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Let's Show Some Support

Started by Bullitt, March 05, 2006, 09:29:45 PM

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I signed up thanks to your heads-up.

The site's kinda evidently a Nothingland child right from the get-go... "reactionary" is the term I would use.  Still, it's refreshing to find a new place with a new crowd.

Looking forward to what may come.


Quote from: RoudiI signed up thanks to your heads-up.

The site's kinda evidently a Nothingland child right from the get-go... "reactionary" is the term I would use.

Not actually true, appearances are deceiving in this case. The administrators of this site were working on it well before Nothingland went down. While it's lineage does lead back to Nothingland, it's purpose is definitely something different.


well then, the cat's officially been let out of the bag.  ;)  welcome!  :)

Quote from: RoudiThe site's kinda evidently a Nothingland child right from the get-go... "reactionary" is the term I would use.  Still, it's refreshing to find a new place with a new crowd.

in a sense, yes, as it was birthed from nothingland's phoenix ashes... many members moved over here and the majority of our members are (obviously, from a casual glance at the member list) members of the former NTL site.

in fact however, you'll find the general tone quite different from NTL in a lot of ways, and even i had to be schooled on how different it is.  :D
don't quote me on that.  :)

Visit the Creature Catalog for all your D&D 3E monster needs!  :)


Quote from: BOZwell then, the cat's officially been let out of the bag.  ;)  welcome!  :)

Well, the cat's been out of the bag for a while. I'm not even one of the admins - just someone who is friends with them and wants to see the site pick up steam.

Good to see you here Boz.

Guest (Deleted)

Quote from: BOZin a sense, yes, as it was birthed from nothingland's phoenix ashes... many members moved over here and the majority of our members are (obviously, from a casual glance at the member list) members of the former NTL site.

in fact however, you'll find the general tone quite different from NTL in a lot of ways, and even i had to be schooled on how different it is.  :D

According to the Great Cthulu himself this site wasn't scheduled for launch until sometime this summer but events beyond the great old one's control lead to a premature birth. Hence many of the features the great old one had in mind aren't ready and won't be for a little while.

Now according to the Magna Carter this thread, while greatly appreciated, belongs along side everything else in the everything else forum since this isn't RPG related.


true dat.  growth is nice, but i was a bit leery about it growing too much too fast, so i didn't tell anyone yet.
don't quote me on that.  :)

Visit the Creature Catalog for all your D&D 3E monster needs!  :)


don't quote me on that.  :)

Visit the Creature Catalog for all your D&D 3E monster needs!  :)

Guest (Deleted)

This maybe?

Oh well, back to work. Firefox didn't take half the market share away from IE by talking trash, and the same applies here.  I have got to get the news/article system up and running ASAP.


does that count as the sort of bad press that we do want, or don't want?  ;)  or should little consideration be given to it either way?
don't quote me on that.  :)

Visit the Creature Catalog for all your D&D 3E monster needs!  :)

Guest (Deleted)

Do you still believe words mean anything, or do you realize that actions speak louder than words? Do you understand that those who talk the prettiest often commit the foulest of actions away from prying eyes?


um, yes?  :)  er, no.  i'm not sure.  :(
don't quote me on that.  :)

Visit the Creature Catalog for all your D&D 3E monster needs!  :)


heh, no, i get what you mean.  i'm not referring to Morrus closing the thread, i mean the thread existing in the first place, then quickly degenerating into a flamewar over nothing, with folks from a third set of forums egging it on, resulting in the thread closing before it really accomplishes any purpose other than making some self-righteous folks pissed off and maybe a small number of folks take an objective look at the site.

does that help us, harm us, or should we not care one way or the other?
don't quote me on that.  :)

Visit the Creature Catalog for all your D&D 3E monster needs!  :)


LOL!  Bullitt got banned for starting the thread.

"I Am Become Death, Destroyer Of Worlds"