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[Mythweaver: Legacy] Mount Brim's Lower Halls

Started by mtdesing, July 26, 2012, 11:10:42 PM

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Having successfully defeated my dragon (and survived the final rounds of playtesting into the publication of the current incarnation of my fantasy rules, Mythweaver: Legacy), these heroes were deserving of a new thread. I would continue the old one, but it has the wrong game name in the title. That's just silly.

Here are my four heroes, fully updated for the Mythweaver: Legacy rules as published. I re-worked Scab a little to get him to fit within the new rules (and based on changes I made to Orks in the final editing process).

Aldarra (40 CPs) Lawful Chosen Human Defender 4
War mace (att +4/dmg +7); sling (att +4/dmg +3/ range 7); Evade +2; Soak D12+3
Armor +3; Arms +3; Intuition +1; Might +2; Prowess +4; Resolve +6 (9 CPs/ +1 racial shift); Shields +4
Banish Unhallowed (+2); Healing Word (+2); Stunning Word (+2); Limitation: Vow to never use blades (-2)
Potion of healing +3; war mace +3; chainmail armor +3; shield +4; pack +1; 275 gold coins; 2,000 silver coins
As a cleric of Yahalla, Aldarra carries light and law amid the darkness and chaos pervading the realm.

Mimsby (40 CPs) Lawful Forge Gnome Magician 4
Bolt (att +7/dmg +5/range 7); Evade +3; Soak D6
Arcane Bolt +7 (eldritch); Intuition +2; Lore +5 (6 CPs/+1 racial shift); Resolve +2
Charm (+2); Energize Weapon (+2); Life Tap (+2); Mage Armor (+2); Reflective Armor (+2); Limitation: Enmity with the Flame Sorcerers of the East (-2)
Potion of Healing +3; spellbook; pack +1; 275 gold coins; 2,000 silver coins
A fallen apprentice of the Flame Sorcerers, Mimsby turned against the order when he learned of its cruel nature.

Scab (40 CPs/55 wounds) Neutral Bloodstone Ork Fighter 4
Great sword (hit +7/dmg +9); Evade +3; Soak D6+7
Armor +3; Arms +5; Intuition +1; Might +3; Prowess +6; Resolve +2; Toughness +3 (2 CPs/ +1 racial shift)
Weapon Specialist, Swords (+2); Two Handed (+2); Limitation: Vow never to stand down (-2)
Potion of Healing +3; great sword +5; pack +1; 275 gold coins; Kurlik's Infernal Armor +5/+2 (4 points of flame reflective armor on each hit he sustains)
A veteran of the various wars of the Iron Ridge Mountains, Scab prides himself on never backing down from a challenge.

Tashya (40 CPs) Neutral Dusk Elf Rogue 4
Bow (att +6/dmg +3/range 9); Evade +4; Soak D12+2
Armor +2; Arms +3; Burglary +3; Intuition +3; Prowess +6; Resolve +2; Stealth +5 (6 CPs/ +1 racial shift)
Backstab (+2); Enmity: Neshin Ruh and his assassin's network (-2)
Potion of Healing +3; bow +3; studded armor +2; pack +1; 275 gold coins; 2,000 silver coins
A former apprentice of Neshin Ruh, Tashya has set out to make her own name beyond the brotherhood she once served.

They are now going to delve the lower halls of Mount Brim (I'm assuming that they've already been successful in navigating its upper halls, even though I ran only a handful of encounters there - I have more fun with them at this level), and they set out to explore beyond one of the chambers adjacent to the dragon's lair...

Traveling through the eastern archway, they find a hallway with a loose-packed dirt floor. Although Aldarra considers using a Resolve point to cast her detect evil, she expects that there is evil all around (she's pretty much right), and is concerned about using a Resolve point that she could need later. She saves it for now... the marching order is Scab/Tashya/Mimsby/Aldarra.

Once the first member of the group (Scab), reaches the junction, the ghouls under their feet come to life. There are two barrows ghouls in each unit of the three leading up to the junction (6 total), making them a CL 8 group (and the heroes are CL 10, so they would be expected to handle this without too much trouble...).

The ghouls get to roll stealth (+3) vs. the heroes. I'm going to make an en masse action for the ghouls, and each hero rolls Intuition to resist. Those who fail go after the ghouls, who get to use the bonuses from Stealth (D6 to Evade instead of D12). The ghouls roll for stealth and get natural 12+3=15. Okay, maybe this encounter will be a little tougher than I expected... Aldarra rolls 5+1=6; Mimsby rolls 11+2=13; Scab rolls 4+1=5; Tashya rolls 5+3=8. All fail. Aldarra and Mimsby both consider spending Resolve to bump this up... it's actually mathematically impossible for Tashya to beat this roll even with Resolve (she has no ability rated +9 to add to it!), and Mimsby doesn't see any real point in it... he'd rather save the Resolve for when he really needs it.

The referee rules that two ghouls attack (en masse) both Scab and Tashya, and one each attacks Mimsby and Aldarra.

- Against Scab, the two ghouls roll 3+5+2 = 10 to hit, and Scab (rolling D6 since he's surprised) rolls 2+3=5 to Evade. They hit by +5. For damage, they roll 8+6+5=19 wounds. Scab rolls 5+7=12 to soak, suffering 7 wounds (now down to ONLY 48...) while each ghoul suffers 4 wounds from the reflective armor (now down to 21 each).
- Against Tashya, two ghouls roll 4+5+2=11 to hit, and Tashya rolls (D6 again) 1+4=5 to Evade. They hit by +6. For damage, they roll 4+6+6=16 wounds, and her armor only soaks 3+2=5; she suffers 11 wounds, now down to 29.
- Against Mimsby, the one ghoul rolls 6+5=11 to hit, and Mimsby rolls (D6 from surprise) 6+3=9. He considers the use of a Resolve point here... and decides against it. He can always use it later to recover the wounds if needed! It hits by +2. For damage, the ghoul rolls 5+6+2=13 wounds, and Mimsby soaks only 3; he suffers 10 wounds, now down to 30.
- Against Aldarra, one ghoul rolls 4+5=9 to hit, and Aldarra rolls 4+2=6 to Evade; she decides she will spend the Resolve point (since she has 6), and adds her Prowess +4 to the Evade, using her mace to beat back the hands of the ghoul.
- On Aldarra's turn, she uses her Banish Undead; she uses a Resolve point to affect all of the ghouls, and plans to spend another to increase its effectiveness to utterly annihilate them all. She rolls 9+6=15 on the action, and spends 2 Resolve here (one to double her Resolve making the action 21, and another to affect all six of the ghouls). They have to roll to resist. The referee could roll for each one individually to resist, but decides to put all of their eggs in one basket. They roll to resist, getting 4+0=4 to resist, since they have neither Intuition or Lore, their result is 4; she scores 4 successes against them! She calls upon her holy power, and in a single shout annihilates all six ghouls.

Um. Wow.

Balance Issue? No, I don't think so. These were inferior foes, and she is uniquely built to fight this exact creature. This is her ideal situation.

Each hero earns 1 XP, and is ready to continue onward...

Design Note: I thought about making level modify resist rolls for Unhallowed vs. Banish Unhallowed, rather than Lore/Intuition, but decided ultimately to go the route I did because the game rarely uses level as a modifier to action/resist rolls, and I didn't want to create this mechanic just for this one situation. At the end of the day, these level 2 monsters would have been able to add +2 to the resist; and she still would have scored 4 successes and destroyed them utterly. They were so far outside the ballpark on their resist that it really didn't matter...