
The Lounge => Help Desk => Topic started by: TrippyHippy on January 17, 2018, 12:43:38 PM

Title: I have had access to RPGPundit's subforums blocked.
Post by: TrippyHippy on January 17, 2018, 12:43:38 PM
I have no access to Pundit's forums (and some other forums like the Amber Diceless one). They do not appear on the forum list for me. I have logged out and back in, several times, and apparently the cookies are cleared. I don't have access to do anything else with my account settings. It also looks like I have no ability to do things like edit my own posts, either, anymore.

Considering that this block occurred during a heated exchange about politics with Pundit, my feeling is that it is censorship. I have had no explanation from Pundit himself after requesting one (politely) in a Private Message. It's not my website, and I respect the rules presented to me in any forum. If the owners of the site don't want me to post here, then I won't. It does seem incongruent with the frequently expressed policy of free-speech, however.

For the record, I make absolutely no apology, whatsoever, for what was said by myself during that exchange. I stand by it all.
Title: I have had access to RPGPundit's subforums blocked.
Post by: brettmb on January 17, 2018, 01:25:39 PM
I normally don't get involved in these petty squabbles here, but...

1) Why would you post a picture of a dead child? That is horrible. I don't want to see that, nor do I think most people.

2) This is a site for RPG discussion. Post about RPGs rather than politics. Why would anyone want to see this site devolve into's Tangency.

3) RPGPundit's forum is his personal forum. He can do whatever he wants there. If you don't like that, stick to the RPG forums. Pretty simple.

4) Your access to RPGPundit's forum should be back, but may be changed again to restrict your access to that forum after that horrible posting. Any other loss of access was purely accidental due to some of the forum's settings.

5) I have nothing against you personally, but I will reiterate: do not post pictures of dead children, post more RPG-related stuff, and don't worry about RPGPundit's forum.
Title: I have had access to RPGPundit's subforums blocked.
Post by: RPGPundit on January 17, 2018, 06:39:15 PM
For the record, THIS was the complete text of the only private message Trippyhippy sent me:

QuoteWell, I guess I found your buttons.

You have a perfect right to control your own forums, and I do respect that. It would be gallant for you to explain your reasons, regardless.

Have a better one,

Trippy Hippy

As you can see, there was NO explanation of what his technical problem was, and it was not "polite" but intensely passive-aggressive.