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"Most Recent Unread Post"

Started by kythri, September 01, 2020, 11:50:03 PM

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Has this feature been removed, in the new software?  If not, any description of the icon I should be looking for?  I see the "last post" but the old software, if there was a thread with 50 posts, and I'd already read 1-30, with 31-50 being posted after I read the previous, I could click this little blue icon, and it would take me to post #31 (next unread).


I believe you can click the orange new image next to the thread title to do that. Not sure though.


Something just "popped" for me, as I'm seeing the "new" icons now, and the functionality they provide is what I was missing.

Thank you!


Ok. Keep me informed of any weirdness. Thanks.


This doesn't seem to work consistently. It has sometimes worked for me, and other times it just goes to the first post in the thread. That isn't unique to this site however, I have experienced the same on other fora.

The lack of a 'new' tag on individual posts in the thread makes it hard to quickly find new posts manually at this point, however. Is that feature available?

For context, I'm using Safari on iPadOS.


Spell out for me exactly in detail what you want it to do and I'll see if I can make it happen.


On many forums, when you look down a page of posts, some of which you have read and some of which are new, the new ones have a 'new' tag (typically an icon or label) so you can easily see which one as are, indeed new.

I've attached a screenshot which shows the sort of thing I mean over on TBP, but it is common on many sites I use.

PS - trying to add an image that is too big seems to cause the Post Reply option to be broken even if you change the image and try again.


I think I can pull this off. Trying to code it now.


It may or may not display a new image next to the subject for new posts. As you said, it does not work consistently. I can probably get it to work right, but I'll need more time -- so it's for another time.



Just for info, only the first new post is showing the flag


It requires more work, but more than I can do at the moment, so we'll have to revisit it in future.


Thanks for your efforts, already it is more user friendly