Malicious code was found on the site, which has been removed, but would have been able to access files and the database, revealing email addresses, posts, and encoded passwords (which would need to be decoded). However, there is no direct evidence that any such activity occurred. REGARDLESS, BE SURE TO CHANGE YOUR PASSWORDS. And as is good practice, remember to never use the same password on more than one site. While performing housekeeping, we also decided to upgrade the forums.
This is a site for discussing roleplaying games. Have fun doing so, but there is one major rule: do not discuss political issues that aren't directly and uniquely related to the subject of the thread and about gaming. While this site is dedicated to free speech, the following will not be tolerated: devolving a thread into unrelated political discussion, sockpuppeting (using multiple and/or bogus accounts), disrupting topics without contributing to them, and posting images that could get someone fired in the workplace (an external link is OK, but clearly mark it as Not Safe For Work, or NSFW). If you receive a warning, please take it seriously and either move on to another topic or steer the discussion back to its original RPG-related theme.

Public Consultation: Anthrobot/Johnny

Started by RPGPundit, March 05, 2007, 01:22:29 PM

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Abyssal Maw

FIRST they came for the SOCK PUPPETS!!!
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Mr. Analytical

Another board I hang out on has communal sock puppets with names like "GOD" and "The Search Nazi" that people can log into if they want to make a point.

Sock puppetts really aren't an issue.  So someone spends time artificially manufacturing consent around his opinions.  So fucking what?  what do you care what other posters think?


Quote from: Mr. Analyticalwhat do you care what other posters think?

If you don't care -- then what's the point of posting at all?

I'm guessing Anthrobot isn't the only person using sockpuppets on this site...


Quote from: droogHere's my idea. Ban Johnny. Send him an email telling him that he can email one of you guys back to state his case. That'll force the issue, if 'Johnny' really gives a fuck. He should be able to prove it somehow if he really is somebody else.

Meanwhile, watch the forums and if a new guy sounding like Johnny or Anthrobot pops up on the same IP, you've got a pretty good case for banning the new one and keeping Johnny banned. Or even allowing them to exist and mocking the perpetrator (not that it stops Nox).

Long term, it doesn't do any harm and at worst it's an unjust quarantining. You can always unban Johnny, and Anthrobot gets to use his account. You're not banning, just running an experiment. Beating the forest to see what comes out.

Otherwise, just let it run its course and see what happens. Somebody's bound to get sick of logging in and logging out.

I agree with this.
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A lack of moderation doesn\'t mean saying every asshole thing that pops into your head.


Quote from: Mr. AnalyticalAnother board I hang out on has communal sock puppets with names like "GOD" and "The Search Nazi" that people can log into if they want to make a point.

That's hilarious. :haw:
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Quote from: RPGPunditAs far as I know, he put that pic on himself; I certainly didn't give it to him, and if anyone else did, they didn't tell me about it.

Twasn't I.
Jeff Rients
My gameblog


Quote from: jrientsTwasn't I.
I didn't do it, I'm not even sure if i know how to do it.


I don't think we should ban Anthrobot. I do think we should publically mock and humiliate him for having a sock puppet.
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Serious Paul

Quote from: RPGPunditI'm pissed off.

This seems to be the root of everything right here. You're pissed. And a few others. But I have to ask so what? So what this guy rubs you wrong? So what? Sos this guy is a bit of a dick? So what?

Does dude pay the bills round here? Does dude make the majority of posts here? Do you have to reply to him? Do you have to ban him to ignore him?

You seem pretty damn eager to ban someone Pundit. Hell these public consultation threads are amongst the most active. That should say something to you.

Go easy man. You're the public face of this forum, like it or not. Stop making yourself look like an over eager twelve year old dude. This is just a forum, an internet forum. Not a god damned secret agency or a for profit business here.

Serious Paul

Quote from: JongWKThat's hilarious. :haw:

Animal Ball has a couple like that too. No one use them though.


I don't know the two posters involved  well enough to say yay or nay either way .Neither one has made much of an impression on me....yet.

  Got an extreme dislike for sock puppets tho - they confuse things and muddy the waters.

 I say ban the sock puppet and warn the "original" not to do it again.

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Its just the opposite, the last thing I want to have to do is ban anyone. Especially for something as stupid as this.

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Quote from: RPGPunditIts just the opposite, the last thing I want to have to do is ban anyone. Especially for something as stupid as this.

Technically, if you ban a sock puppet but not the original account, then you're not really banning "anyone".
Lan Astaslem

"It's rpg.net The population there would call the Second Coming of Jesus Christ a hate crime." - thedungeondelver


He hasn't impacted my enjoyment of rpgsite.  I say let him be for now.
teamchimp: I'm doing problem sets concerning inbreeding and effective population size.....I absolutely know this will get me the hot bitches.

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I am all for not banning him.  Hell, I'm more or less with Settembrini on these sorts of things.   Banning is the end of the line, the last possible step. Even the damn sock... puppet. Yeah, there is a picture of a sock, it's a puppet...

Is it annoying? Sure.

childish? certainly.

Disruptive? Not so much.  If you want to IL Anthrobot, you will want to IL johnny. Is it really that much work to smack another reader on your 'dumb ass' list?

Of course, I'm biased. I'm the one who started the entire 'are sockpuppets inherently bad' question on some other thread weeks ago.

If you honestly feel you have to do something... ban Johnny and leave it at that.  Shut down the sock puppets and the problem is fixed.
For you the day you found a minor error in a Post by Spike and forced him to admit it, it was the greatest day of your internet life.  For me it was... Tuesday.

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