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Trouble Ticket: Kyle Aaron

Started by Settembrini, April 13, 2009, 10:28:45 AM

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Quotewhat would you have me do to him?

Obviously, nothing. I hope that much is clear-

Still, Kyle, or any other guy, could not even make these comments if it weren´t for what has happened.

It would be all nice and dandy if you hadn´t shown that you can be swayed by other peoples opinion.

And those people are in the upswing, they feel they have power over who may post here. And the sad part is: It´s proven that they have that power.
If there can\'t be a TPK against the will of the players it\'s not an RPG.- Pierce Inverarity

David R

Quote from: Settembrini;296092Well, what means "you don´t believe me" in that context?

That such things do not exist?

Well, what about what Kyle Aaron just said? You believe me he said that, do you? OK, then let´s start from there. I think it´s wrong in many several ways. I do think it´s not the first time someone said something like this. Do you want to argue against that?

EDIT: Another pointer to the changed atmosphere., and it was stuart.

I won't argue against it. I'm all for the banning of certain wankers. See, Sett, I never bought into that whole freedom of speech BS. But you Sett, are a disingenuos cretin. You first started this BS about a year ago. You said you believed in the market place of ideas - I always wondered how someone so against pretension, could think in such twee terms about gaming - but got all huffy when people started engaging with posters like TonyLB and luke. You then decided to leave or maybe it was the whole "let's all be silent for a week" plea.

Then you lumped kyle, me ,droog (who totally buys into the whole freedom of speech, nonsense,btw) and someone else - the socalled Gang of Four -  and claimed that we were changing the tone of this place. You decided to leave.

Now, you come back and have latched on to these bannings. What the hell is the matter with you, Sett ? I'm no fan of the Pundit, but what exactly do you want from him ?

(And the link you posted. Doesn't mean a fucking thing. People have always talked like that )

David R


David, you keep having severe problems in reading comprehension. As it turns out the "Gang of Four"-Joke was about Pierce, the Rabbit, Melan and me. And it was a joke, and it´s meaning had to be explained to you back then (not by me, so I know it´s not my fault). This has shit to do with droog or you. You are just an example of a person that ignores certain stages of discourse that you yourself have been a part of. Like the Gang of Four joke, you now somehow muddled up with something else in your brain.

Apart from this: you don´t believe in Freedom of Speech. Please leave this thread, there´s nothing for you to see here then.

Thanks Pundit for answering BTW. The only thing that is now remaining open for discussion:

Has Pundit let himself be swayed into banning someone by others? What´s everyone´s take on that?

I say he did.
If there can\'t be a TPK against the will of the players it\'s not an RPG.- Pierce Inverarity


Quote from: Settembrini;296143Has Pundit let himself be swayed into banning someone by others? What´s everyone´s take on that?

I say he did.

I say no he didn't.


Holy smokes, I cannot fathom what you mean by this:

QuoteAround here there are only two modes: free speech, and troll. And I cut trolls, and then burn them.

Trolling is a bannable offense now?!? :confused:

Well, anyhow, I made my points. I don´t want to

1) support the current climate by ignoring it and participating anyways
2) "disrupt" the Site everytime free speech is in danger, when even the owner himself isn´t behind it anymore.

So this results in reverting back to previous behaviour.
If there can\'t be a TPK against the will of the players it\'s not an RPG.- Pierce Inverarity


Quote from: Drohem;296147I say no he didn't.
Haha, you weren´t even around when it happened, no?
If there can\'t be a TPK against the will of the players it\'s not an RPG.- Pierce Inverarity

David R

Sett, the GoF reference was for another thread you started when you threatened to leave. I'm well aware of your little jokes with Elliot & Co. I didn't say I don't believe in freedom of speech. I said I don't believe in it here. If there was freedom of speech - I mean the real deal - we would be allowed to post porn, death threats, pedofantasies etc. Is that what you want Sett ? And really, talking about the "we excluding" mentality and then asking me to leave the thread. You're the only muddled one here.

Edit: And asking if Dorhem was around. After all you have said so far, what difference does it make ? C'mon Sett, I'm daring you to make a sincere coherent argument.

David R


Quote from: Settembrini;296151Haha, you weren´t even around when it happened, no?

When what happened, specifically, since you seem to be all over the map in this thread- past and present.

This was the question I was responding to:

Has Pundit let himself be swayed into banning someone by others? What´s everyone´s take on that?

I answered that question.  Does that question have the qualifier of something that happened sometime in the dim mists of time?

I was here when WalkerP got banned, and I was here when CavScout got banned.  So, yes, I do have an opinion on the question you proposed to every member of this site, and I answered.

What's the problem?


He hasn't banned enough jackasses, IMHO. The site-stalkers who follow him from thread to thread waving their "We Don't Like Pundit" placards might as well be banned.


So, if you check out those bans you were there for: There were HUGE discussions, and Pundit repeatedly said he was acting in part because of the many complaints he got about Cavscout, for example. So, without complaints, there would not have been a ban.
That´s what I´m talking about.

EDIT: the above post should nicely illustrate my point. Such things would NEVER have been said on theRPGSite of yore. Now it´s a perfectly legal statement, and one that hits home.
If there can\'t be a TPK against the will of the players it\'s not an RPG.- Pierce Inverarity

David R

Quote from: Settembrini;296163EDIT: the above post should nicely illustrate my point. Such things would NEVER have been said on theRPGSite of yore. Now it´s a perfectly legal statement, and one that hits home.

You mean like the numerous Public Consultations threads that were created by the Pundit. Or how about the ones created about Dominus Nox. Or Mythusmage. Or how about the time J.Arcane created one about Serious Paul. Hold on. Didn't you want to ban or exile Forge/Theory talk ? What happened to freedom of speech and not influencing the Pundit ? Sincere, cogent argument, Sett. Try it some time. You may enjoy it.

David R


Quote from: Settembrini;296163So, if you check out those bans you were there for: There were HUGE discussions, and Pundit repeatedly said he was acting in part because of the many complaints he got about Cavscout, for example. So, without complaints, there would not have been a ban.
That´s what I´m talking about.

So, let me get this straight, Pundit specifically told you that he would not have banned those two if there were no complaints?

No, I didn't think so.  You are being disingenuous with that kind of wild speculation.  

The honest truth is that both WalkerP and CavScout wanted to be banned.  They repeatedly dared Pundit to do it, and he refrained because they were just spouting noise.  They finally did cross the line in their pursuit to get banned, and did.  What's the problem?


I think that there's a disconnect here.

Most of us here believe in free speech but also believe that acting like a dick means you're not acting as a responsible individual, and thus you open yourself to sanction. Free speech without responsibility is just plain anarchy.

Sett believes in an absolute free speech. As soon as there is moderation and sanction, in any shape or form, this is no longer free speech. Do I get that right, Sett?


Not entirely. Illegal stuff needs to be prevented.
I´m not an anarchist.

Also, the purpose of this site [as I understood and supported it back when] is not free speech itself, but free speech for RPGs.

EDIT: Benoist, you must know, theRPGsite actually operated perfectly in my eyes, i.g. according to my principles, until Pundit had a change of mind/something happened. I don´t really don´t know what, so I poke once in a while.
If there can\'t be a TPK against the will of the players it\'s not an RPG.- Pierce Inverarity


Quote from: David R;296171You mean like the numerous Public Consultations threads that were created by the Pundit. Or how about the ones created about Dominus Nox. Or Mythusmage. Or how about the time J.Arcane created one about Serious Paul. Hold on. Didn't you want to ban or exile Forge/Theory talk ? What happened to freedom of speech and not influencing the Pundit ? Sincere, cogent argument, Sett. Try it some time. You may enjoy it.

David R

You are indeed stupid beyond recognition. I never wanted what you express, and it shows that any complexity of argument is lost to you.

For the others: I was angered by a Forger invasion, and called everyone to fight their shilling and abuse of this site in the free speech way. Pundit, among others was too lazy. So I said he then has to topic-ban them, if he doesn´t want them here. This was back then, when saying this would make people wake up.

Interestingly enough, what I painted as a horrible future became true. I always loathed the public consultation threads too.

David, let me tell you something: You are the person that will 100% of the time spring in any thread I open, and take the opposite stance of what I say, no matter what I say. Who´s dishonest/disingenuos here?  I gave you the benefit of the doubt, and I was wrong.

Look, maybe I should keep on this site to prove you are stalking me. And then "get you banned". That´s to your liking, no?
Because that´s now the way tot talk here, and it reminds me of another place...
If there can\'t be a TPK against the will of the players it\'s not an RPG.- Pierce Inverarity