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Public Consultation: Racism/Genocide/Nox

Started by RPGPundit, April 12, 2007, 04:26:14 AM

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Quote from: droogThat's the populism. 'Big business' is always an easy target.

Hmm. Yeah, I can see it now. He really COULD be a member of the proto-"rent-a-mobs" of the late 1800s. You name it, he's agin' it. Good call, Droog.
Lan Astaslem

"It's rpg.net The population there would call the Second Coming of Jesus Christ a hate crime." - thedungeondelver

Christmas Ape

More in that a great deal of his stupider invective is directed at the traditional targets of the right-wing media.

That said, I've elected to undertake a pledge. A walk home in the sun helped this revelation, everybody's cranky at work, but...this subject is, officially, More Shit Than I Want To Wade Through.

HENCEFORTH, in perpetuity, I will function in such a manner that suggests Nox is not part of my experience on therpgsite. His quoted posts do not contain words, his threads in Off-Topic do not exist. On the rare occasion that he should accidentally produce a worthwhile RPG-related thread, I will imagine it was produced by Magical Fucking Sky Pixies With Guitars And Shit and reply to its game-related content only. My experience can only be improved without such an appalling personality involved in it.

There is no Nox.

Carry on.
Heroism is no more than a chapter in a tale of submission.
"There is a general risk that those who flock together, on the Internet or elsewhere, will end up both confident and wrong [..]. They may even think of their fellow citizens as opponents or adversaries in some kind of 'war'." - Cass R. Sunstein
The internet recognizes only five forms of self-expression: bragging, talking shit, ass kissing, bullshitting, and moaning about how pathetic you are. Combine one with your favorite hobby and get out there!


Being against capitalism and big business is one small step from away  (which mostly involves some whacky pseudo-economics-interest theory) conspiracy theories and anti-semitism.

A thin red line, a thin red line.
Still, freedom is worth a lot.

It´s a forum hygiene question, not a forum ruling question. We have to make him want to stop. Good old social pressure:

1) mock him
2) attack him
3) ignore him

he´s immune to 1&2 it seems.

I support number 3
If there can\'t be a TPK against the will of the players it\'s not an RPG.- Pierce Inverarity

James McMurray

Quote from: SettembriniA thin red line, a thin red line.

Thanks for reminding me of a moronic movie whose previews made it look like Apocalypse Now but which turned out to be Eyes Wide Shut. You will never be forgiven.

But on the plus side, I agree with your opinion in this thread. :)


Once again I oppose banning Nox or any other measure against him other than the public ridicule of those who choose to mock him.

The only sin on this website is being disruptive.  In my opinion being an asshole or having unpopular opinions or even spewing hate speech do not constitute disruptions.  A disruption is a threat to the ongoing life and vitality of the board.

As much as I disagree with what Nox says and as much as some days I would like him gone, he is not disrupting my RPGsite experience.  I called him on the carpet, made sure we both understood where we stood, and since then I've made my peace.  Not peace with Nox.  I reserve the right to vehemently disagree with pretty much whatever he's saying.  No, I've made my peace with myself, with my own feelings about Nox.

I'm not the most introspective dude in the world, but at some point it occurred to me that Nox was getting under my skin because I was allowing him to do so.  So I stopped.  It doesn't take Buddha-like serenity to do this thing.  When you feel the rush of blood as you get angry just say to yourself "This is the emotion that makes Nox so crazy.  I need to be better than that."  It's not a magical solution, but I've found that it helps.

So this is my challenge to everybody who is freaking out about Nox: Don't let yourself fall into that trap.  Hating hate feels good, but it's still more hate.  That sounds pretty hippy dippy to me as I type it, but I still think it's true.

People can construct arguments that Nox's continued presence diminishes the prestige of the site.  Frankly, this site doesn't have any prestige.  We're all weirdos and outcasts who maybe don't fit into more mainstream sites like RPGnet or ENWorld.  And I'm totally fine with that.  I don't stay on a particular board because it has cache.

And the idea that letting one loose cannon spew bile someone diminishes me is pure horseshit.  JimBob, you stopped associating with the wife-slapper.  You didn't round up a gang and drive him out of town.
Jeff Rients
My gameblog


Haven't we already discussed this? Seriously if Nox bothers you so much put him on your ignore list or at the very least stop positing in his threads and baiting him in other threads.
"Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness."

Terry Pratchett (Men at Arms)

James McMurray

Quote from: RockViperHaven't we already discussed this? Seriously if Nox bothers you so much put him on your ignore list or at the very least stop positing in his threads and baiting him in other threads.

Yes, we've already done this (except for the part where it gets generalized to all racists and Genocideal speech).

The Good Assyrian

Quote from: jrientsPeople can construct arguments that Nox's continued presence diminishes the prestige of the site.  Frankly, this site doesn't have any prestige.  We're all weirdos and outcasts who maybe don't fit into more mainstream sites like RPGnet or ENWorld.  And I'm totally fine with that.  I don't stay on a particular board because it has cache.

[John Winger]"We're all very different people. We're not Watusi, we're not Spartans, we're Americans. With a capital "A", huh? And you know what that means? Do you? That means that our forefathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world. We are the wretched refuse. We're the underdog. We're mutts."[/John Winger]

I think I'm gonna cry...


James McMurray

Is it just a coincidence, or do threads about banning Nox grind particpation in the other subforums to a halt?

Sacrificial Lamb

I vote against a Nox ban. Just ignore him. Oddly enough, he actually seems to want to be banned, though I can't imagine why. :confused:

Nox, my question is this:

When you go off on your crazy-ass rants, what's your motivation? Are you angry? Are you venting, and just letting off steam? Do you want to hurt the feelings of others on the site? Are the people here hurting YOUR feelings, so you just lash out? Do you just get your kicks out of fucking with people? Are you trying to "enlighten" us with your "superior wisdom"?

You KNOW your presence here is disruptive, yet you keep rubbing salt in the wound. What do you get out of this website and message board anyway? :confused:

Is yapping about "Islamofascism" on this website supposed to actually accomplish anything? If so, what?

Maybe reciting this litany of tedious questions is an exercise in futility, but I figured I'd throw it out there.

Kyle Aaron

Quote from: jrientsThe only sin on this website is being disruptive.  In my opinion being an asshole or having unpopular opinions or even spewing hate speech do not constitute disruptions.
But speaking in favour of adult-child sexual relations does constitute disruption?

If we censor and threaten to ban mythusmage for his comments, then we should censor and threaten to ban Dominus Nox for his; if we don't censor and threaten to ban Dominus Nox, we shouldn't censor and threaten to ban mythusmage. I don't think you can seriously argue that paedophilia is worse than genocide.

As I did for some time on rpg.net, I ask for consistency in moderation. Censor opinions which are universally held to be vile, or do not. Don't censor some and not others.
Quote from: jrientsAnd the idea that letting one loose cannon spew bile someone diminishes me is pure horseshit.  JimBob, you stopped associating with the wife-slapper.  You didn't round up a gang and drive him out of town.
In the case I mentioned, I only knew him online, and he lives in Brazil. So I couldn't drive him out of town. Would I have? I dunno. In the past with violent people I've known in person, I've just called the cops and offered the victim of violence a place to stay away from it.

If the guy were a member of my roleplaying club, I'd sure as shit try to get him kicked out. It doesn't help a club's reputation and recruitment to have that kind of person in it.
The Viking Hat GM
Conflict, the adventure game of modern warfare
Wastrel Wednesdays, livestream with Dungeondelver


I didn't post a formal vote because I have been here as long as most and so I haven't had any encounters with Nox and don't feel I have the street cred to vote on his bannng.  I do have to say though that I've been lurking for quite a while and have read a number of his posts and threads, as well as the controversial ones by Mythusmage.

That said, as someone with no dog in the fight so to speak, I can tell you that I personally never associated the views of either Nox or Mythusmage with those of the general population of RPGsite.  In all the cases I saw, other posters responded effectively to his arguments and I certainly never felt that this board condoned either pedophilia or racism.  While I understand the concern, I don't think the fear of "guilt by association" with Nox should be a reason to ban him since the only people who would make that association probably have a bias against this board to begin with.

Finally, at the risk of putting a huge target on my back, I probably would be considered a right-winger by most on this board (and no I don't like the KKK or advocate genocide).  From that perspective I don't think Nox is a right-winger, he seems to be a parody of a right-winger, probably a deliberate ploy to start flame-wars.  I agree with very few of his posts and any valid points he makes he tends to invalidate by kicking the hyperbole too many notches.

Anyhow that is my two-cents.


I'd say do nothing. While I'm not against hands-on moderation, I appreciate the foundation of this site as being one of absolute free speech. I'd like for it to be kept that way.
This board software comes with an ignore list option, and while I never use it, I can see why it might come in handy if someone really aggravates you. So I suggest people having problems with Nox use it.

I would be much less forgiving if there was continuous spamming of his opinions in the RPG section(s), but I haven't come across those yet. As far as I saw it, his posts in RPG sections have been pretty much to the point. And if he posts a new thread in off topic, I'm pretty OK with that, no matter its content. People may do in their own threads as they wish, as far as I'm concerned. No one can force me to read it there.

The Good Assyrian

Quote from: JimBobOzAs I did for some time on rpg.net, I ask for consistency in moderation. Censor opinions which are universally held to be vile, or do not. Don't censor some and not others.

In the American tradition, at least, political speech is afforded greater protection, and I am OK with that model.  There is also the issue of tangible legal jeopardy for the owner of this site.  Talk of child sex has a very real possibility of bringing serious legal consequences no matter where you live.  The claims of Internet lawyers aside, it is a considerable stretch to construe the distasteful political opinions of a random jackass as legally constituting "incitement to genocide" under international law.  Have you got the team of lawyers that we'll be needing lined up?

And if this does happen, JimBob, then what do we do about people who may have expressed some measure of support for Nox?  Will you be starting other prosecution threads to deal with them similarly?  

Mark my words, if we start down this road the future will be filled with lawyers and nerf foam.


James McMurray

The lawyers I could do without, but nerf foam sounds kinda fun.