
The Lounge => Help Desk => Topic started by: TrippyHippy on January 17, 2018, 06:49:11 PM

Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: TrippyHippy on January 17, 2018, 06:49:11 PM
This seems to be the ongoing tactic on this thread currently, so I shall share some internal messages below:

Quote1) Why would you post a picture of a dead child? That is horrible. I don't want to see that, nor do I think most people.

It was entirely relevant to the comments being made - that is why. RPGPundit had sought to describe refugees escaping Syria as "hordes" of "rapists". (I haven't access to his exact quote, but the terms used were equivalent) and that the EU was weak/wrong to allow them into the country as asylum seekers.

That specific photo appeared in headlines in all major European Newspapers when the Syrian refugee crisis occurred. It is a dead Syrian boy, washed up on the shores after a refugee boat sank into the ocean while trying to escape a war zone. It has been cited as one of the major reasons why the EU leaders chose to prevent a humanitarian crisis and allow them in. I find it horrible and utterly disgusting to use the language that RPGPundit was using to describe victims like that. Go and read about that image yourself:

If people don't want to see photos like that, then they should start describing the victims in the disgraceful terms used in that thread.

2) This is a site for RPG discussion. Post about RPGs rather than politics. Why would anyone want to see this site devolve into's Tangency.
I post under those rules for the rest of this forum. I posted in RPGPundit's forum under the rules he sets there.

3) RPGPundit's forum is his personal forum. He can do whatever he wants there. If you don't like that, stick to the RPG forums. Pretty simple.

4) Your access to RPGPundit's forum should be back, but may be changed again to restrict your access to that forum after that horrible posting. Any other loss of access was purely accidental due to some of the forum's settings.

It's still censorship. He continually makes politicised points about freedom of speech. I am happy to follow the rules wherever I post, but I also know hypocrisy when I see it. If he wants to create his own vile little echo chamber, then that is up to him. I have no intent posting where I am not wanted.

5) I have nothing against you personally, but I will reiterate: do not post pictures of dead children, post more RPG-related stuff, and don't worry about RPGPundit's forum.

I have got a lot against you, personally, if you are tacitly supporting racist propaganda presented on this site, while censoring the real impact of what is going on in the world today. That is what that photo is about. By ending that thread when you did, after putting these direct questions to me, you have censored me, yet again. Was this because of an upsetting photo this time too, or because you don't want to let me answer in public as the facts are embarrassing? I warned BedrockBrendan of the content before I posted.

I will also say that when I was blocked I received no explanation or communication whatsoever. When I sent my Private Message to Pundit it was exactly in that light. I frankly do not except some random technical glitch. I was blocked for days, until complaints were raised.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: Voros on January 17, 2018, 06:52:43 PM
What is up with Pundit opening the previous Helpdesk thread to post a comment and then relocking it before anyone can respond?

It is blatant powertripping. I guess ‘Pundit does whatever he wants in his forum' now applies to the whole of RPGSite.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: brettmb on January 17, 2018, 07:03:35 PM
The thread was closed, because the issue had been resolved with your access to the forum being fixed. No response was needed on your part. It's a help desk forum, not a regular discussion forum. Weren't you posting to get your access back or did you have some other agenda?
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: TrippyHippy on January 17, 2018, 07:11:59 PM
When you gave your post were you just communicating a technical solution or trying to present your own agenda.

You made public criticisms of me that were misleading and unfair, in order to counter the criticism of censorship through ad hominem. You shut down the thread before anybody could comment. Pundit just deliberately opened the thread and shut it again to do the same thing.  

How many other threads on the Helpdesk have been immediately shut down before anyone else could comment?
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: Voros on January 17, 2018, 07:21:26 PM
Quote from: brettmb;1020221The thread was closed, because the issue had been resolved with your access to the forum being fixed. No response was needed on your part. It's a help desk forum, not a regular discussion forum. Weren't you posting to get your access back or did you have some other agenda?

Your comments about a 'dead child' are clueless or disengenous. That photo has been published on the front page of every major newpaper in the Western world but you act like it was a clip from Ogrish. Pundit has, rightly, posted YT footage of right wingers being assaulted by Antifa, why is that okay and this photo isn't?

Perhaps you are also unaware of the kind of extreme language used regularly in Pundency, to claim posting a well known news photo is 'over the line' for a forum often full of racial and nationalist invective is laughably hypocritical.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: brettmb on January 17, 2018, 07:21:45 PM
There was no criticism other than about you posting a horrible picture. Everything else was simply the rules. And as an admin, Pundit can reply to any thread without re-opening it -- he probably didn't even realize the thread the closed. No one knew about the problem, but when you finally articulated it, we fixed it.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: Voros on January 17, 2018, 07:26:52 PM
'Horrible picture.’ Are you living in a cave to not recognize it? Would you also ban this photo in a discussion about the Vietnam war? (

If the rules are 'Pundit can do whatever he wants' please post that into the official guidelines of not only Pundency but the whole site so it is clear that this is one manchild's personal fiefdom.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: TrippyHippy on January 17, 2018, 07:34:05 PM
Quote from: brettmb;1020227There was no criticism other than about you posting a horrible picture. Everything else was simply the rules. And as an admin, Pundit can reply to any thread without re-opening it -- he probably didn't even realize the thread the closed. No one knew about the problem, but when you finally articulated it, we fixed it.
Your own reference to 'picture of a dead child' implied that it was presented by myself for the sake of being obscene and offensive. You provided no other context, with the inference that it wasn't already widely circulated by all major media sites, and was in fact presented as an exact example of the asylum seekers that Pundit was demonising in obscene language at the time.

If your intent was not to slander me online, then make your apology now and I will leave it at that.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: TrippyHippy on January 18, 2018, 05:46:49 AM
So, no apology then I take it?

That speaks the truth of the matter. As does the contradiction in suggesting that it was all a technical issue that you were all unaware of, whilst attempting to falsely admonish me for actions leading up to the block, and how I should behave after. If it was just a technical issue, then why would you do this?

Craven and disingenuous.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: jeff37923 on January 18, 2018, 07:57:40 AM
So, you haven't been banned and you can indeed post here. I guess that makes several of you leftists liars.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: Omega on January 18, 2018, 08:34:48 AM
Quote from: jeff37923;1020301So, you haven't been banned and you can indeed post here. I guess that makes several of you leftists liars.

Yeah. This makes no sense. There was a bug in the forum. Then it was fixed. An admin commented in a locked thread. Possibly not knowing it was locked? (Its fairly easy to miss that a thread is locked depending on where you enter it.)
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: Voros on January 18, 2018, 08:53:21 AM
The issue is Pundit censoring an image that he finds politically inconvienent. He also blocked Trippy's ability to upload photos without notice and left it that way for days without announcing it.

If you can't see the issue with that on a supposed forum dedicated to 'free speech'...

As TBP shows there are more forms of Admin abusing their power than mere bans, which Jeffy desperately clings to since he is a pathetic toady of Pundits.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on January 18, 2018, 09:28:54 AM
Voros this isn't the free speech open forum, it is a gaming forum. The site has always been primarily a gaming forum. There have always been limits on what kinds of imagery can be posted and political discussions have only been allowable here recently. You can't just go around posting porn for example. We generally keep it to common sense. People don't get banned for having the wrong opinions but the gaming forum is meant to be about gaming. And the pundit subforum is stuff Pundit finds personally interesting to discuss. Again, nobody has been banned for anything. This forum was never intended to be an open political forum. There is just a small area of the forum where those kinds of discussions can take place. But this is ultimately a gaming forum.

There are a bunch of pinned threads in here if you want Pundit's official explanations of how the forum works.

For what it is worth, I agreed with Trippy Hippy's position on immigration but I wasn't particularly thrilled with having that image suddenly show up in the discussion. I agree with it appearing in major news papers as well but: Therpgiste is not the New York Times. It is a gaming site.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: jeff37923 on January 18, 2018, 09:44:41 AM
Quote from: Voros;1020306Jeffy desperately clings to since he is a pathetic toady of Pundits.

If you only knew how funny I find this statement.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: TrippyHippy on January 18, 2018, 11:35:27 AM
Quote from: BedrockBrendan;1020312Therpgiste is not the New York Times. It is a gaming site.
RPGPundit's own forum is not a gaming site. It's a personalised echochamber which allows him to ferment mistruth and his own politicised agenda - which frequently claiming for himself that he represents free-speech. To deny this is disingenuous.

With regards to that photo, again, I will state that it is a commonly well known and iconic image that was entirely relevant to the comments made by him. To censor it, after those disgusting comments had been made - when the picture itself is directly relevant, is censorship. To then suggest that the blocking of my posts was a 'technical issue', whilst still admonishing myself for this at the same time, is contradictory and disingenuous. To carry on admonishing the use of the picture after the event, and then imply the consequences of another block onto his forum if I were to do it again, is again hypocritical.

There was no 'bug in the system'. Did anybody else here get blocked for days? No. This is a lie.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on January 18, 2018, 11:40:09 AM
Quote from: TrippyHippy;1020341RPGPundit's own forum is not a gaming site. It's a personalised echochamber which allows him to ferment mistruth and his own politicised agenda - which frequently claiming for himself that he represents free-speech. To deny this is disingenuous.

With regards to that photo, again, I will state that it is a commonly well known and iconic image that was entirely relevant to the comments made by him. To censor it, after those disgusting comments had been made - when the picture itself is directly relevant, is censorship. To then suggest that the blocking of my posts was a 'technical issue', whilst still admonishing myself for this at the same time, is contradictory and disingenuous. To carry on admonishing the use of the picture after the event, and then imply the consequences of another block onto his forum if I were to do it again, is again hypocritical.

There was no 'bug in the system'. Did anybody else here get blocked for days? No. This is a lie.

Read the site constitution Trippy (there is a sticky for it in this section of the forum). You are free to disagree with it. You are free to view the RPGpundit Subforum is an echo chamber. You are free to think this is wrong. And you are entitled to whatever political opinions you want. All I can say is my understanding of what happened, based on what I saw, based on what I know about the mod interface, and what people have told me, is what happened to your account was an error. And that error has been fixed. You are free to post. You are not banned. But all three mods weighing in on this topic (myself included) feel the image shouldn't be posted in the forum. Again, I share most of your opinions on immigration and on the refugees. And I think the image was newsworthy and should have appeared in the newspapers. But this is a gaming forum and we have a rule in the constitution that says don't post images you wouldn't post at work. If you think that is tyranny or censorship, you are free to that opinion.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: TrippyHippy on January 18, 2018, 11:48:37 AM
And further to this, the only reason why the blocking was removed was because administrators here knew it was hypocritical to the propaganda perpetuated on Pundits' forum, and they didn't realise that I had friends who were able to communicate with me elsewhere and point out that hypocrisy.

If you think posting on any other part of this site is worth anything to me, unless this situation is honestly addressed, you are delusional. I post with conscience free about freedom of speech and accountability of words and actions. If this site doesn't share those values, and purports mistruth and propaganda, then they are beneath my contempt.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: Bedrockbrendan on January 18, 2018, 11:51:36 AM
Quote from: TrippyHippy;1020347And further to this, the only reason why the blocking was removed was because administrators here knew it was hypocritical to the propaganda perpetuated on Pundits' forum, and they didn't realise that I had friends who were able to communicate with me elsewhere and point out that hypocrisy.

If you think posting on any other part of this site is worth anything to me, unless this situation is honestly addressed, you are delusional. I post with conscience free about freedom of speech and accountability of words and actions. If this site doesn't share those values, and purports mistruth and propaganda, then they are beneath my contempt.

The blocking was removed because it was unintentional and we didn't know about it until very recently (and we fixed it as soon as we became aware of it).

No one is forcing you to post here Trippy.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: RPGPundit on January 18, 2018, 11:54:19 AM
Quote from: TrippyHippy;1020215This seems to be the ongoing tactic on this thread currently, so I shall share some internal messages below:

No, the tactic is to expose you when you LIED about you "politely explained your problem" when you were neither polite nor explained your problem.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: RPGPundit on January 18, 2018, 11:55:05 AM
Quote from: Voros;1020218What is up with Pundit opening the previous Helpdesk thread to post a comment and then relocking it before anyone can respond?

What's up is that TrippyHippy LIED in his post, so that needed to be clarified.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: RPGPundit on January 18, 2018, 11:59:00 AM
Quote from: Voros;1020230'Horrible picture.' Are you living in a cave to not recognize it? Would you also ban this photo in a discussion about the Vietnam war? (

In the Vietnam picture, that girl was hit by Napalm because of a US military attack, theoretically intended to 'save' the vietnamese people.
It is at least to some extent an accurate reflection of the situation in vietnam.

In the other picture, that little boy was murdered by his own father's greed and ambition.
It is in no way an accurate depiction of what is happening Europe today. it is not an accurate representation of how 70-80% of all the Muslim Migrants are fit single men of fighting age, many of which trained in Jihadi camps and fought for Al-Qaeda or ISIS.

The dead child that would have been representative of what is happening in Europe would be the 11 year old Swedish girl torn in half by a Jihadi lunatic.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: TrippyHippy on January 18, 2018, 11:59:53 AM
Quote from: BedrockBrendan;1020344Read the site constitution Trippy (there is a sticky for it in this section of the forum). You are free to disagree with it. You are free to view the RPGpundit Subforum is an echo chamber. You are free to think this is wrong. And you are entitled to whatever political opinions you want. All I can say is my understanding of what happened, based on what I saw, based on what I know about the mod interface, and what people have told me, is what happened to your account was an error.
If it was a technical error, then why am I being admonished for posting that image? If it is an error, then why not even a cursory apology and a simple statement - too the effect of "Sorry, it was just a technical error - sorry for the inconvenience"?  

QuoteAnd that error has been fixed. You are free to post. You are not banned. But all three mods weighing in on this topic (myself included) feel the image shouldn't be posted in the forum. Again, I share most of your opinions on immigration and on the refugees. And I think the image was newsworthy and should have appeared in the newspapers. But this is a gaming forum and we have a rule in the constitution that says don't post images you wouldn't post at work.  If you think that is tyranny or censorship, you are free to that opinion.
Speaking as a teacher and an Amnesty International volunteer, I would absolutely post that image. What I wouldn't post at work - and would lose my job if I did - is the type of lying, racial slurs that RPGPundit was making about Asylum Seekers.It's an important image to post in a free thinking democracy. And again, RPGPundit's forum is not gaming forum and should never be defended as such.

Whether you ban me or not has absolutely no bearing on me at the moment - I don't care - it's all about your own integrity. If you want to seen as tacitly supporting racist propaganda on this site, and censoring content that counters it, then it's all down on you. Pundits' views are "well known" as he likes to say, and he can burn in Hell for it, but how do the people who enable it to be perpetuated feel about themselves?
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: RPGPundit on January 18, 2018, 12:01:00 PM
Quote from: TrippyHippy;1020233and was in fact presented as an exact example of the asylum seekers that Pundit was demonising in obscene language at the time.

Except IT WAS NOT. It was a filthy fucking lie, because the VAST MAJORITY (up to 80%) of Muslim Migrants invading Europe are young adult men (who sometimes pretend to be bearded 'children') of fit and fighting age.

The problem was that you are consistently a FILTHY FUCKING LIAR.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: TrippyHippy on January 18, 2018, 12:01:20 PM
Quote from: RPGPundit;1020354What's up is that TrippyHippy LIED in his post, so that needed to be clarified.
No you have LIED throughout your entire life. You entire political frame of mind is a lie, and you've been caught out for lying right here.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: TrippyHippy on January 18, 2018, 12:07:01 PM
Quote from: RPGPundit;1020358Except IT WAS NOT. It was a filthy fucking lie, because the VAST MAJORITY (up to 80%) of Muslim Migrants invading Europe are young adult men (who sometimes pretend to be bearded 'children') of fit and fighting age.

The problem was that you are consistently a FILTHY FUCKING LIAR.
Ah, here we are. You own tactics come to bear again - straight to the profanity, the aggression, the denial, and the reversal of accusation to cover your own back.

You are a sneering coward, a liar, a racist, a misogynist, a self-deluded fantasist, a narcissist, a sociopath and creep (who likes to fetishise fat lesbians, apparently). And above all, your own apoplectic arrogance and fanaticism also decry that one important aspect that underlies everything: your deep seated fear that you are losing control.

Go to hell, you pathetic little man.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: RPGPundit on January 18, 2018, 12:11:16 PM
Quote from: Voros;1020306The issue is Pundit censoring an image that he finds politically inconvienent.



QuoteHe also blocked Trippy's ability to upload photos without notice and left it that way for days without announcing it.

 No I didn't. I blocked his ability to upload images (as his penalty for being a filthy fucking liar) on the same day that he posted that image, which was the same day he realized that he couldn't access the Pundit forum. It took me until the next day to respond because instead of asking about it or even posting here, Trippy just acted like a Whiny Little Bitch and sent secondhand messages and PMs that had no content except snide remarks.

BTW, I want an answer to the question above.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: RPGPundit on January 18, 2018, 12:14:13 PM
Quote from: TrippyHippy;1020347And further to this, the only reason why the blocking was removed was because administrators here knew it was hypocritical to the propaganda perpetuated on Pundits' forum, and they didn't realise that I had friends who were able to communicate with me elsewhere and point out that hypocrisy.

What the fuck are you talking about, you ridiculous bitch? You never at any time lost the ability to communicate right here. YOU CHOSE NOT TO. Because you're a ridiculous little bitch who's trying to make some kind of scandal out of this where there isn't one. Only your reputation is so shit here (as is voros', and nexus') that no one is buying it.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: TrippyHippy on January 18, 2018, 12:16:15 PM
Quote from: RPGPundit;1020365No, I'm blocking an image that is a FILTHY FUCKING PROPAGANDISTIC LIE THAT IN NO WAY REFLECTS THE TRUTH.
Straight from the horses mouth. You have CENSORED an image for political reasons. Red handed admission of guilt.

QuoteNo I didn't. I blocked his ability to upload images (as his penalty for being a filthy fucking liar) on the same day that he posted that image, which was the same day he realized that he couldn't access the Pundit forum.
Just a technical issue? No - have just admitted to deliberately censoring me. It's right there for anyone to read.

I rest my case. You are a coward, a liar, and a hypocrite with zero integrity whatsoever.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: RPGPundit on January 18, 2018, 12:21:30 PM
Quote from: TrippyHippy;1020356If it was a technical error, then why am I being admonished for posting that image?

The error was that my putting you in the Restricted Regular User group (a group for especially bothersome posters that don't quite qualify for banning yet but need to be taught severe lessons; a group that before this, I only ever had cause to put two other people into in the entire 10-year history of the site) caused you to be unable to post to the RPGPundit's Forum. This was not the original intent of that usergroup (the intent was to make it so that you couldn't edit your own posts), but it turned out that way because of a restructuring of the forum that was done since the last time that very rare and special usergroup was ever used.

You ARE being admonished, for being a repeated Filthy Fucking Liar. Just not being admonished by being banned from the Pundit's forum.

QuoteIf it is an error, then why not even a cursory apology and a simple statement - too the effect of "Sorry, it was just a technical error - sorry for the inconvenience"?  

If you'd acted like an adult in response, instead of your whiny bitchy little PM that you then LIED about in public pretending that it was reasonable and explained the problem, you might have warranted an apology. Now you warrant rampant mockery.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: RPGPundit on January 18, 2018, 12:22:50 PM
Quote from: TrippyHippy;1020363Ah, here we are. You own tactics come to bear again - straight to the profanity, the aggression, the denial, and the reversal of accusation to cover your own back.

You are a sneering coward, a liar, a racist, a misogynist, a self-deluded fantasist, a narcissist, a sociopath and creep (who likes to fetishise fat lesbians, apparently). And above all, your own apoplectic arrogance and fanaticism also decry that one important aspect that underlies everything: your deep seated fear that you are losing control.

Go to hell, you pathetic little man.

Answer the question, bitch: are the MAJORITY of the Migrants coming to Europe:

a) Toddlers

b) Young Adult Single Men of Fit and Fighting age?
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: RPGPundit on January 18, 2018, 12:25:38 PM
Quote from: TrippyHippy;1020367Straight from the horses mouth. You have CENSORED an image for political reasons. Red handed admission of guilt.

No, I corrected you. I edited out your picture for an ACCURATE one.

Unless you were intentionally LYING. You claimed that 2 year old drowned by his own family's stupidity was 'representative' of the Muslim Migrants.

So, choose your answer now:

a) I accidentally believed that he was somehow representative but now know that the majority of Migrants are adult single men of fit and fighting age.

b) I knew that the majority of muslim migrants sweeping into Europe were not 2-year olds and am a Filthy Fucking Liar.

Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: TrippyHippy on January 18, 2018, 12:27:19 PM
Quote from: RPGPundit;1020370The error was that my putting you in the Restricted Regular User group (a group for especially bothersome posters that don't quite qualify for banning yet but need to be taught severe lessons; a group that before this, I only ever had cause to put two other people into in the entire 10-year history of the site) caused you to be unable to post to the RPGPundit's Forum. This was not the original intent of that usergroup (the intent was to make it so that you couldn't edit your own posts), but it turned out that way because of a restructuring of the forum that was done since the last time that very rare and special usergroup was ever used.
Your 'error' was in censoring me - and being caught out on it.

QuoteYou ARE being admonished, for being a repeated Filthy Fucking Liar. Just not being admonished by being banned from the Pundit's forum.
You have got nothing you can attack me with you arrogant fool. I don't care what you do now. I didn't care before. You are simply failing to deal with your own anger of having been exposed for what you are.

QuoteIf you'd acted like an adult in response, instead of your whiny bitchy little PM that you then LIED about in public pretending that it was reasonable and explained the problem, you might have warranted an apology. Now you warrant rampant mockery.
Part of the course on your pathetic little echochamber. You have nothing on me. You are weak, disgusting little worm who has lost. Get over it, child.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: S'mon on January 18, 2018, 12:41:06 PM
Quote from: RPGPundit;1020355The dead child that would have been representative of what is happening in Europe would be the 11 year old Swedish girl torn in half by a Jihadi lunatic.

Which (incredibly horrible, ugh) pic was of course 'banned' by the mainstream media - it didn't fit their (& Trippy's) disgusting & mendacious narrative.

Edit: I see Trippy actually (he says) works for one of the organisations responsible for helping terrorists get to Europe so they can slaughter innocents like that Swedish girl, who was literally ripped in half because of people like him (and the Neocons who turned the ME into a disaster zone to start with, thus giving the NGO-SJWs like Trippy a supply of migrants to attack Europe with). :mad: :mad:
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: TrippyHippy on January 18, 2018, 12:44:48 PM
Quote from: S'mon;1020377Which (incredibly horrible, ugh) pic was of course 'banned' by the mainstream media - it didn't fit their (& Trippy's) disgusting & mendacious narrative.

It was not banned by any mainstream media. It was on the headlines of every major media source. Persisting with lies do not make them true. (
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: Nexus on January 18, 2018, 12:49:45 PM
Quote from: TrippyHippy;1020215This seems to be the ongoing tactic on this thread currently, so I shall share some internal messages below:

I will also say that when I was blocked I received no explanation or communication whatsoever. When I sent my Private Message to Pundit it was exactly in that light. I frankly do not except some random technical glitch. I was blocked for days, until complaints were raised.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: RPGPundit on January 18, 2018, 12:54:05 PM
Quote from: TrippyHippy;1020373Part of the course on your pathetic little echochamber. You have nothing on me. You are weak, disgusting little worm who has lost. Get over it, child.

So, choose your answer now:

a) I accidentally believed that he was somehow representative but now know that the majority of Migrants are adult single men of fit and fighting age.

b) I knew that the majority of muslim migrants sweeping into Europe were not 2-year olds and am a Filthy Fucking Liar.

Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: TrippyHippy on January 18, 2018, 01:00:05 PM
Quote from: RPGPundit;1020384ANSWER IT.
I'm not answering nothing to you now, especially not to allow you a platform to espouse more ignorant, racist propaganda. You can save that for your own disgusting hole of a subforum.

Everytime you do so, incidentally, merely proves your intent to censor me for political reasons. Again and again.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: Nexus on January 18, 2018, 01:03:49 PM
Pundit, you are the most craven, bullshit spewing blowhard narrsiscistic peice of shit that I've ever had the misfortune to step in. And now its time to scrap you off my shoe and rape-shower the stink of the dung pile you wallow in off.

Seriously fuck this shit hole. I'll take RPG. net any day over this nest of limp dicked wanna be "Manly man" that shit their pants if anyone challenges their imaginary machismo and live by sucking the shriveled nicotine stained cock of some pseudo intellectual canuck hiding his cowardly ass in Uruguay because he has the laughable idea anyone actually gives a fuck; raging against their increasing irrelevance like old men shouting at clouds. Sorry about time progressing past 1975, you poor backwards white mutherfuckers, but enjoy the circle jerking and kept the rimjobs for Pundit, ya big old Basket of Deplorables

Peace out, from the Storygaming Leftist :D
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: S'mon on January 18, 2018, 01:07:33 PM
Quote from: TrippyHippy;1020380It was not banned by any mainstream media. It was on the headlines of every major media source. Persisting with lies do not make them true. (

You fool! I was talking about the picture of the Swedish girl ripped apart by an Islamic Truck Attack! With her guts spilled all over the pavement. That pic was suppressed, like countless others that show the aftermath of Jihad terrorism in Europe. Not YOUR picture, the staged one endlessly promoted around the world!
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: RPGPundit on January 18, 2018, 01:07:48 PM
Quote from: TrippyHippy;1020388I'm not answering nothing to you now, especially not to allow you a platform to espouse more ignorant, racist propaganda. You can save that for your own disgusting hole of a subforum.

Everytime you do so, incidentally, merely proves your intent to censor me for political reasons. Again and again.

So you're admitting that you're a Filthy Fucking Liar, then?
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: RPGPundit on January 18, 2018, 01:11:04 PM
Quote from: Nexus;1020391Pundit, you are the most craven, bullshit spewing blowhard narrsiscistic peice of shit that I've ever had the misfortune to step in. And now its time to scrap you off my shoe and rape-shower the stink of the dung pile you wallow in off.

Seriously fuck this shit hole. I'll take RPG. net any day over this nest of limp dicked wanna be "Manly man" that shit their pants if anyone challenges their imaginary machismo and live by sucking the shriveled nicotine stained cock of some pseudo intellectual canuck hiding his cowardly ass in Uruguay because he has the laughable idea anyone actually gives a fuck; raging against their increasing irrelevance like old men shouting at clouds. Sorry about time progressing past 1975, you poor backwards white mutherfuckers, but enjoy the circle jerking and kept the rimjobs for Pundit, ya big old Basket of Deplorables

Peace out, from the Storygaming Leftist :D

Wow, it looks like one simple question is causing everyone to RUN AWAY LIKE FUCKING COWARDS rather than have the balls to answer it.  

Well, bye.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: S'mon on January 18, 2018, 01:18:00 PM
Quote from: Nexus;1020391you poor backwards white mutherfuckers

"Only white people can be racist", LOL.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: TrippyHippy on January 18, 2018, 01:20:21 PM
Quote from: RPGPundit;1020394So you're admitting that you're a Filthy Fucking Liar, then?
How anybody can interpret my words as meaning that without having a severe cognitive impairment is beyond me. You can try the reverse-bluff tactic all you want. You have proven your lack of credibility by your own words here.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: TrippyHippy on January 18, 2018, 01:21:10 PM
Quote from: RPGPundit;1020395Wow, it looks like one simple question is causing everyone to RUN AWAY LIKE FUCKING COWARDS rather than have the balls to answer it.  

Well, bye.
You mean they look like they are abandoning a sinking ship. You are a loser, and you know it.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: RPGPundit on January 18, 2018, 01:26:20 PM
Quote from: TrippyHippy;1020397How anybody can interpret my words as meaning that without having a severe cognitive impairment is beyond me. You can try the reverse-bluff tactic all you want. You have proven your lack of credibility by your own words here.

Answer the question, or you'll be banned for site disruption. All you need to do is come clean: are most Muslim migrants to Europe toddlers? Or young adult males of fit fighting age?
Did you know that when you posted the dead toddler whose father's greed killed him? In which case, wouldn't that make you a Filthy Fucking Liar?
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: TrippyHippy on January 18, 2018, 02:08:34 PM
Quote from: RPGPundit;1020400Answer the question, or you'll be banned for site disruption.
Go to hell, I said. I'm not giving you a platform to continue your political propaganda and lies. Save it for your own abortion of a subforum - don't you even know the rules of your own site?!

You will be banning me for exactly the same reason as before: politicised censorship. It's other people's ideas you hate, and you want to control your own political narrative by surrounding yourself in sycophants and morons who don't mind going along with your views, regardless. The only reason you've ever allowed other people into your site is in the conceit that you are a 'champion of free speech' as part of an inferiority complex about, and you are arrogant enough to think that they can be just worn down and beaten into submission by you're own machismo and that of your lickspittle dogs. You threaten me now with banning because it is too 'disruptive' to have anybody that challenges that illusion.  

"You'll get banned". That's really all you've got left isn't it?

Well, you missed the context of this entire transcript again, haven't you? You think I'd want to carry on posting on this worthless site?!

To think I ever defended you against charges of being a Nazi! You are a liar, a coward, a hypocrite, a racist, a misogynist, a bigot, a fantasist, a narcissist, a loudmouth and a fool. Are you a Nazi? Well no, technically as you weren't a member of that party. What label to give you then is up to you but, whatever you are, I've shit better things out with a stomach upset.

You want to ban me? Too late, I've left already, you tool.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: Doom on January 18, 2018, 02:22:35 PM
Well, one can certainly hope that's the end of it.

Pundy, please realize you're dealing with a mental disorder here. These people can be pitied...but can't be argued with rationally.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: RPGPundit on January 18, 2018, 02:29:52 PM
Quote from: TrippyHippy;1020410Go to hell, I said. I'm not giving you a platform to continue your political propaganda and lies. Save it for your own abortion of a subforum - don't you even know the rules of your own site?!

You will be banning me for exactly the same reason as before: politicised censorship.

Nope, I'll be banning you for refusing to answer a direct moderator question, to ascertain your motivation for posting the picture you did.

Last chance, Bitch.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: Headless on January 18, 2018, 02:55:22 PM
Did Trippy change his tag line?  I don't think so.  I think you did that Pundit.  I might be wrong.  But if you did that you need to make clear those are your words not his.  Forcing him to say what you want, is worse than banning him or restricting what he can say.  

Its attached to everyone of his posts.

Also preventing people from speaking who won't say what you want is censorship.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: Doom on January 18, 2018, 03:14:30 PM
Quote from: Headless;1020420Did Trippy change his tag line?  I don't think so.  I think you did that Pundit.  I might be wrong.  But if you did that you need to make clear those are your words not his.  Forcing him to say what you want, is worse than banning him or restricting what he can say.  

Its attached to everyone of his posts.

Also preventing people from speaking who won't say what you want is censorship.

Yeah, and we know how strongly Trippy feels about mis-attributing quotes the person involved probably never said, too.

That said, to be fair, your answer options are a bit loaded there, Pundy. I agree with you that many European leaders had effectively destroyed their countries by allowing in an invasion force, but there is more than one answer to your question beyond the two answers you've provided...but perhaps a different thread for that.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: TrippyHippy on January 18, 2018, 03:21:07 PM
I didn't change it. Its more of Pundit's lies, and a cheap shot that demonstrates, yet again, his own lack of integrity.

As is pretending that he can construct a framed, red herring question as some contrived reason for banning, merely to perpetuate his arguments and provide a face-saving smokescreen against the truth. To address those loaded questions:

The image was originally posted because it challenged Pundit's political assertion that "hordes of savages that descended on Europe at Frau Merkel's invitation". It challenged this narrative for the simple reason that European leaders were responding to a humanitarian crisis and indeed, and that photo was a direct influence on the decisions made. The same point has been made in all those media outlets, around the world, who published it before: ( ( ( (

The point of whether the child is representative of adult asylum seekers is irrelevant and misleading. The point was that the image was censored because Pundit disagreed with what the photo stood for, politically. It was a politically motivated decision to censor it, and it is a lie to claim it wasn't seeing that he openly stated this fact on this very thread.

Oh, and its interesting to see how people react when they think you've posted your last post. The old grave-dancing act never gets old. Doom, it looks like you could lose some weight.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: jeff37923 on January 18, 2018, 03:34:53 PM
So, whoever is left from TrippyHippy, Nexus, and Voros; what was the point of this little melodrama that you three have enacted? What were you three trying to achieve?
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: S'mon on January 18, 2018, 03:38:26 PM
Quote from: TrippyHippy;1020425The image was originally posted because it challenged Pundit's political assertion that "hordes of savages that descended on Europe at Frau Merkel's invitation". It challenged this narrative for the simple reason that European leaders were responding to a humanitarian crisis and indeed, and that photo was a direct influence on the decisions made.

The staged picture (the Turkish photographer admitted he'd staged it, though it was already obvious to anyone who's seen a drowning victim IRL) certainly was a direct influence on the decisions made. It created the media hysteria that enabled Merkel to open the floodgates and drown Europe in the very "hordes of savages that descended on Europe at Frau Merkel's invitation". The picture came first, a thousand women assaulted and raped by Merkel's horde at Cologne train station came 6 months later.

So your use of the picture was mendacious and I can see why you've successfully triggered Pundit so badly.

Edit: I can hardly believe I'm arguing over in Pundit Forum that Trippy shouldn't be banned... c'est la vie...
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: TrippyHippy on January 18, 2018, 03:56:01 PM
Quote from: S'mon;1020431The staged picture (the Turkish photographer admitted he'd staged it, though it was already obvious to anyone who's seen a drowning victim IRL) certainly was a direct influence on the decisions made. It created the media hysteria that enabled Merkel to open the floodgates and drown Europe in the very "hordes of savages that descended on Europe at Frau Merkel's invitation". The picture came first, a thousand women assaulted and raped by Merkel's horde at Cologne train station came 6 months later.

So your use of the picture was mendacious and I can see why you've successfully triggered Pundit so badly.
The picture was not mendacious. It was entirely relevant to both the language being used, and the direct point about the motivation of Merkel's "invitation". The photo was a direct motivation. If you have your own political viewpoint about that photo and its impact, then that is up to you, but if Pundit removed it because he was 'triggered' then again, it proves that it was politically motivated censorship.

People can be triggered by all sorts of things, but this is another smokescreen - the image has been widely circulated for years and Pundit has posted many 'emotive' images of his own in the past to support his own political views and prides in trolling 'SJWs', 'snowflakes' and the like with his deliberately provocative articles. If he's 'triggered' from this image, then he's a hypocrite.

Don't worry about defending me S'mon against banning. I don't care. This thread is pretty much the only place I am posting on still and will not be continuing after it ends. There are other forums welcoming me in. I will say that at least you've shown consistency in your views, even if I vehemently disagree with them. I'll give you some Kudos for that at least.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: jeff37923 on January 18, 2018, 03:59:38 PM
Quote from: TrippyHippy;1020433The picture was not mendacious. It was entirely relevant to both the language being used, and the direct point about the motivation of Merkel's "invitation". The photo was a direct motivation. If you have your own political viewpoint about that photo and its impact, then that is up to you, but if Pundit removed it because he was 'triggered' then again, it proves that it was politically motivated censorship.

People can be triggered by all sorts of things, but this is another smokescreen - the image has been widely circulated for years and Pundit has posted many 'emotive' images of his own in the past to support his own political views and prides in trolling 'SJWs', 'snowflakes' and the like with his deliberately provocative articles. If he's 'triggered' from this image, then he's a hypocrite.

Don't worry about defending me S'mon against banning. I don't care. This thread is pretty much the only place I am posting on still and will not be continuing after it ends. There are other forums welcoming me in. I will say that at least you've shown consistency in your views, even if I vehemently disagree with them. I'll give you some Kudos for that at least.

So all of this is just you, Nexus, and Voros flopping around like fish out of water in an effort to "shame" Pundit?
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: RPGPundit on January 18, 2018, 04:04:07 PM
Quote from: Headless;1020420Did Trippy change his tag line?  I don't think so.  I think you did that Pundit.  I might be wrong.  But if you did that you need to make clear those are your words not his.  Forcing him to say what you want, is worse than banning him or restricting what he can say.  

Its attached to everyone of his posts.

Fair enough. Attributed.

QuoteAlso preventing people from speaking who won't say what you want is censorship.

I'm asking him a question, for him to clarify. His refusal to do so proves that he knows the smarminess of what he did.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: RPGPundit on January 18, 2018, 04:06:18 PM
Well, I gave him every opportunity.

He was constantly shitposting all over the Pundit's forum.  He posted shit political propaganda. But I still gave him a way out.

Then he went and lied about his his private message to me. When I posted that message in full to prove him a liar he kept right on lying.

He refused to answer a direct question from the admin.

He's just not worth my time at this point. He's made it obvious he has no interest in this site other than to engage in political flame-warfare. We don't need that here.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: S'mon on January 18, 2018, 04:24:00 PM
Quote from: TrippyHippy;1020433Don't worry about defending me S'mon against banning. I don't care. This thread is pretty much the only place I am posting on still and will not be continuing after it ends. There are other forums welcoming me in. I will say that at least you've shown consistency in your views, even if I vehemently disagree with them. I'll give you some Kudos for that at least.

Er, thanks, Trippy! *thumbs up* :D

edit: too late, ah well.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: Voros on January 18, 2018, 05:26:19 PM
Quote from: jeff37923;1020316If you only knew how funny I find this statement.

Jeff you've never once disagreed with Pundit on a single thing, I've seen you argue one side of an argument and then flip completely when Pundit posted in favour of the other side.

You pretend to be a big tough take no shit opinion-monger (pathetic enough) but in fact you desperately crave the approval of the regular posters here like an insecure junior high school kid.

Now go take those pills you need to keep the voices away and remember to pick up your government cheque so you can pay your bills on time.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: jeff37923 on January 18, 2018, 05:29:29 PM
Quote from: Voros;1020470Jeff you've never once disagreed with Pundit on a single thing, I've seen you argue one side of an argument and then flip completely when Pundit posted in favour of the other side.

Show some links proving this. Got any?

Quote from: Voros;1020470You pretend to be a big tough take no shit opinion-monger (pathetic enough) but in fact you desperately crave the approval of the regular posters here like an insecure junior high school kid.

Now go take those pills you need to keep the voices away and remember to pick up your government cheque so you can pay your bills on time.

And the fish just keep floppin' around.

Are you ever going to tell us what your goal was in doing all this?
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: Voros on January 18, 2018, 05:30:52 PM
Quote from: S'mon;1020431The staged picture (the Turkish photographer admitted he'd staged it, though it was already obvious to anyone who's seen a drowning victim IRL) certainly was a direct influence on the decisions made. It created the media hysteria that enabled Merkel to open the floodgates and drown Europe in the very "hordes of savages that descended on Europe at Frau Merkel's invitation". The picture came first, a thousand women assaulted and raped by Merkel's horde at Cologne train station came 6 months later.

So your use of the picture was mendacious and I can see why you've successfully triggered Pundit so badly.

Edit: I can hardly believe I'm arguing over in Pundit Forum that Trippy shouldn't be banned... c'est la vie...

There is not a single legitimate source that 'proves' the photo is staged or even makes that claim.

You obviously read that on the same 'alternative news' sitestor YT channels that so many of the paranoid and deluded here frequent.

It is a common tactic on the far right (the holocaust, the supposed rape epidemic in Sweden) and left (9/11, the holocaust too!) to simply declare politically troubling material 'false' out of hand. It is this stance that allows them to say that something is true and yet even if untrue it is still 'objectively true' (the recent Trump respomse to the far right videos he tweeted are a casebook example of that thinking). Orwell notes this as a shared tactic of the fascists and Stalinists. The politically paranoid live in a closed  loop where any contradictory evidence is part of the wider conspiracy.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: Voros on January 18, 2018, 05:37:50 PM
Quote from: jeff37923;1020472Show some links proving this. Got any?

And the fish just keep floppin' around.

Are you ever going to tell us what your goal was in doing all this?

As you should know shitstain it is impossible to search Pundency. I called you out when you did it but I realize that without your meds your memory is swiss cheese.

'My goal' in 'doing all this'? Asking a question why a widely distributed photo is a step too far for Pundit, the guy who has openly called for the rape of those he considers political enemies? Who posted (rightly) videos of people getting their heads near bashed in by Antifa? Yet he didn't need to put any warnings on those videos, I wonder why?

The hypocrisy is obvious to anyone not on 'the team' here.

That simply asking a question and daring to challenge the Admin here is considered some kind of shitstorm says it all. How dare we question a decision of the mods. We weren't causing a fuss it is the pack of shitstained jackals around Pundit who have been braying and screaming.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: Voros on January 18, 2018, 05:38:57 PM
Quote from: S'mon;1020447Er, thanks, Trippy! *thumbs up* :D

edit: too late, ah well.

Trippyhippy won't be the last to leave RPGSite for greener pastures. History is truly repeating itself, one more reason this place is now TBP for the right.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: Nexus on January 18, 2018, 05:57:45 PM
Quote from: Voros;1020479Trippyhippy won't be the last to leave RPGSite for greener pastures. History is truly repeating itself, one more reason this place is now TBP for the right.

Which has apparently been the goal. But the student has surpassed the master. The most galling part is I defended this place and its owner before. But I've learned the hard even if you find the base society distasteful that doesn't mean its gulag is any better.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: S'mon on January 18, 2018, 06:24:15 PM
Quote from: Voros;1020473It is a common tactic on the far right (the holocaust, the supposed rape epidemic in Sweden) and left (9/11, the holocaust too!) to simply declare politically troubling material 'false' out of hand.

Your examples seem a bit mixed up to me.

Holocaust - Far Right claims didn't happen. Often they take a synecdoche approach where eg Auschwitz-Birkenau is made to stand in for the entire Holocaust, and attack a straw man.  But I've never seen the Far Left deny the Nazi Holocaust. Islamists do, but they are only allied with the Far Left, they're not Far Left themselves - indeed they get a lot of inspiration from Hitler & co.
Surely the Far Left view is that all whites/Germans/conservatives etc are guilty of the Holocaust, could do it again at any time, and must be punished/repressed accordingly?

Rape epidemic in Sweden (Sweden, Rape Capital of Europe) - hmm, well the reports are true, but there is an argument that the Swedish definition of rape is very broad and may well skew the figures.

9/11 - claims that 9/11 was a CIA/Mossad job seem to derive mostly from the Far Right, though quite ordinary Arabs I've met also seem to believe this (one got rather annoyed when she'd said: "Arabs could never do something like that!" and I replied "What, you don't think they have the competence?") :p
Personally I've not seen the secular Far Left ever claim this, but I can believe it - what do they say? CIA? Cheney conspiring war-for-oil?
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: Voros on January 18, 2018, 06:35:05 PM
Quote from: S'mon;1020499Your examples seem a bit mixed up to me.

Holocaust - Far Right claims didn't happen. Often they take a synecdoche approach where eg Auschwitz-Birkenau is made to stand in for the entire Holocaust, and attack a straw man.  But I've never seen the Far Left deny the Nazi Holocaust.

Oh I have. There is a stream of the far left that are as anti-semitic as the far right. Usually it is around Israel or the evils of capitalism/bankers that lead them down that path. Admittedly when you travel far enough to the fringes it is hard to keep one paranoid conspiracy theory seperate from the other. They start to blur, kinda how some of the Italian fascists expressed admiration of the Leninists in Russia and vice versa.

One public example of far-left holocaust denial was in the last election in Canada a Green party candidate was exposed as having released a holocaust denial video on YT.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: S'mon on January 18, 2018, 06:37:39 PM
Quote from: S'mon;1020499Islamists do, but they are only allied with the Far Left

Actually that alliance is pretty much completely over. In the Syrian Civil War the European Far Left quite rightly allied with the secular Socialist/Communist Kurds against the Sunni Islamists of Daesh & Al Qaeda. Those that didn't (because the Kurds are allied with Israel, and they hate Israel too much) allied with Assad's Syria. Either way, the close alliance of the early 21st century is over.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: S'mon on January 18, 2018, 06:44:50 PM
Quote from: Voros;1020502Oh I have. There is a stream of the far left that are as anti-semitic as the far right. Usually it is around Israel or the evils of capitalism/bankers that lead them down that path. Admittedly when you travel far enough to the fringes it is hard to keep one paranoid conspiracy theory seperate from the other. They start to blur, kinda how some of the Italian fascists expressed admiration of the Leninists in Russia and vice versa.

One public example of far-left holocaust denial was in the last election in Canada a Green party candidate was exposed as having released a holocaust denial video on YT.

I guess at that point they are basically indistinguishable from the Far Right.

But the mainstream Far Left position in Europe is to emphasise the Holocaust as a sin forever damning all Europeans, while also hating Israel as a Fascist State. Israel is seen as a white colonial oppressor state, like apartheid South Africa. The Far Left usually try to avoid explicit anti-Semitism IME, since that's supposed to be a sin they're attacking the Right for. And some Far Left are Jewish of course, though that seems less common now.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: Voros on January 18, 2018, 06:49:24 PM
Yeah but people forget that the Left use to be big supporters of Israel. And of course there is a pretty significant Left in Israel, by being so OTT pro-Palestinian much of the Western Left has stranded the Israeli Left. That isn't good for Israeli democracy which is increasingly drifting towards religous extremism, authoritarism and cronyism.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: S'mon on January 18, 2018, 06:53:17 PM
Quote from: Voros;1020506That isn't good for Israeli democracy which is increasingly drifting towards religous extremism, authoritarism and cronyism.

Yeah, I nearly posted that to be fair to the anti-Israel Far Left who call Israel a Fascist State, Likud is a bit Fashy... I don't mind them building a border fence, but I wish they'd at least ease off with the constant bombing/missile attacks on Lebanon & Syria.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: Voros on January 18, 2018, 06:58:17 PM
The problem is that the extremists on both sides can derail any progress whenever they want by blowing up a bus or shooting someone in the street. That always gives the advantage to the hardcore nationalists on both sides. Hard to see how it will ever resolve, but they eventually stopped shooting each other in Ireland so you never know...
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: brettmb on January 18, 2018, 07:01:23 PM
Help desk is not for political discussion. Closed.
Title: Making comments without allowing for right of reply and then blocking the thread.
Post by: RPGPundit on January 18, 2018, 08:05:05 PM
Quote from: Nexus;1020491Which has apparently been the goal. But the student has surpassed the master. The most galling part is I defended this place and its owner before. But I've learned the hard even if you find the base society distasteful that doesn't mean its gulag is any better.

And yet you talk shit about me and are still here. Trippy literally spent years talking shit about me and was still here, until he decided he could lie about private messages and didn't have to listen to an admin when given a direct question.