: So what do you like to do outside of work?
Oblivious Gamer: I like to play games: wargames, role-playing games.
EC: My cousin killed himself because of role-playing games.
OG: Jesus, what was he playing? Rifts?
--Fear the Boot


Quote from: FritzsDo anybody around have cat?

I had a cat once.  It was tasty, served over noodles and had a tangy sauce.

I see little other purpose for the critters--and chicken tastes better.
Ian Vellore
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" -- Patrick Henry


Quote from: walkerpI'd also love to have a goat.  Goats are really awesome.  They get into all kinds of shit and can eat anything.

My parents had a goat.  It was a little runt.  Highstrung.  Had "issues".  He coudln't sleep for more than a few minutes at a time.  I visited one day and sat on the patio with the little thing.  It took awhile for it to feel comfortable with me, but after about an hour, it crawled into my lap and I started to stroke and pet it.

For three hours, it slept on my lap.  Deep, sound, sleep.  The sleep of the dead.  I moved it out of my lap to go home and it stayed asleep until about 5 minutes after I moved it, then it was up.  

Every day for two weeks, I visited for several hours.  Every day, it slept in my lap for hours.  It got to the point that as soon as it saw me come out the back door, it would run toward me, tripping and rolling all the way, then crawl into my lap and SLEEP.

Sadly, it's "issues" were terminal and it didn't survive more than three weeks after I left.

I still take comfort in the fact that it was able to sleep with me.  And I really enjoyed stratching it's head between those little horns...  :)
Ian Vellore
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" -- Patrick Henry


Quote from: Ian AbsentiaMay I just say what a delightfully inexplicable and retarded photo this is? :haw:


Yes. She's very silly. I don't think she cares she's silly. As they say "they broke the mold when they made that one", it is a truth when referring to my dog, and I wouldn't trade her for my weight in platinum.
High Valor REVISED: A fantasy Dark Age RPG. Available NOW!
Hearts & Souls 2E Coming in 2019


The dobe pics are awesome.

My sister has had 'em for as long as I can remember. She just lost Jasmine to age recently :( Beautiful bitch, even made it to the cover of Dog Fancy.

Jazzie had been abused, but she was a brilliant dog, and became a wonderful pet and great with kids. I have a picture of her somewhere draggin my then 5 year old son around by a stuffed rabbit. She even liked me, and I reminded her of her early owners - I'm a smoker, like they were.

Her current dog, Alexis, is the worlds biggest puppy. I made the mistake of sitting on Kristin's couch, and had her in my lap. Within a very short time she had my glasses off and my face and hair were covered in slobber. My poor hubby thought I was going to drown.

Those 2 are very good friends with the other dog. A Chinese Crested Hairless. *shudder* I don't know about Weed dog, but I know the dobes were both show dogs, and brought home plenty of Blues.

One day, I'll have one. But my MIL is terrified of 'em :(

Dude, you\'re fruitier than a box of fruitloops dipped in a bowl of Charles Manson. - Mcrow
Quote from: Spike;282846You might be thinking of the longer handled skillets popular today, but I learned on one handed skillets (good for building the forearm and wrist strength!).  Of course, for spicing while you beat,


Quote from: Ian AbsentiaTrouble getting her to sit still for a photo, huh?  Most of my photos of Oz are empty frames or high frequency blurs.
No, actually, I just like that photo. Here's a couple that better show them both:

The past lives on in your front room
The poor still weak the rich still rule
History lives in the books at home
The books at home

Gang of Four


I don't have any pics to share, but I have two dogs and two cats.  It's a regular zoo.

The dogs (both male) are a fawn Pug named Pugsley (my ex-wife named him) and a Boston Terrier named Mugsy (I named him).  Pugsley (or "Pugs" as I usually call him) is the typical pug - a bit lazy, snores and farts a lot, and tends to get into trouble when he gets bored.  Mugsy is very thin for a Boston.  He has some kind of hyper metabolism - I feed him twice as much as normal just to keep his weight up.  He runs around like a spaz a lot, and loves chasing the cats or playing "dominance" with Pugs.

The cats are a black and gray tabby named Spike (female, named by my ex as well) and a white and orange make named Mr. Chips (he came from the animal shelter, so they named him).  The cats don't get along very well, and many a time I have come home to so much fur on the floor, I just assumed a hamster exploded.  Spike is the aggressive one (she's about half feral) and luckily the declawed one, or else it would be a problem - she's a real loner.  Chips is willing to hang around the dogs a bit more (when they aren't trying to jump on him) and loves drinking water from the sink tap directly.
Now Prepping: One-shot adventures for Coriolis, RuneQuest (classic), Numenera, 7th Sea 2nd edition, and Adventures in Middle-Earth.

Recently Ended: Palladium Fantasy - Warlords of the Wastelands: A fantasy campaign beginning in the Baalgor Wastelands, where characters emerge from the oppressive kingdom of the giants. Read about it here.

Ian Absentia

Quote from: droogNo, actually, I just like that photo.
Ah, I ask because some dogs just don't understand the importance of sitting still for a photo.  Like Ozzy.  Here's his first photo:

Notice anything wrong with the picture?  Now, here's the second attempt:

Finally, we resorted to holding food wherever we want him to look, which has a strangely hypnotic effect on the dog.  Here's a profile I was finally able to manage from him:

It's hard to get him to look at a camera -- it's not edible.

Your collies are really quite lovely, by the way.



I have a dog. His name is Pistol. He's a Jack Russell Terror. He's a local celebrity and is now slightly fat.:D
Timeless Games/Better Mousetrap Games - The Creep Chronicle, The Fifth Wheel - the book of West Marque, Shebang. Just released: The Boomtown Planet - Saturday Edition. Also available in hard copy.